Tuesday 1 August 2017

SCIN 135 Final Exam


 SCIN 135 Final Exam
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Question 1 of 46               2.0/ 2.0 Points  
The first stage of tree growth is the:

                A.mature stage                   
                B.sapling stage                    
                C.branching stage                              
                D.seedling stage                              

Question 2 of 46               2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Soil tests need to be conducted:

                A.before planting trees and at regular intervals until trees are harvested                                
                B.on representative sites within a tract                    
                C.both A and B                 

Question 3 of 46               2.0/ 2.0 Points  
When President Clinton created a new national monument in Southern Utah, it caused a controversy because much of the land was:

                A.rich in coal reserves                      
                B.rich in minerals                                
                C.located on an ancient Indian burial ground                         
                D.both a and b                 
Question 4 of 46               2.0/ 2.0 Points  
A forest is considered to be a natural resource that is:

Question 5 of 46               2.0/ 2.0 Points  
The stand of trees that come up after an area is clear cut is known as:

                A.younger stand                                
                B.even-aged stand                            
                C.uneven-aged stand                      
                D.none of the above                     
Question 6 of 46               2.0/ 2.0 Points  
One method of identifying trees is to group them according to:

                A.root depth                        
                B.leaf colors                         
                C.leaf structure                   
                D.shedding rate                               
Question 7 of 46               2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Forest products are certified in order to:

                A.send a message to consumers                                 
                B.recognize best management practices                                 
                C.address social, environmental, and political issues                          
                D.all the above                 

Question 8 of 46               2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Which of the following wildlife hibernate?

                A.elk, deer, moose                           
                C.bears, ground squirrels                               
                D.both a and c                  
Question 9 of 46               2.0/ 2.0 Points  
It is relatively simple to confirm forest damage that has been caused by acid precipitation.

A. True   
B. False
Question 10 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Timber harvesting is also known as:

                D.none of the above                     
Question 11 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Stresses that affect forests are classified as:

                D.all the above                 
Question 12 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
The redwood tree species mature at:

                A.100 to 200 years                             
                B.200 to 300 years                              
                C.300 to 400 years                              
                D.400 to 500 years                          
Question 13 of 46             0.0/ 2.0 Points  
Examples of urban root barriers are:

                A.sidewalks and driveways                            
                B.containers and coarse soil                          
                C.bedrock and limestone                               
                D.peat and humus                          
Question 14 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Silt contamination of surface water is the number one cause of surface water contamination.


A. True   
B. False
Question 15 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
In order for condensation to take place, water vapor must be:

                B.heated to the boiling point                        
                C.elevated to a very high atmosphere                      
                D.converted to precipitation                      

Question 16 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Gnawing mammals that can injure trees are:

                D.all the above                 
Question 17 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Previously having studied Forestry in France, in 1898 this man became the country's first chief forester who believed that forests should be used but not overused.

                A.Mark Twain                      
                B.Gifford Pinchot                               
                C.Theodore Roosevelt                     
                D.Franklin D. Rosevelt                   

Question 18 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
The foliage of conifers is more likely to catch fire than the foliage of hardwood trees.

A. True   
B. False
Question 19 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Hardwood species of trees and shrubs tend to grow faster than pines in the early growth stages.
A. True   
B. False
Question 20 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Some sources of biomass include:

                B.agricultural crops                            
                C.animal wastes                                 
                D.all the above                 
Question 21 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
As a stand of timber matures, products obtained from intermediate harvests become more valuable due to:

                A.increased demand for the products                      
                B.increased size of the trees                         
                C.increased density per acre                         
                D.reduced harvest costs                              
Question 22 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
The focus on forest wetlands has been sharpened by:

                A.an increasing appreciation of these areas for hunting                   
                B.the conversion of other wetlands to agricultural purposes                          
                C.the sizable food supply generated in such areas                              
                D.both a and c                  

Question 23 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
An important principle in urban tree selection is to:

                A.favor trees adapted to conditions found in the community                        
                B.seek crown spread to provide deep shade                         
                C.select tree based on functional use                       
                D.both a and c                  
Question 24 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
The coniferous forest biome supports a rich understory of shrubs.
A. True   
B. False
Question 25 of 46             0.0/ 2.0 Points  
What are among the benefits of a surface fire?

