Wednesday 31 May 2017

ACC 499 - Final Exam Part 2 (Chapters 8-10)

ACC 499 - Final Exam Part 2 (Chapters 8-10)
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 Question 1

                A member of the AICPA must safeguard the confidentiality of client information. Auditors, however, must disclose information to non-clients for the following reasons except to:
explain to members of the press the financial viability of a client.
explain to members of the press the financial viability of a client.
 Question 2
4 out of 4 points
                Independence is not required for which of the following types of services?
 Question 3
4 out of 4 points
                In which of the following situations would a CPA not be considered independent?
where the spouse of a CPA has obtained a home mortgage loan in the current year.
where the spouse of a CPA has obtained a home mortgage loan in the current year.
 Question 4
4 out of 4 points
                Mark Pulley is an auditor at Pulley and Hurst, LLC. If Pulley's five-year-old daughter owns shares of stock in McBurgers Corporation, then Pulley is considered to have what type of interest in McBurgers Corporation?
direct interest in McBurgers Corporation.
direct interest in McBurgers Corporation.
 Question 5
4 out of 4 points
                Which one of the following is an example of a conflict of interest for a CPA?
serving as legal counsel and an auditor for a client
serving as legal counsel and an auditor for a client
 Question 6
4 out of 4 points
                William Tyler, CPA, may not accept a commission for recommending a product or service to which type of client?
an attestation client.
an attestation client.
 Question 7
4 out of 4 points
                The ethical framework derived from utilitarianism and rights theories indicates all of the following steps except
identification of the legal issues.
identification of the legal issues.
 Question 8
4 out of 4 points
                Normally the auditor is not permitted to divulge confidential information obtained from a client. Which of the following situations would be a violation of this requirement?
to respond to the information request of a shareholder.
to respond to the information request of a shareholder.
 Question 9
4 out of 4 points
                Which of the following indicates a strong internal control environment?
the internal audit group reports to the audit committee of the board of directors
the internal audit group reports to the audit committee of the board of directors
 Question 10
4 out of 4 points
                When duties cannot be segregated, the most important internal control procedure is
 Question 11
4 out of 4 points
                The fundamental difference between internal and external auditing is that
internal auditors represent the interests of the organization and external auditors represent outsiders
internal auditors represent the interests of the organization and external auditors represent outsiders
 Question 12
4 out of 4 points
                The importance to the accounting profession of the Sarbanes-Oxely Act is that
management are required to certify their internal control system
management are required to certify their internal control system
 Question 13
4 out of 4 points
                Control activities under SAS 109/COSO include
general controls, application controls, and physical controls.
general controls, application controls, and physical controls.
 Question 14
4 out of 4 points
                Control risk is
the likelihood that the control structure is flawed because controls are either absent or inadequate to prevent or detect errors in the accounts
the likelihood that the control structure is flawed because controls are either absent or inadequate to prevent or detect errors in the accounts
 Question 15
4 out of 4 points
                The most cost-effective type of internal control is
preventive control
preventive control
 Question 16
4 out of 4 points
                Which of the following suggests a weakness in the internal control environment?
performance evaluations are prepared every three years
performance evaluations are prepared every three years
 Question 17
4 out of 4 points
                Tests of controls include
completing questionnaires
completing questionnaires
 Question 18
4 out of 4 points
                Which of the following taxes are included in the total income tax expense of a corporation reported on its Federal tax return?
Federal income taxes.
Federal income taxes.
 Question 19
4 out of 4 points
                Which of the following items are not included in the financial statement income tax note effective tax rate reconciliation?
Tax effect of temporary differences.
Tax effect of temporary differences.
 Question 20
4 out of 4 points
                Paint, Inc., a domestic corporation, owns 100% of Blue, Ltd., a foreign corporation and Yellow, Inc., a domestic corporation. Paint also owns 40% of Green, Inc., a domestic corporation. Paint receives no distributions from any of these corporations. Which of these entities' net income are included in Paint's income statement for current year financial reporting purposes?

Paint, Blue, Yellow, and Green.
Paint, Blue, Yellow, and Green.
 Question 21
4 out of 4 points
                Hot, Inc.'s primary competitor is Cold, Inc. When comparing relative deferred tax asset and liability accounts with Cold, which of the following should Hot do?
Scale the deferred tax assets and liabilities by total sales or total assets.
Scale the deferred tax assets and liabilities by total sales or total assets.
 Question 22
4 out of 4 points
                Music, Inc., a domestic corporation, owns 100% of Vinyl, Ltd., a foreign corporation and Digital, Inc., a domestic corporation. Music also owns 12% of Record, Inc., a domestic corporation. Music receives no distributions from any of these corporations. Which of these entities' net income are included in Music's income statement for current year financial reporting purposes?
Music, Vinyl, and Digital.
Music, Vinyl, and Digital.
 Question 23
4 out of 4 points
                Which of the following items are not included in the income tax note for a publicly traded company?
Breakdown of income among States.
Breakdown of income among States.
 Question 24
4 out of 4 points
                Which of the following represent temporary book-tax differences?
Compensation-related expenses.
Compensation-related expenses.
 Question 25
4 out of 4 points
                North, Inc., earns book net income before tax of $500,000 in 2010. In computing its book income, North deducts $50,000 more in warranty expense for book purposes than allowed for tax purposes. North has no other temporary or permanent differences. Assuming the U.S. tax rate is 35% and no valuation allowance is required, what is North's deferred income tax asset reported on its financial statements for 2010?

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