Tuesday 3 October 2017

JUS 524 Week 7 Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis

JUS 524 Week 7 Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis

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Develop a draft (750-1,000 words) of your Target Vulnerability Assessment, which will be a vital part of your final Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis. In this assignment, you will assess the vulnerabilities of the targets in Anytown, USA.
Considering the intelligence gathered on the terrorist group threatening Anytown, USA as well as the target assessment, address the following in this assignment:
1- What possible hostage situations could occur?
2- Why is it important to work with local government and the private sector? Which one would your plan use and what would you ask of them?
3- Identify how your plan will deal with any media issues.
4- What access to military and civilian law enforcement does Anytown have? How does your plan utilize them?
5- Provide rationale for your counterterrorism plan. Use module readings and data compiled on your terrorist group.
6- Describe the best possible and worst possible case scenarios.
Refer to the Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis assignment instructions, as needed.
The instructor will provide commentary on your draft, which you will then use as a basis for revising this section. The revised section will then become part of the complete Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis due in Module 8.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of paper content.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

Anytown, USA: Law Enforcement Tactical Threat Analysis

Scenario: Homeland Security has alerted the mayor of Anytown, USA about a possible terrorist attack. As police chief of Anytown, you are to compose your threat analysis for the mayor for counterterrorism purposes. This analysis will deal strictly with possible terrorist attacks on the Anytown community.
In this assignment, you will create and present a law enforcement tactical threat report based on your threat analysis of Anytown, USA using the data obtained from the simulation as well as outside research.
For a review of what a tactical threat analysis determines, review the “Law Enforcement Intelligence” guide, pages 83 and 151-153, located at .intellprogram.msu.edu/Carter_Intelligence_Guide.pdf”>http://www.intellprogram.msu.edu/Carter_Intelligence_Guide.pdf
To complete this analysis, do the following:
1) Gather and catalog data from the simulation for your final analysis. Data should include:
1.     a) History of Anytown
2.     b) Hazard assessment of community
3.     c) Vulnerabilities for both day and night scenarios
2) Focus on these most critical issues. Include the following:
1.     a) Threat Inventory and Assessment
2.     i) Background intelligence gathering on terrorists, including:
(1) Modus operandi
(2) Typical targets
(3) Common methods of attack
(4) Ideology
1.     b) Target Assessment
2.     i) Probable targets
(1) Blueprint layout information
(2) Inventory alert areas of targets
1.     c) Target Vulnerability
2.     i) Possible hostage situations
3.     ii) Working with local government and private sector
iii) Media issues
1.     iv) Possible military and civilian law enforcement response (Provide rationale for your counterterrorism plan)
3) Your report will include:
1.     a) Title page, including assignment title, name, date, instructor, and course number
2.     b) Purpose statement of 250 words, in which you justify your rationale for the threat analysis
3.     c) Three sections consisting of the following essays (directions for which are provided in other module assignments):
4.     i) Threat Inventory and Assessment Essay (750–1,000 words)
5.     ii) Target Assessment Essay (750–1,000 words)
iii) Target Vulnerability Essay (750–1,000 words)
1.     d) Conclusion of 250-500 words that reiterates the purpose of your analysis
4) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
1.     a) Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of paper content.
2.     b) Use sources other than Wikipedia, as it is not considered an acceptable source for use in academic writing.

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