                A.provides brush control and thins the stand                        
                B.reduces fuels that feed more damaging fires                    
                C.kills seedlings that can overpopulate the forest                               
                D.all the above                 

Question 26 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Management of forests and their environments to establish, cultivate, and promote the growth and harvest of trees for commercial purposes is called:

Question 27 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
The anther is the organ in which pollen grains:

                A.split into two parts                        
                D.both b and c                  
Question 28 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Energy deposits in the form of fats and oils contain highly concentrated sources of stored energy.


A. True   
B. False
Question 29 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Forests provide which of the following?

                A.paints, paper, and lumber                         
                B.oil, insecticides, and medicines                                
                C.solvents and fuels                         
                D.all the above                 
Question 30 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Integrated pest management (IPM) strives to establish a natural balance between harmful insects and their natural enemies at population levels.
A. True   
B. False
Question 31 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
What adaptations enable woodpeckers to prey upon insects?

                A.feet adapted for clinging to tree trunks                               
                B.chisel-like beaks, strong skulls                                  
                C.long, thin tongues                         
                D.all the above                 
Question 32 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Plants, animals, and insects all require nutrition to meet their need for energy.
A. True   
B. False
Question 33 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
The Land Ordinance Act that was passed in 1785 called for:

                A.the sale of public land to provide a salary for the president                        
                B.the sale of public land to reduce the national debt                         
                C.more land to be used for national parks                              
                D.less land to be used for school buildings                           
Question 34 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Tractor-trailer loads are heavy due to the high content of which of the following in the trees?

                D.pine needles                


Question 35 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Removing all of which of the following branches at the sapling stage of growth will often add significantly to the value of trees when they are mature?


Question 36 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Two trees that are known by the common name of Hackmatack are:

                A.Tamarack and Sweetgum                           
                B.Western Larch and Tamarack                    
                C.Yellow Poplar and Eastern Larch                              
                D.Cotton-gum and Western Larch                           
Question 37 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
A surveyor’s chain for measurement is how many feet long?

Question 38 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Water makes up what percentage of the weight of living plants and animals?

                A.50 percent                        
                B.35 percent                        
                C.70 percent                        
                D.100 percent                   
Question 39 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
A watershed, also called a catchment area, can be broadly defined as:

                A.all the water that flows into a particular stream                               
                B.land surfaces from which all water flows into a particular stream or river                              
                C.a continuous source of clean water for domestic use                    
                D.a giant sponge that purifies water                       

Question 40 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
Each watershed is exclusive of other watersheds.


A. True   
B. False
Question 41 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
A form of vegetative reproduction that involves live branches being buried in the debris on the forest floor is called:

                D.lining out                        
Question 42 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
The sale of timber products accounts for what percentage of the gross domestic product (GDP) in the United States?

Question 43 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
The significance of heart rot for the timber industry is:

                A.greater losses than from any other disease                       
                B.diseased wood of little or no value                        
                C.both a and b                     
                D.none of the above                     
Question 44 of 46             0.0/ 2.0 Points  
The Longleaf Pine, Pinus palustris, is a source of:

                A.poles, piling, pulpwood                               
                B.turpentine and resin                    
                C.Christmas trees                              
                D.both a and b                 
Question 45 of 46             2.0/ 2.0 Points  
The coppice method of regenerating trees is practiced by doing what to all of the trees in a stand at the same time?

Part 2 of 2 - Part 2: Final Exam Essay         10.0/ 10.0 Points              

Question 46 of 46             10.0/ 10.0 Points              
Explain how forest fires affect forests and forest environments. Describe types of forest fires. What are the elements needed for a fire to occur? How have land managers dealt with forest fires and how have they used fire as a tool in forest management?

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