Wednesday 24 May 2017

Cultural Anthropology Term Project Autobiographical Family Study

Cultural Anthropology Term Project
Autobiographical Family Study

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The objective is to relate this project to the text readings and to events in your family history. Think enculturation, culture, ethnic background and customs and learn more by asking your family and friends about the events: history, traditions, beliefs, cultural heritage, etc.that make you who you are You may relate it to the entire Social Science group- economics, sociology, philosophy, political science, history, psychology which make up Cultural Anthropology. This is your opportunity to tell your story and that of your family.

Remember to cite your paper properly and no plagiarism, all papers will be scanned!

Parameters of the Paper
Minimum content of 6-7 pages includes the Title Page and a bibliography 
12 pt., double spaced report. Spell and Grammar check and submitted (attach the file) in the Assignment drop box by due date posted. Attach the file not a copy of the paper in the drop box.
Bibliography or References: Text, interviews or other documentation
            Text- author, text, publisher, date of publication and pages
            Interview- name of interviewee, date, relationship to student, how (personal, phone,
e-mails, letters etc….
            Internet- standard internet format: name of article, author, and website address

Please make sure you compose your paper and save in a “WORD” formatted file. This is a backup copy encase of any problems. The bibliography is a standard format, for interviews you will need the name of the interviewee, relationship, date of interview, and how (personal, internet, telephone, etc...)
(Just a reminder : Wikipedia is not an educational source)
Utilize the

Use the guidelines below and utilize some or all of the questions to assist you.

It is essential that you interview family members: at a minimum one of your parent(s); and one other living relative such as aunts, uncles, grandparents (coherent). Questions to ask which can be incorporated into your project are:

1- What is our family’s cultural heritage? Where did our family originate prior to becoming first, second or third generation Americans?
2- What customs or traditions were practiced when they were children- holidays, religious observances and how have those customs/traditions changed in their lifetime and yours.
3- How did the family celebrate (or not) holidays?
4- What was the biggest difference in economic class distinctions between then and now?
5- What was our family’s greatest concern, when you were my age?
6- What is/was your family religion and how did that effect how they were brought up and how has that changed in their/your lifetime.
7- What was the role of women, when you were my age?
8- -How has the role of women impacted the family?
9- -At what age and under what circumstances did you first encounter
a. Differences among cultures; and/or
b. Differences among “white” ethnic groups- e.g. Irish vs Italians vs Germans
1-What were cultural relations like when you were my age?
a. Were African Americans, Hispanic Americans, or Asian Americansm, Native Americans or Anglo Americans treated in a different way?
11 What invention or discovery has had the greatest affect on your life?
12 What international or national event has had the greatest influence on your life?
13 Do you think that the “times” were generally better when you were my age or are they better now? Explain.

Below are a few more suggestions as to what else you might want to include.

1.      Parental BackgroundNames, dates, geography, work, courtship, religion-ethnicity, education, recreational activities. 
2.      Birth to First Day of School - Date, location, circumstances, first home, siblings, experiences –& nbsp;best/worst. 
3.      Elementary – High School Years - Favorite teachers, best friends, hobbies/activities/ favorite subject, summer vacation, best/worst experience. Sports, clubs, hobbies, etc. (awards), social life (dating), favorite actor/actress, movie, song, favorite television programs. 
4.      Work History - Employer, dates, job description, salary, location (in chronological order) 
5.      Post High School Education - Institutions, dates, etc. 
6.      Present/Future Plans - Education, livelihood, social/family plans, location, Philosophy of Life. 
7.      Historical Sources (if applicable)
·         Family Interviews- parents, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc... 
·         Birth Certificates – personal, parents, grandparents, etc. 
·         Religious Documents, i.e. Baptismal, Confirmation, Bar Mitzvah, marriage & death certificates, etc. 
·         Awards/Certificates – reports, clubs, academic, social, religious, community 
·         Places Visited – dates, locations (geographical), occasions (can be listed chronologically) 
·         Dating History- (optional) name, dates, pictures?, (ie senior prom) 
·         Residences – birth to present – list addresses, dates, photos 
·         Military Record – (if applicable) dates, locations, rank, job description, travel? 
·         Photographs- parents, grandparents, siblings, special people or things such as your first car. 
·         Family Tree 

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