Tuesday 1 August 2017

SCIN 135 Lab 2

SCIN 135 Lab 2 
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Part 1 of 1 -         82.75/ 100.0 Points         

Question 1 of 17               0.0/ 5.0 Points  
Visit the STEMS website.
Who is the lead organization hosting this website?

                A.The Research Branch of the Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service                   
                B.The Research Branch of the University of British Columbia                          
                C.The Research Branch of International Forest Products Ltd                           
                D.The Research Branch of the British Columbia Ministry of Forests                          
Question 2 of 17               5.0/ 5.0 Points  
In what state or Province is Sayward Forest on Vancouver Island located?

                D.British Columbia                          
Question 3 of 17               3.75/ 5.0 Points
What types of partners are collaborating in this research program? (Note: this has multiple-correct answers)

                A. Federal Level Governments                    
                B. Wood Products Industries                        
                C. Universities                     
                D. State or Province-level Governments                              
Question 4 of 17               5.0/ 5.0 Points  
The goals of this research are to discover:

                A.a publicly acceptable way to harvest wood products                     
                B.an ecologically productive way to harvest wood products                           
                C.an economical way to harvest wood products                                  
                D.all of these goals--simultaneously improving social, economic, and ecological conditions.                            
Question 5 of 17               5.0/ 5.0 Points  
Which of the elements below are being evaluated by the 7 silvicultural systems variables? (Note: this has multiple-correct answers)

                A. The timing of the harvest.                         
                B. The size of the harvest.                               
                C. The structure of the harvest--understory versus canopy cutting.                             
                D. The pattern of the harvest--size and shape of adjacent uncut patches.                              
Question 6 of 17               5.0/ 5.0 Points  
Describe in your own words what is unique about the Patch Cut treatment.

Question 7 of 17               5.0/ 5.0 Points  
Describe in your own words what is unique about the Extended Rotational treatment.

Question 8 of 17               5.0/ 5.0 Points  
Describe in your own words what is unique about the Group Selection treatment.

Question 9 of 17               5.0/ 5.0 Points  
Describe in your own words what is unique about the Clearcut with Reserves treatment.
Question 10 of 17             5.0/ 5.0 Points  
Describe in your own words what is unique about the Uniform Dispersed Retention treatment.

Question 11 of 17             5.0/ 5.0 Points  
Describe in your own words what is unique about the Extended Rotation with Commercial Thinning treatment.


Question 12 of 17             5.0/ 5.0 Points  
Describe in your own words what is unique about the Aggregate Retention treatment.
Question 13 of 17             2.5/ 5.0 Points  
What other smaller-scale silvicultural treatments are being tested? (Note: this has multiple-correct answers)

                A. Thinning to promote a diversity within forest layers                     
                B. Retaining individual high value trees--for bear dens, raptor nests or as an example of old growth                            
                C. Allowing standing or fallen dead wood to remain                           
                D. Retaining forests next to streams, lakes, and wetlands.                             
Question 14 of 17             0.0/ 5.0 Points  
According to the Map on the STEMS Tour Map page, which treatment takes up the most acreage?

                A.Extended Rotation                        
                B.Patch Cut                           
                C.Extended Rotation with Commercial Thinning                   
                D.Clearcut with Reserve                              
Question 15 of 17             5.0/ 5.0 Points  
Click on the Article by de Montigny & Nigh. From the abstract, what the topics of on-going research? (Note: this has multiple-correct answers)

                A. Impact of light on development of regeneration                            
                B. Amount of deadfall on the ground due to wind and death                          
                C. How much disturbance there is to retained trees and soils from harvesting equipment.                               
                D. Amount of carbon footprint from harvesting.                                 
Question 16 of 17             9.0/ 12.5 Points
Discuss why the STEMS research is utilizing more than one silviculture method.
Question 17 of 17             12.5/ 12.5 Points              
It's important when we read material to know where information is "coming from". As scientists and students in higher education, being critical of a source is important. Let's take our Burton textbook, for example, and examine the author's background.

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