Wednesday 17 May 2017

BSC 2346 A & P Module 3 Quiz

BSC 2346 A & P Module 3 Quiz 
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  1.Which choice is true regarding calcitonin?

 2.The organic portion of the extracellular matrix space provides all of the following functions except for:

 3.What is NOT a primary function of the skeletal system?

 4.The majority of bones in the body are formed by endochondral ossification where a cartilage model of bone is eventually converted to bone?

 5.Which of the following is NOT a substance found within bone tissue?

 6.Which statement is NOT true regarding an osteon?

 7.Which statement is NOT true of red bone marrow?
 8.Bone remodeling is a function of what cells?

 9.The inorganic portion of the extracellular matrix space is produced by the osteoblasts?

 10.The trabeculae of spongy bone are well organized and align precisely along lines of stress, which ultimately help bone from breaking?

 11.Which choice is true of parathyroid hormone?

 12.Which choice best relates and/or describes Wolf’s law of bone?

 13. This type of bone cell is activated with the release of parathyroid hormone?
 14.Formation of the fibrocartilaginous callus in the fracture repair of bone is followed up by which process?

 15.Which statement is true regarding the epiphyseal plates?

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