Wednesday 17 May 2017

BSC 2347 A & P II Module 3 Quiz

BSC 2347 A & P II Module 3 Quiz
Anatomy & Physiology Module 3 Quiz

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What is NOT true of the electrocardiogram (EKG)?

What is NOT true of the cardiac output? 

Which statement is NOT true regarding the cardiac cycle?

Which statement is NOT true regarding the cardiac cycle?

Bradycardia will increase an individual’s overall stroke volume?

What statement is true regarding blood vessels?

What statement is NOT true regarding blood vessels?

Which statement is NOT true?

The electrocardiogram (EKG) graph/measurement is dependent upon the AV node generating the electrical impulse?

What statement is NOT true regarding the Frank-Starling Law of the Heart?

The SA node can influence cardiac output?

The cardiac conduction system causes the right atrium and right ventricle of the heart to contract at the same time, and then the left atrium and left ventricle contract at that same time?

What factor does NOT influence stroke volume?

Which statement is NOT true?
What statement is NOT true regarding blood pressure?

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