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HRM 530 Full Class All DQs Assignments and Final Exam

HRM 530 Full Class All DQs Assignments and Final Exam
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 HRM 530  Week 1 DQs

Technology and Strategic HRM (graded)
This course focuses on the strategic value that technology brings to HRM and the business. Thanks
to technology, HRM is now a strategic partner in companies. How specifically has technology created
this strategic partnership? Share an example. What value has resulted from this strategic

HRM Technology Trends (graded)
From the lecture, you can see how far HRM has evolved. Conduct some research using your text,
supplemental readings, and other academic sources. What are some of the current trends in HRM
technology? Where do you see HRM technology headed? Provide specifics.

HRM 530  Week 2 DQs

HRM Strategic Partnership (graded)
As shared in this week's lecture, HRM has moved from support to strategic partner. The examples
shared included tracking employee work time, tracking leaves, and time tracking for payroll
purposes. How has, and how can, HRISs impact this strategic partnership? Review an example
from your employer or through research on how a business has used HRM technology to create a
strategic focus.

HRIS E-Engineering (graded)
Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) is a valuable tool to help organizations assess the probability of process
change. Why might this be an important concept for HRM professionals introducing new technology? How might
you apply the BPR process to an HR office that currently only has an employee database and no other automated
HRM functions? The HRM director states the business is simply too small (1,000 employees). Build your business

HRM 530 Week 3 DQs

Compensation & Benefits (graded)
What are some ways technology is changing how companies manage compensation, benefit plans, and
associated costs? How does managing employee compensation tie into overall business objectives? Explain.

HRIS "Output" (graded)
Share your thoughts after reviewing the presentation under the Week 3 tab titled "HRIS 'Types'." What types of
reports, data, etc. would you want to collect and analyze as it relates to compensation and benefits? For what
purpose? This is a good opportunity to practice for your Written Assignment #2 due Week 4 and Final Project due Week 7.

HRM 530  Week 4 DQ

Performance Mgmt./Employee Dev. (graded)
How does the use of technology change our traditional pen-and-paper performance evaluations?
Many organizations are turning to technology to improve employee development programs. What
are the benefits and risks as it relates to employee development?

HRM 530  Week 5 DQs

Business Process Re-Engineering (graded)
Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR) is a valuable tool to help organizations assess the probability of process
change. Why might this be an important concept for HRM professionals introducing new technology? How might
you apply the BPR process to an HRM office that currently only has an employee database and no other
automated HRM functions? The HRM director states the business is simply too small (1,000 employees). Build
your business case.

RFP (graded)
Read the business scenario at the following link: Business Scenario for RFP
I am your County client, ask me questions towards helping to write an RFP. What information do you need based
on the business scenario to write an RFP (you are not required to actually write an RFP; however, you must have
gathered enough information from this discussion to create)?

HRM 530  Week 6 DQs

HRM, Technology and Change (graded)
Even though technology has shifted HRM to strategic partner, has this change resulted in HRM
losing sight of its role towards employee resource and support? While companies are seeing the
value in moving to a technological based business, how might HRM technology impact the "human"
side of "human resource"?

Self-Services/MSS and ESS (graded)
Based on your text and supplemental readings, what are some of the potential problems associated
with the self-service concept? After sharing some problems facing self-service, how would you
address those problems? What benefits would you add to those already reviewed in your text and
the lecture?

HRM 530  Week 7 DQs

Securing Employee Data (graded)
There are so many legal and privacy implications involved in the use of HRM technology. What are
the most important things HRM practitioners need to do to protect their organizations and their
employees? What steps would you take in the event your employee records were breached?

John Jones Tutorial (graded)
As you reviewed in the HRIS Systems tutorial, there are a variety of ways in which we can use data through HRM
technology. What other information might you want to find out about John Jones from the tutorial? Explain.
Once you obtain more information about Mr. Jones, what might be your next step in pulling information? Explain
your reasoning.

HRM 530 Assignment 2 HRIS Application

Provide a detailed description of the HRIS application(s) chosen for the business. What type of HRIS might create a more efficient process for the HR function chosen? This is not a copy/paste of information from a vendor website, but an analysis and business plan to share with your customer. As the owner of your own HR consulting firm, write a 2–4-page paper that includes the following paper headings, which are denoted in all caps.

