Thursday, 11 May 2017

MID-TERM EXAM Chapters 1-6

MID-TERM EXAM Chapters 1-6

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a.      What system development life cycle phases did Jeannine skip? 

b.      What were the consequences of her actions to skip these phases?

c.       Why do think people today fall prey to the belief that the system development life cycle for an application is somehow different when using microcomputers or an off-the-shelf smart device, such as an iPhone?

d.      What conclusions can you draw from Chapter 2 (Analyzing the Business Case) that might help Jeannine learn from her mistakes? 

a.    What did Steven do wrong?

b.    Would it be a mistake to use creeping requirements as an excuse for the project mismanagement? Explain your answer.

c.        Based on the concepts discussed in Chapter 3 (Managing Systems Projects), how would you respond to Steven's question about schedule slippage during analysis?

d.      Should Jan share any fault for the problems encountered in this project? Explain your answer.

3.   Describe a fact‑finding strategy, to include the advantages, that you could follow to maximize your fact‑finding while minimizing the time required from his subordinates.

b.      Why might you use a decision tree rather than a decision table?

5.   (10)  Based on your knowledge of the activities for the analysis and design phases of the system development lifecycle, identify possible consequences if the user suggests a shortcut through or around a planned activity.

6.      (25) Given the following narrative description of a new Production Scheduling System:

a.      Draw a Context Diagram (similar to Figure 5-13 in textbook).

b.      List the primary actors and use cases.

c.       Draw a Use Case Diagram showing actors, use cases, and relationships (similar to Figure 6-27 in textbook).

d.      Develop a description (similar to Figure 6-25 in textbook) for the Use Case Diagram from question 6c.

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