Friday 29 December 2017

allied soc250 full course [ all discussions , homework 3,6,7 and 8 and all check understanding except mod 5 ] 2015

 allied soc250 full course [ all discussions , homework 3,6,7 and 8 and all check understanding except mod 5 ] 2015

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3 Posts Required - Initial Response + 2 Replies (to peers or Prof)
A) Briefly introduce yourself -- share a couple of basic facts about yourself and the most interesting thing most people don't know about you!
B) If you could go back in time to ANY point in human technology progress, what era would you pick? Explain why. Here are a few prompts to get you thinking.
  • Before Smart Phones?
  • Before cell phones of any kind?
  • Before the Internet and the World Wide Web?
  • Before cable and satellite TV?
  • Before personal computers?
  • Before fast food?
  • Before television?
  • Before space travel?
  • Before radio?
  • Before automobiles?
  • Before the telegram?
  • Before the horse and buggy?
  • Or even earlier? Explain.
Be sure to read your course materials to help provide context for your response. You may also supplement with external sources but be sure to usecitations (Fournier, 2013) in the body of your post and full references at the end for any sources you use in composing your thoughts.

mod 2

3 P Posts Required (initial response + replies to peers or prof)
You must also include at least one citation & reference in initial post to receive full credit.
Let's go back in time again. Let's go back to the days before everyone had electricity in their homes. Hmm. What would that have been like? Look around you before writing this post. Notice what relies on electricity.
For this discussion, please write a couple of paragraphs describing a day in YOUR current life WITHOUT electricity.
  • What would be different in your daily life? What is a necessity on which you depend? What is a luxury that you could do without?
  • What would you have to change about your daily routine?
  • What "work-around" activities would you have to add to your daily routine?
  • Could you survive in today's world, even for a day, without electricity? Explain and provide examples.
  • Lastly, what have you learned about the meaning of energy in today’s world, given your new “experience” without electricity?
Use your course materials and your creativity in responding to this question!. You may also supplement with external sources but be sure to usecitations(Fournier, 2013) in the body of your post and full references at the end for any sources you use in composing your thoughts.
Post your response (aim for about 150 words) and two substantial replies to peers or the professor (aim for 50

mod 3
Posts Required (initial response + replies to peers or prof)
You must also include at least one citation & reference in initial post to receive full credit.
For this question, please read your course materials to provide context regarding ecology issues and technology. Energy is required to create our new technologies and the conveniences they provide. Technology is likewise required to allow us to utilize our natural resources to provide society with the energy it requires. However, the relationship is not without challenges and controversy.
Please discuss the following:
  • What aspects of technology would you be willing to give up in order to protect the environment and conserve energy in your daily life?
  • What would be the most difficult challenge for you, in terms of making changes to your current living situation, in terms of energy consumption?
  • What sorts of solutions might help society to use energy in less harmful, more efficient ways?
  • Lastly, how long could you go without a cell phone? Be honest!

Use your course materials and your creativity in responding to this question!. You may also supplement with external sources but be sure to usecitations( Fournier, 2013) in the body of your post and full references at the end for any sources you use in composing your thoughts.words).osts Required (initial response + replies to peers or prof)
You must also include at least one citation & reference in initial post to receive full credit.
Technology has obviously created great conveniences for society and its members. Your being able to attend college online is just one example. Here are the points I’d like you to do for this discussion.
  • Define “ethics” and “plagiarism.” Be sure to cite (Fournier, 2013) and reference the source of your definitions.
  • Why is plagiarism in online learning an ethical concern? Why does it matter if students copy other authors’ work?
  • Is plagiarism at all like downloading music illegally from the Internet? Why or why not?
  • Describe at least 2 other examples of ethical violations directly related to technology. What makes these examples unethical?
  • How would you feel if you spent a long time either painting or composing a photograph of a loved one and then found it being used on some company’s website without giving you credit or compensation? Describe your reactions.
Be sure to read your course materials to help provide context for your response. You may also supplement with external sources but be sure to usecitations(Fournier, 2013) in the body of your post and full references at the end for any sources you use in composing your thoughts.

