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NR512 Week 4 Scavenger Hunt Latest 2017
W4_NR512 Second Life (SL) Scavenger Hunt Work Sheet
Student Name: Dorinda Ezell Avatar Name: Dvezellnr512
1. As you complete the Scavenger Hunt, please write your answers to the questions on this worksheet.
2. Save it as a MS Word document in the following format: YourName_NR512_ScavengerHunt
3. Upload the worksheet to the Drop Box in your course page by the end on Week 4 on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT.
Remember if you need assistance when you are in Second Life, please contact the Support Specialist
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4:00 am – 12:00 pm eastern time, Monday-Friday
10:00 am – 2:00 pm eastern time, Saturday-Sunday Phone Support:1-855-623-7013
9:00 am – 1:00 pm eastern Monday-Friday
3:00 pm – 9:00 pm eastern Monday-Friday
STATION 1 — Points Possible = 20
Find the ANA Code of Ethics book in the Medical Library; click and get the web link towww.nursingworld.org. Select from Provision 1, 2, or 3. Bring content from the Provision you selected – discuss and report on the Provision you selected here. Reference the Provision you will discuss here; cite in proper APA format.
As per the Code (ANA 2015) all registered nurses have a set of obligations and ethics that they have to follow. There are 9 prime responsibilities of the nurses with statements explaining the how these provisions are guided hereafter.
These provisions came by in a scenario of Mrs. Williams who was severely ill but her condition had not been spoken of to their family members as well. Two nurses taking care of this patient Keisha and Kyle broke the patient confidentiality clause and spoke about the condition of Mrs. William in an elevator openly while her daughter who was unaware of the condition heard about her mother and broke down.
“PROVISION 1: The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person” (Lachman, 2014 ).
“Respect for human dignity.”In this case we have two nurses who despite being compassionate and maintaining a good relationship with the patient they disrespected her privacy and did not pay heed to the need for confidentiality.
“Relationships with patients” The nurses were friendly in nature but not individuals to help build relationshipas they spoke indiscriminately about the patient in the elevator while the patients daughter heard upon them. This led to the relative getting anxious about the patient.
“Nature of health.”In retrospect the nurses prior to being off from duty should have ensured that the reports were delivered to the patients relatives. At the same time they should have made sure that the Doctor in charge and the surgeon had delivered the news of impending surgery and the worsening condition of Mrs. Williams to the family.
“The right to self-determination.”It was crucial after the results were out to ensure that the discussion regarding the surgery and thereafter about what best next step was possible for the patient and all pros and cons should have been well discussed.
American Nurses Association (ANA). (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD: Author.
Lachman, V. D., Swanson, E. O. C., &Winland-Brown, J. (2014). The New ‘Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive
Statements’ (2015): Practical Clinical Application, Part I.nursingworld.or/”>http://www.nursingworld.org
STATION 2 – Points Possible = 30
Go to the City Government building and locate the mayor. Click on him to get information about aabout a federal hurricane disaster plan disaster plan. Answer these 3 questions: Where will this plan be used? Who will oversee the plan?Where was it used most recently in 2013?Place your answers below and then continue to the next page of the worksheet to complete Station 2.
Good morning sir, I am Dorinda looking for a few answers regarding your disaster management program for a school scavenger hunt
1. Where will this plan be used? Post Hurricane
2. And who will oversee the plan? FEMA
3. Can you tell me where has it been used in the past? Hurricane Sandy in 2013 is the most successful illustration for this program.
STATION 2 – continued
Take picture/”selfie” with the mayor. To take a picture:choose your snapshot camera icon from your left toolbar. Then click on Save to Disk. Then from the highlighted green dropdown barchoose 320 x 240and then click SAVE. Remember to save the photograph to your desktop to easily locate it. Copy and paste your photo in the box on the next page.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
STATION 2 – copy and paste your picture in this box
STATION 3 – Points Possible = 30
Find the board room in the Hospital Administration Building. Click on the CEO to receive information on a new cardiac wing. Answer these two questions: Who is the donor and what are the two next steps for hospital board project? Place your answers below.
Greetings Sir, My Name is Dorinda and for a school project I need to gather data regarding the Cardiac wings put in place by your institution?
1. May I ask who is the Donor? The cardiac wing was created through anonymous donor.
2. What are the next two steps for hospital board project? We hope to target next the opening of the Cardiac Wing as the completion of the wing is due Jan 2017.
STATION 4 – Points Possible = 30
Locate the Smartroom in the Hospital/Urgent Care building. Find the patient sitting on the exam table; complete hand washing prior to interacting with the patient.
