Tuesday 1 August 2017

BUSN602 Week 5 Homework Problems:

BUSN602 Week 5 Homework Problems:
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You will complete your homework in Microsoft Excel, in the template provided in the assignment. Your work must be organized and properly formatted. Short essay answers must include references.
  • Chapter 12: DQ12-9, DQ12-18, DQ12-20; P12-6, P12-7
  • Chapter 13: DQ13-13; P13-2, P13-5
Name your assignment file as “LastnameFirstinitial- BUSN602-Week5", and submit by midnight ET, Day 7.


Explain what is meant by “market efficiency.” What are the characteristics of an efficient market?
How does systematic risk differ from unsystematic risk?
What is meant by the Capital Asset Pricing Model? Describe how it relates to expected return and risk.
Find the real return on the following investments:
Stock Nominal Return Inflation
A 10% 3%
B 15% 8%
C -5% 2%
Find the real return, nominal after-tax return, and real after-tax return on the following:
Stock Nominal Return Inflation Tax Rate
X 13.5% 5.0% 15%
Y 8.7% 4.7% 25%
Z 5.2% 2.5% 28%
How are industry-operating differences reflected in a firm’s financial statements?

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