Wednesday 24 May 2017

HRM 320 Week 2 Discussions

HRM 320 Week 2 Discussions
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I am thoroughly impressed with your participation level during week 1, you all are in early, and have some fabulous research and information included. Here is a reminder, below, but I promise as the session progresses I will not continue to post this. You may notice this week that the topic itself above has disappeared. It is included in the READ MEs for the week, and will help you remember to NOT use the respond button above. Here is that reminder I am talking about:
Before posting anything, please make sure you understand the posting requirements, talked about in the syllabus as well as in an announcement. Pleasedon'tuse the RESPOND above. Use the respond buttons within my READ ME posts, or those of you peers. The respond button above is more for the use of the professor.
The focus of this discussion is on the theft of time in the workplace. In fact, this is also part of the focus for your assignment this week.
The internet is a staple of the modern office. Some companies are concerned that the Internet (and its e-mail application) lead to increased theft of time in the workplace. But, others argue that the Internet promotes efficiency of information.
Question #1: theft of time - is that real? Does an employee who plays Facebook games at work owe their pay for that hour (or 2 or 3!) back to their boss? Can an employer (a) monitor their employee's work on the computer and (b) block the use of certain websites?

Or - does the internet promote efficiency of information? Your thoughts? Let's talk legality and ethics in this thread...

As the week progresses I will bring in additional information that may or may not relate to theft of time. Pay close attention to each READ ME (even though you only have post across three days), as each will include information that may help you with the homework assignment, your mid-term and your final exam.
DQ 2

Elliptical - At Will (graded)

Human Resource Dilemma Number 5 (pg. 141, Moran text) says this:
In Elliptical Electronics Company’s employment handbook, it states in bold, “Employment is at will and can be terminated by either employer or employee at anytime for any reason with or without cause.” Later in the handbook, a multiple-step grievance procedure is outlined. Thomas Walker physically assaults a coworker without provocation. The co-worker is hospitalized, and Thomas is discharged immediately under the at-will policy. Thomas, who is black, reports that Elliptical violated its employment handbook by not providing him with a hearing as outlined in its grievance procedure. How would you advise Elliptical?
Do you think the grievance procedure modified Mr. Walker's at-will employment relationship with Elliptical? When it comes to making such a determination, what factors come into play and are all factors consistent?

This discussion for the week focuses on at will employment.
Let's start with the simple stuff.
1. What is "at will" employment?

2. What is "just cause" termination?

3. Can and does a step-by-step grievance (or termination) procedure in an employee handbook modify an "at will" employment relationship?

Let's talk about the basics and then get into some more "fun" and "complicated" issues as the week moves forward.
Please utilize concepts in the cases in your textbook while we discuss these legal issues.

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