Wednesday 31 May 2017

HRM 598 Final Exam new

HRM 598 Final Exam new 

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1-(TCO A) You are a consultant hired by the Herrington Specialty Metal Sheeting Corporation of Detroit, Michigan to assist the HR Director in redesigning the compensation system. The organization has just gone through an acquisition of a smaller metal sheet company with similar products. Herrington has grown from 80 to 100 employees as a result. You are scheduled to meet with the HR Director and begin to discuss what will have to be considered. You plan to tell her about the strategic pay policies and pay models. Describe four strategic policy decisions that will have to be made in designing her compensation system. What are these strategic pay policies and how will they be relevant to the organization? In addition, indicate what goals a compensation system should have.
The four strategic policy decisions that one must make when creating a compensation system are intemal alignment, external competitiveness, employee contributions, and management. A compensation system should include efficiency, fairness, and compliance. (Points : 30)
2. (TCO B) Green Screen Technology, Inc. a leader in the motion picture graphics industry, is an 8-year-old southern California company. The Green Screen Technology is generally regarded as the most creative and initiative companies on the West Coast. It has been able to develop the forward-looking technology and attract some of the best employees available. As the compensation director, you have been asked to develop a job-based point evaluation plan for the organization.
Briefly describe a job-based point evaluation plan. Discuss four compensable factors that you would include in the job-based point evaluation plan. Be sure to define each factor, justify why you selected it, and provide the weights or scales that you would assign to it. (Points : 3

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