mod 4

3 Posts Required (initial response + replies to peers or prof)
You must also include at least one citation & reference in initial post to receive full credit.
For this question, please read your course materials to provide context regarding ecology issues and technology. Energy is required to create our new technologies and the conveniences they provide. Technology is likewise required to allow us to utilize our natural resources to provide society with the energy it requires. However, the relationship is not without challenges and controversy.
Please discuss the following:
  • What aspects of technology would you be willing to give up in order to protect the environment and conserve energy in your daily life?
  • What would be the most difficult challenge for you, in terms of making changes to your current living situation, in terms of energy consumption?
  • What sorts of solutions might help society to use energy in less harmful, more efficient ways?
  • Lastly, how long could you go without a cell phone? Be honest!
Use your course materials and your creativity in responding to this question!. You may also supplement with external sources but be sure to usecitations( Fournier, 2013) in the body of your post and full references at the end for any sources you use in composing your thoughts.

mod 5
Posted by Susan Fournier at 07/23/13 12:32 PM
You must also include at least one citation & reference in initial post to receive full credit.
For this discussion, you will be thinking about technology as it relates to population issues. As the post-World War Two “baby-boom” generation continues growing older, the elderly population in the United States is expanding at unprecedented rates and numbers. Mid-level population estimates predict, basically, that for every older person you see today, by 2050 you will see at least double. That’s a lot of seniors.
  • Your task, in this discussion, is to think about different ways that technology can be used to improve the lives of the elderly in the future. Remember, with such an increase in the senior population, all of the problems older adults and society have today will also bemagnifiedas the population pyramid gets top-heavy.
  • Describe at least 3 uses for technology that can address both…
    • Society’s needs for an aging population
    • Older individual’s needs in society.
  • Be creative in thinking about different ways of applying technology to improve both society and older people’s quality of life (and death/dying).
Review your course materials and your creativity in responding to this question! You may also supplement with external sources but be sure to usecitations(Fournier, 2013) in the body of your post and full references at the end for any sources you use in composing your thoughts.
Post your response (aim for about 150 words) and two substantial r

mod 6

3 Posts Required (initial response + replies to peers or prof)
You must also include at least one citation & reference in initial post to receive full credit.
Address the following questions in composing your response for this discussion board.
  • What was the life expectancy in the United States in 1900? How is this different from now? (Do a Google search to find your answers and be sure to cite/reference your sources).
  • How has technology played a role in improving life expectancy for Americans?
  • If technological advances continue to improve life expectancy,
    • Would you choose to live forever? Why or why not?
    • If you could choose your age of death, what age would you choose? Explain with specific reasons and examples.
  • What sorts of problems do you think might emerge if technology continues to enable us longer and longer lifespans?
Review your course materials and use your creativity in responding to this question! You may also supplement with external sources but be sure to usecitations (Fournier, 2013) in the body of your post and full references at the end for any sources you use in composing your thoughts.
Post your response (aim for about 150 words)

mod 7

3 Posts Required (initial response + replies to peers or prof)
You must also include at least one citation & reference in initial post to receive full credit.
For this discussion board, I’d like you to think about the technology’s potential and challenges in transforming the global community, particularly the poorer, developing nations. (Notice that we call them “developing” nations – like works in progress…).
Begin by visiting the following website about a project with the lofty goal of providing every child in developing nations a free laptop computer. The project is titled, “One Laptop Per Child.”
Watch the video on their website.
Then click on at least 3 of the photo “stories” to learn about the impact of the program.
Then come back to class and discuss the following questions:
  • How might technology like a laptop and Internet access alter the lives of those living in poverty? Would all the change be positive or is there a downside too? Explain with examples.
  • What obstacles do you think might be problematic for children in poverty, even if they were to receive access to the Internet?
  • Do you think a project like One Laptop Per Child can make a lastingdifference in the global community? Why or why not?
  • Would a project like this work in the U.S? Why or why not?
Review your course materials and use your creativity in responding to this question! You may also supplement with external sources but be sure to usecitations (Fournier, 2013) in the body of your post and full references at the end for any sources you use in composing your thoughts.
Post your response (aim for about 150 words) and two

mod 8

Posted by Susan Fournier at 07/23/13 12:40 PM
Don't forget... !
  • 3 Posts Required (initial response + replies to peers or prof)
  • At least one citation & reference in initial post to receive full credit.
For this last discussion, I’d like you to think about the future of education and online learning. Given that you are on the cutting edge right now, by attending college online, you have a good start already in terms of your thoughts in this arena.
Now, I’d like you to sit back and be creative to answer the following questions. Be specific in your explanations and tell us why. Give examples. Let the creative side of your brain run free with this one!
  • What do you think online learning will be like 50 years from now?
  • What sorts of technology do you think might be used for students attending college (or other education levels) in attaining their degrees and educational goals?
  • What would YOU like to see in the future, for attending college via technology?
  • How will the future of technology and education impact the other social institutions in society (family, school, work, economy, etc)?
If it helps, you may create a scenario in which you are in the future atten