1. INTRODUCTION: provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
2. HRIS TYPE: Now that you’ve conducted some research in the previous assignment, you should have a good foundation to take the next step in your business plan. You should have a good review of the scenario and have conducted some research on HRIS systems, and now your next step is to choose a type of HRIS. Share the type of system you plan to implement to help your customer. This must be substantiated in this paper to your customer from a theoretical perspective.
3. HRIS VENDOR CHOICE: Now that you have an HRIS type chosen, you need to conduct research to find an HRIS vendor. You want to do a compare and contrast in this section of at least two vendors. Then, choose a vendor. Explain why you chose this vendor over another/others. Include the Web address and proper citations for the vendor applications compared. You must have theory to support your decision.
4. CONCLUSION: The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points

Assignment 1 – HRIS Solution:Strategic Review

To be considered complete, all written assignments must include proper citations within the body of the paper whenrelevant, as well as a Reference section. Failure to cite outside sources is plagiarism and will be treated as such! Youmust also include a title page. Do not include pictures or graphics. All documents must be in Word format and placed inthe Dropbox by the assignment deadline. Quoted material in this assignment should be <5%.
Assignment Description/Scenario
You are an HR Consultant given a job to research HRIS Vendors to help a business resolve an HR issue.The business iscurrently faced with a few HR issues, for example, high turnover.Part of the problem may also relate to performanceevaluations.The business has found that many employees have not been evaluated for years; this may be contributing toturnover.Also, because of the growing business, managing the benefits for employees has become cumbersome andtakes most of HR’s time in assisting employees with choices and troubleshooting.Assignment CriteriaYou have been asked to find a technology solution to oneof these problems:1)turnover2)performance evaluations3)benefits managementFor example, what technology would help this company identify the core issue behind turnover?How might technologyhelp decrease turnover and increase retention?

HRM 530 Week 2 Assignment 1 HRIS Solution-Strategic Review Assignment

HRM530 Week 4 Assignment HRIS Application Technology Recommendations

HRM 530 Week 7 Course Project HRIS Solution Analysis Recommend
HRM 530 Week 3 Task Statements:  Human Resource Receptionist
HRM 530 Final Exam

 TCO A:  Explain how you would introduce the concept of technology into an HRM office? What factual information would you share to convince the business leaders of the value of HRM technology? Provide a thorough explanation. 
TCO B:  Explain how HRM technology can improve efficiency and effectiveness of HRM functions. How, specifically, can technology support the business. Provide an example. (Points : 30)
TCO C: You are the new staffing manager for Square, Inc., a large and still growing company with 23 locations nationwide. Square Inc. hires approximately 300 employees per year. They currently place advertisements in their local paper to source candidates. They also receive an estimated 2,000 unsolicited resumes annually, but usually find it too time consuming to review them all. Currently, Square Inc. does not utilize technology in their staffing processes. Assess the given situation at Square, Inc. and recommend specific ways that Square, Inc. could utilize HRM technology to improve the effectiveness of their staffing function. In your recommendations, be sure to address any potential problems that might arise from the use of each technology you are recommending, and provide solutions for those problems. (Points : 35)
TCO D: You’ve heard the cliché, “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” When, why and how would you re-engineer business processes, specifically HRM? Explain and assess the process you would follow in responding to each of these components (when, why and how). (Points : 30)
TCO H: What are some types of software that can help us protect employee information? How does this software interact with our current HRM technology? Explain from a conceptual standpoint vs. technical standpoint. (Points : 30)
 TCO E: You’re new to the HRM office and have been asked to research technology storage of information. What information would you want to collect, store, and assess related to employees? Explain. How might you strategically use that information towards benefiting business operations? (Points : 30)
7. TCO F: How has employee self-service impacted employees? Thoroughly analyze positive and negative aspects of this new technology. (Points : 30)
There are many pros and cons to any change in process, or implementation of a new system, but overall I’d say that self-service has impacted employees in a positive manner.
TCO G: What is an RFP and how does it link to HRM technology? What value do RFPs bring to the business as well as vendors? Review one alternative to using an RFP.(Points : 30)

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