Thursday 11 May 2017

PU500 Unit 6 Assignment

 PU500 Unit 6 Assignment 
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Unit 6 Assignment: Community of Professionals
Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:
• Explain the concept of diversity as it describes the American people.
• List some limitations related to collecting racial and ethnic health data.
• Explain health issues specific to maternal and child health.
• Identify professional resources for additional support and training.
Course outcome assessed/addressed in this Assignment:
PU500-1: Evaluate a public health issue within a community.
• In this scenario you continue to work for a public health organization that is
operating a mobile health intervention unit. Your Supervisor has been asked to
propose some additional training for the unit as well as clarify her position on the
use of social media for networking in public health. She has asked you to
complete each of the following trainings to provide a preliminary report on the
public health issues of your chosen community as well as evaluate LinkedIn© as
a possible option for approved social media networking. She would like a short
but formal report. Your report should be in APA formatting.
• Open your account: Complete the following
o Cultural Diversity, Health Disparities and Public Health, Course ID
1030505 (2 hours)
o Defining the Challenge (WISH, Module 2), Course ID 1050125 (1 hour)
o Submit your certificate of completion to the Dropbox.

View the Career Services Touch-point Module: LinkedIn. A transcript of the
presentation is available here.
Write a 3-5 page paper including the following:
o About 1 page of the paper should be dedicated to evaluating the public
health issues you suspect for the community(ies) you are researching for
the health intervention.
o The remainder of the paper should include your thoughts on the use of
social media as a means to improve health and network professionally. Be
sure to include what you consider to be the strengths and weaknesses of
using LinkedIn for professional networking. How could you leverage the
professional public health groups in LinkedIn? What challenges could
exist? Would you recommend using this platform as a means to
professionally network? Do you think there is value in using social media
in health promotion efforts.
Kaplan University School of Health Sciences

Unit 6 Assignment
Upload your certificates of completion to the Dropbox for the two
The 3-5 page report should be in APA formatting.
The report should include a cover page and references that do not count toward
the total page count.
Please be sure to download the file “Writing Center Resources” from Doc Sharing to
assist you with meeting APA expectations for written assignments.
Submitting Your Work
For directions on how to submit your work and review your graded assignments, refer to
the Dropbox Guide found on the Academic Tools tab. Make sure that you save a copy
of your submitted work.
To view your graded work, come back to the Dropbox or go to the Gradebook after your
instructor has evaluated it. Make sure that you save a copy of your submitted project.
Unit 6 Assignment Grading Rubric = 250 points
Assignment Requirements
Training Modules

Completion of the Cultural Diversity, Health
Disparities and Public Health training as evidenced
by submission of the certificate of completion
Completion of the Defining the Challenge (WISH,
Module 2) training as evidences by submission of the
certificate of completion
3-5 page paper
• Paper includes an evaluation of the public health
issues you suspect for the communities you are
researching for the health intervention.
Paper includes the strengths and weaknesses of
using LinkedIn for professional networking.
• Paper answers the questions: How could you
leverage the professional public health groups in
LinkedIn? What challenges could exist? Would you
recommend using this platform as a means to
professionally network? Do you think there is value
in using social media in health promotion efforts.
Total (Sum of all points)

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