mod 3
Directions: Using your textbook and at least two additional resources (Wikipedia sources are not permitted), write a four to five page paper addressing the following prompts. Your submission should comply with APA guidelines for formatting and citations.Be sure to list each resource used at the end of paper in the reference list section. Please remember that you may utilize LIRN to help you search for resources. You can visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully.
Part I:
1. Explain the relationship between technological sophistication and energy use.
2. Discuss the societal costs and benefits of deriving energy from fossil fuels, nuclear power, and renewable sources.
3. List 2 advantages and disadvantages associated with nuclear energy, hydroelectric power, solar energy, and wind energy.
Part II:
Use Internet search engine to answer the following questions. This essay should be at least one page in length.
1. What percentage of the world's total electricity is produced by wind power? Cite your sources using APA style format.
2. Will wind power someday replace fossil fuels? Explain.
Part III:
Discuss the world energy problem. What types of renewable and alternative energy technologies will promote economic growth for a sustainable environment in the 21st century? Isolate some of the issues, support with specifics, and outline some possible solutions. Be sure to cite your sources using APA style format. This report should be at least one page in length.

mod 6
Directions: Using your textbook and at least two additional resources (Wikipedia sources are not permitted), write a four to six page paper addressing the following prompts. Your submission should comply with APA guidelines for formatting and citations.Be sure to list each resource used at the end of paper in the reference list section. Please remember that you may utilize LIRN to help you search for resources. You can visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully.
Part I
1. What kind of impact has technology had on the history of warfare?
2. Define and give examples for the following terms: Dominant Client; Dominant Regulator; Monopolistic Maker.
3. The article on the F-22 indicates it is a controversial piece of technology. In essay form, identify at least two reasons why the author thinks the most expensive technology isn’t always the most effective.
4. What is meant by the statement that “AIDS is a disease that the world cannot afford?” List and describe three programs that have been created to assist AIDS patients?
5. What are ethical drugs? Provide a few examples.
Part II
Write a one to two page reaction paper on telemedicine. How do you think that telemedicine will change the ways that doctors treat patients? How will telemedicine help soldiers at war, pregnant mothers isolated in remote areas, and patients without local doctors?

Part III

Write a one to two page reaction paper on what is meant byRunning head: [INSERT TITLE HERE]

mod 7

Directions: Using your textbook and at least two additional resources (Wikipedia sources are not permitted), write a four to six page paper addressing the following prompt. Your submission should comply with APA guidelines for formatting and citations.Be sure to list each resource used at the end of paper in the reference list section. Please remember that you may utilize LIRN to help you search for resources. You can visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully.
1. What are some recommendations for shaping the 21st century as far as determining new technologies, their use and highly developed nation's values? Contrast this with the ideas of 20th century U.S. values related to technology, industrialized nations, crime, consumerism, and support of new technologies. How should the developed world support the developing world in these strategies? What kind of relationship (cooperation versus confrontation) do you envision will emerge between the first and the third world in the 21st century? Support your essay with reasoning and examples. “making well people better?”

mod 8

Directions: Using your textbook and at least two additional resources (Wikipedia sources are not permitted), write a two to three page paper addressing the following prompts. Your submission should comply with APA guidelines for formatting and citations.Be sure to list each resource used at the end of paper in the reference list section. Please remember that you may utilize LIRN to help you search for resources. You can visit the Academic Resource Center for a guide on how to utilize LIRN successfully.
Part I
1. From the article “Creating the Future,” clearly summarize the article’s short-term goals and long-term goals.
2. Select a future technology. Predict the social, environmental, ethical, and energy-use implications of the implementation and wide scale use of that technology.
3. Describe what you would like your preferred future to be like in 20 years, 100 years. Be realistic and use this part’s readings and information and understanding of technological and social issues and implications to be part of your considerations.
Part II
Using the Internet, research the history of the Internet. Analyze the wide influence today in all areas of society and predict where this new information technology will be in 20 years and its many implications. Be sure to cite your sources using APA style format. This report should be at least three pages in length.