You are now going to assess the patient for newly diagnosed pre-hypertension. Your patient has just had his blood pressure taken. Click on the blood pressure cuff to get his blood pressure. What is your patient’s BP? Now click on your patient to get answers to the following questions: What is your diet? How many times a week do you exercise? Document your answers to ALL questions below.
BP: 130/90
Hello, I am Dorinda your nurse, I shall begin with checking your blood pressure followed by a couple of questions in regards to your diet and exercise so as to help you get it under control will that be fine with you?
1. What is your diet? Due to pressure issues my diet is that of low sodium consumption.
2. How many times a week do you exercise? Currently I work out three times a week which is relatively higher than my regular schedule.
STATION 5 – Points Possible = 30
STATION 5 – Points Possible = 30
Go to the patient room on the first floor of the Hospital/Urgent Care building. Observe the patient in bed hooked up to an EKG.Click on EKGmachine and determine whether the EKG findings is a normal or abnormal reading. If abnormal readingwho and whatwould you do next? Place your answer below.
ANSWER: Greetings, how are you today, I am your nurse Dorinda. I am going to go through your vital signs today.
HR-111, BP 156/97, SPO2 89
First readjust the pulse ox and once again check for blood pressure, if reading remains the same than put the patient on oxygen cannula to help them breathe as the oxygen level in body is low(2LNC, at this time is what I would put it on), while this takes place would call in my tech to run the EKG and apply IV. Draw blood and get labs and check electrolytes and cardiac enzymes, stat, (along with cultures,). This will be done keeping in mind the policy of the hospital. I shall continue conversing with the patient find out issues regarding pain, cardiac history and other chronic problems. To ask them regarding their previous visit to their local doctor and medications that they have been prescribed, and medications presently being taken. Lastly would contact their Dr. In chargeand discuss if patient will be admitted to hospital.
STATION 6 – Points Possible = 30
Go to City Government Building. Find theinfectious disease department inPublic Health Office.
Find the representative who most likely would be in charge of any Zika virus outbreak in the community.
Click on the representative to get the web link to the CDC office providing oversight for Zika.
Identify the correct type of mosquito and list three symptoms indicating infection. What test is required for diagnosis and what are the vaccine options? Place your answers below.
ANSWER: Hi, I am Dorinda, I need some information regarding Zika virus.
I would like to know if there is a web link which talks about this virus in detail? Yes there is follow the link below.cdc.gov/zika/index.html%20?”>http://www.cdc.gov/zika/index.html ?
1.What is the type of mosquito that carries the Zika virus? Zika is spread through the bite of infected Aedes species mosquito (Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus).
2.What are the three symptoms indicating infection? Red Rashes, high fever combined with Joint pain.
3.What test is required for diagnosis? The Zika virus can be confirmed through the blood or urine test.
4.What are the vaccine options? Currently there are no specific options available.
STATION 7 – Points Possible = 30
Go to the Education classroom in the Hospital Administration Building; Take photo standing beside title slide only of PowerPoint presentation; Copy and paste your photo in the worksheet.Choose your snapshot camera icon from your left toolbar. Then click on Save to Disk. Then from the highlighted green dropdown barchoose 320 x 240and then click SAVE. Remember to save the photograph to your desktop to easily locate it. Copy and paste your photo in the box on the next page.
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
STATION 7 – copy and paste your photo below
Remember to: Save this worksheet as a MS Word document in the following format: YourName_NR512_ScavengerHunt
Place it in the Scavenger Hunt folder in the Drop Box in your course page by the end on Week 4 on Sunday at 11:59 pm MT.
NR512 Week 5 HealthIT Hot Topic of the Week Assignment Latest 2017
HealthIT Topic of Week Assignment
Guidelineswith Scoring Rubric
This assignment is designed to help students
• Develop an appreciation for informatics, basic skills and knowledge required in practice settings.Students will select a “hot” or popular topic of particular interest to their practice to discuss. The topic will be selected from the website using the link provided in the course Assignments section.
Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the following ability.
(CO 6) Describe health information systems within healthcare setting and the profession of nursing in all practice domains and settings including electronic health records (EHR), their management and patient-care information technology (IT). (PO 4)
(CO 7) ExploretrendsandissuesinNIandtheirimpactonnursingpracticeinall domains.(POs9,11)
Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 5.
Total Points Possible: 125
Students will login to FierceEMR and FierceHealthIT using the link provided in the course Assignments and select a “current/popular” topic of the week that may impact their practice. Students, in a professionally developed paper, will discuss the rationale for choosing the topic, how it will impact practice in a positive or negative manner, citing pros and cons. Include a discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were used in the process relevance to developing the assignment. In the conclusion, provide recommendations for the future. Submit completed FierceHealthIT Topic paper for Wk. 5 to dropbox by end of Week 5.
