Tuesday 1 August 2017

BUSN602 Week 1Homework Problems:

BUSN602 Week 1Homework Problems:
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You will complete your homework in Microsoft Excel, in the template provided in the assignment. Your work must be organized and properly formatted. Short essay answers must include references.
  • Chapter 1: DQ1-8, DQ1-9, DQ1-10, DQ1-12; E1-2
  • Chapter 2: DQ2-7; P2-8;
  • Chapter 3: DQ3-1; P3-5, P3-6
Name your assignment file as “LastnameFirstinitial-BUSN602-Week1", and submit by midnight ET, Day 7.
"What are the six principles of finance?
Describe what is meant by ethical behavior.
What are the basic requirements of an effective financial system?
Briefly describe the differences between money and capital markets.
E1-2. The U.S. financial system is comprised of: (1) policy makers, (2) a monetary system, (3) financial institutions, and (4) financial markets. Indicate which of these components is associated with each of the following “roles”:
a. accumulate and lend/invest savings
b. create and transfer money
c. pass laws and set fiscal and monetary policies
d. market and facilitate transfer of financial assets
Define money and indicate the basic functions of money.
Define money and indicate the basic functions of money.
Assume that a country estimates its M1 money supply at $20 million. A broader measure of the money supply, M2, is $50 million. The country’s gross domestic product (GDP) is $100 million. Production or real output for the country is 500,000 units or products.
a. Determine the velocity of money based on the M1 money supply.
b. Determine the velocity of money based on the M2 money supply.
c. Determine the average price for the real output.
DQ3-1 Discuss how and why banks suffered financial difficulties during the financial crisis.
Following are selected balance sheet accounts for the Third State Bank: vault cash = $2 million; U.S. government securities = $5 million; demand deposits = $13 million; nontransactional accounts = $20 million; cash items in process of collection = $4 million; loans to individuals = $7 million; loans secured by real estate = $9 million; federal funds purchased = $4 million; and bank premises = $11 million.
a. From these accounts, select only the asset accounts and calculate the bank’s total assets.
b. Calculate the total liabilities for the Third State Bank.
c. Based on the totals for assets and liabilities, determine the amount in the owners’ capital account.
A bank’s assets consist of:
Cash: $1.5 million
Loans: $10 million
Securities: $4.5 million
Fixed assets: $2 million
In addition, the bank’s owners’ capital is $1.5 million.
a. Calculate the equity capital ratio.
b. If $2 million in bad loans were removed from the bank’s assets, show how the equity capital ratio would change.

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