module 1

Directions: Describe the following terms. Responses to each topic should be a minimum of two paragraphs in length, which must consist of five to seven sentences. Please provide examples from the textbook, if applicable. Students should utilize APA guidelines for formatting and citations.
1. Homo habilis
2. Homo erectus
3. Ecology
4. Kyoto Protocol
5. Koppen’s Climate System

mod 7

Directions: Describe the following terms. Responses to each topic should be a minimum of one paragraph in length, which must consist of five to seven sentences. Please provide examples from the textbook, if applicable. Students should utilize APA guidelines for formatting and citations.
1. First world, Second world, the Third world
2. Economic and technological disparity between the developed world and developing countries.
3. The intrinsic and extrinsic factors that inhibit development in the third word.
4. Burden of debt on developing countries.
5. Income gap between the developed and developing countries.
6. Impact of natural and man-made disasters in Bangladesh.
7. Impact of technology on Afghan people in the war against the Soviet Union during the cold war period.
8. What is meant by globalization?
9. Status of use of appropriate technologies (solar and wind) for meeting the energy demand of the third world.
10. Efforts for recycling in the developing countries.

mod 8

Directions: Describe the following terms. Responses to each topic should be a minimum of one paragraph in length, which must consist of five to seven sentences. Please provide examples from the textbook, if applicable. Students should utilize APA guidelines for formatting and citations.
1. Gaia philosophy
2. Nano-technology
3. Genetic Engineering
4. Geo-politics
5. Green Engineering
6. Converging Technologies
7. Human Genome Project
8. Artificial Intelligence
9. Adverse impact of tractor use on the environment in Sri Lanka.
10. Threat of air pollution on the Taj Mahal in India.

module 2

Directions: Describe the following terms. Responses to each topic should be a minimum of one paragraph in length, which must consist of five to seven sentences. Please provide examples from the textbook, if applicable. Students should utilize APA guidelines for formatting and citations.
1. Describe the pros and cons of genetically modified organisms.
2. Provide examples of the unanticipated consequences of technology.
3. Provide examples that illustrate the lack of social responsibility and ethics when using or developing technology.
4. List at least one way that social responsibility should be integrated into the development and use of technology.
5. What is one example of technologies that should not have been developed because of the on-going changes that they created?
6. Provide an example of technology that illustrates the moral paradox of both right and wrong.
7. List one example of whistle blowing, as described in the text.
8. List a few ethical conflicts that may arise from technological developments.
9. Define technology and ethics.
10. List at least one way that it is believed the Challenger

mod 3

topic should be a minimum of one paragraph in length, which must consist of five to seven sentences. Please provide examples from the textbook, if applicable. Students should utilize APA guidelines for formatting and citations.
1. What kind of risks does the increased fossil fuel consumption impose on society at personal, national and international levels?
2. What efforts could be made to minimize the risks of increased fossil fuel consumption?
3. What alternative sources to nuclear technology would you recommend to developing nations?
4. What types of renewable and alternative energy technologies will promote economic growth for a sustainable environment in the 21st century?
5. What factors impede the mass-production of electric cars?
6. Why are fossil fuels used so prevalently?
7. What effect could radioactive wastes have on future generations?
8. What factors have impeded the advances in alternate energy technologies?
9. How can the United States avoid a future oil crisis and oil wars?
10. Why is nuclear waste a major concern?

mod 4
Directions: Describe the following terms. Responses to each topic should be a minimum of one paragraph in length, which must consist of five to seven sentences. Please provide examples from the textbook, if applicable. Students should utilize APA guidelines for formatting and citations.
1. Ecosystem
2. Global warming
3. UNFCCC treaty
4. Toxic pollution
5. Magnuson Act
6. Carbon Emissions Trading
7. North Atlantic Conveyor
8. Chlorofluorocarbones (CFCs)
9. Freezer trawlers

mod 6

Directions: Describe the following terms. Responses to each topic should be a minimum of one paragraph in length, which must consist of five to seven sentences. Please provide examples from the textbook, if applicable. Students should utilize APA guidelines for formatting and citations.
1. What is the difference between a Dominant Client and a Dominant Regulator?
2. Are high-tech weapons relevant or even useful in low tech wars?
3. What kind of impact has technology had on the history of warfare?
4. How do designers of high tech weapons which are low in terms of protection for its users build user confidence?
5. What causes antibiotic resistance?
6. Can people who have eaten animals that have been treated with antibiotics become resistant to medications used to treat human illness?
7. Why is AIDS now considered the world’s most deadly infectious disease?
8. What have governments done to prevent AIDS?
9. Even though medical technology has increased the average life span of humans what ethical questions still remain today when treating patients?
10. Compare and contrast medical treatment from the 1800s to current medical treatments.

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