Preparing the paper
1. TheFierceEMR and FierceHealthITCurrent/Popular Topic of the Week assignmentmust be a professional, scholarly prepared paper. See the guidelines for writing a professional, scholarly paper in the Course Resources. The professional paper will have an introduction, body of paper to explain what you are doing, summary/conclusion, and at least three scholarly references.
2. Required texts may be used as references, but a minimum of three sources must be from outside of course readings.
3. All aspects of the paper must be in APA format as expressed in the 6th edition.
4. The paper (excluding the title page, introduction and reference page) is 4-6 pages in length.
5. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly.
6. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing
NR512 Week 6 Narrated PowerPoint Presentation Assignment Latest 2017
PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) Assignment
Guidelineswith Scoring Rubric
This assignment is designed to help students
• Develop an appreciation for informatics, basic skills and knowledge required in practice settings.Students selected a popular topic of particular interest to their practice to discuss in week 5. This week student will develop a narrated slide PowerPoint (PPT) presentation of 8-10 slides summarizing the assignment.
• Refer to the PowerPoint sample template in Course Resources.
Course Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the following ability.
(CO 6) Describe health information systems within healthcare setting and the profession of nursing in all practice domains and settings including electronic health records (EHR), their management and patient-care information technology (IT). (PO 4)
(CO 7) ExploretrendsandissuesinNIandtheirimpactonnursingpracticeinall domains.(POs9,11)
Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.
Total Points Possible: 150
The FierceEMR and FierceHealthIT topics of the week assignment for week 5 will be summarized in 8-10 narratedslides for week 6. Studentswillsummarize the rationale for choosing the topic, how it will impact practice in a positive or negative manner, including pros and cons. Include discussion of how informatics skills and knowledge were applied in the process relevance to developing the assignment. In the conclusion, provide recommendations for the future. Submit completed FierceHealthIT Hot Topic narrated PPTassignment to dropbox by end of Week 6.
Preparing the Presentation
1.TheFierceEMR and FierceHealthIT Topic of the Week is a recap of the assignment from Wk.5 andmust be a professional, scholarly prepared PowerPoint narrated presentation of 8-10 Including at least three scholarly references.
2.You should have at least 8-10 slides. It is important to note that if you could not give your presentation and someone would have to stand in for you, he or she would need to know what you were going to say. Use the speaker-notes section so that someone may step in for you and not miss a beat.
3.Maintain the 6x6x6 rule for a professional PowerPoint presentation. No more than 6 lines per slide, 6 words per line, and 6 slides without a graphic.
4.All aspects of the presentation must be in APA format as expressed in the 6th edition.
5. Ideas and information from professional sources must be cited correctly.
6. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and citations are consistent with formal academic writing.
NR512 Week 2 Informatics Key Terms Quiz Latest 2017
Question 1. Question :
(TCO 1) Match the Informatics Key terms with their definition.
: Wisdom » 3 : Knowledge applied in a practical manner
: Cognitive science » 1 : Foundational science for informatics that looks at how the human mind works
: Electronic health record » 5 : Longitudinal record of one’s health and treatment interventions
: National Health Information Infrastructure » 7 : An initiative to improve healthcare quality, efficiency, and effectiveness by making healthcare information available when and where it is needed through technology, standards, interoperability, governance, and cooperation
: Cognitive informatics » 2 : Emerging field of study that focuses upon how information is processed both in the human mind and the computer
: Information science » 6 : Foundational science for informatics that looks at the application and use of information and knowledge in organizations and the interface between people, organizations, and information systems
: Artificial intelligence » 4 : Field or application that attempts to capture human thought processes and intelligence
Question 2. Question :
(TCO 1) Match the Informatics Key terms with their definition.
: Electronic medical record » 2 : An online record of treatment, typically limited to one episode, whether that might be an emergency room or clinic visit or a hospital stay
: Knowledge work » 7 : Process that generates information and knowledge as a product
: Health information exchange » 3 : The process of electronic transmission or sharing of healthcare information or an organization that organizes and oversees the transmission process
: Information system » 6 : The people, data, actions, and components used to create information for a user or organization
: Knowledge » 4 : Processed information which places relationships in context
: Data » 5 : Raw fact without meaning in itself
: Computer science » 1 : Foundational science for informatics that looks at the theory underlying information and computation and their implementation in computer systems

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