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Trident MGT302 full course (All case and SLP)

 Trident MGT302 full course (All case and SLP)

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Module 1 - Case
Assignment Overview
Strong cognitive abilities are usually considered a very important and positive trait to seek when hiring new employees. However, one police department decided not to higher those who scored too high on a cognitive skills exam on the grounds that people who are too intelligent will not be satisfied with their job as a police officer and will end up quitting (Naish, 2013). This of course is a controversial policy that resulted in at least one lawsuit.
For this assignment we will be looking at individual characteristics that may predict job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job performance for police officers. Being a police officer is a demanding job that required strong physical capacity, sharp mental capacity to deal with difficult and life threatening situations, and strong interpersonal skills in order to effectively work with the communities they protect and serve. The issue of what traits to look for in police officer recruiting is a controversial one.
Review the background materials on individual traits, personality, and attitudes such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Then read these articles on law enforcement recruitment with the issues in the background materials in mind:
Naish, R. (April, 2013). Too clever by half. E.Learning Age, 8. [Proquest]
Means, R., Lowry, K., & Conroy, D. (2011). Hiring: Background investigation, part 3. Law & Order, 59(3), 12-13. [Proquest]
Reaume, S. (2009). Improved hiring for child protective investigators. Law & Order, 57(2), 19-20,22,24. [Proquest]
Now suppose a police department has hired you as a consultant to come up with an exam to assess personality and other traits of applicants to the department. The department is looking to hire applicants who meet the following criteria:
1. Are likely to have strong job satisfaction and organizational commitment to the police department after they are hired.
2. Will be able to work effectively under stressful and sometimes life threatening situations, can make good decisions under pressure.
3. Will be able to present a positive image of the police department in the communities they serve and maintain strong relations with community leaders.
Using what you’ve learned in the background about personality traits such as the Big Five Personality traits and factors that influence job satisfaction and organizational behavior, come up with a four to five page paper addressing the following issues:
1. Do you think cognitive abilities should be part of the exam? Do you agree with the police department mentioned in Naish (2013) that there should be an upper limit to cognitive abilities, or should the department try to hire those with the highest cognitive abilities? Consider the concepts of ability testing in Chapter 3 of Nair (2010) as part of your answer.
2. What personality traits do you think will best predict a police officer’s ability to handle stressful situations in the field and make decisions under stress? Consider the Big Five traits as well as any other personality traits that you read about in Chapter 6 of Nair (2010). Be specific about what traits the department should consider and why these traits will be associated with an ability to work under stress.
3. What personality traits will best predict an ability to work cooperatively with their coworkers as well as with members of the community they serve? Again, be specific about which traits the department should consider and why these traits will be associated with a good ability to work with others. Use Chapter 6 of Nair (2010) as your source of information about Big Five and other personality traits to consider.
Assignment Expectations
Module 1 - SLP
Assignment Instructions
For the Session Long Project, you will be applying the concepts from the background materials to your own personal workplace experiences. For this assignment, think of two former or current coworkers that had unique personalities. Choose two people that you worked with closely enough that you were able to get a good idea of their personality traits and workplace attitudes.
Review the main personality traits and attitudes from the background materials, and think about how these apply to your two coworkers. Then write a three page paper addressing the following issues:
1. How would you describe the personalities of these two coworkers? Use the Big Five Personality traits and other personality traits discussed in Chapter 6 of Nair (2010) to find the personality traits that best describe your coworkers. You must use specific personality traits that you found in the background readings for your answer.
2. How would you describe their workplace attitudes including job satisfaction and organizational commitment? Use the concepts from Chapter 4 of Nair (2010) in your answer.
3. Do you think their personality traits impacted their workplace attitudes, or did other factors such as the work environment, job characteristics, etc. have a greater impact on their attitudes?
SLP Assignment Expectations
· Answer the assignment questions directly
· Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don't go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials
· Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the internet, make sure it is from a credible source.
Module 2 - Case
Assignment Overview
In the background materials you read about some very traditional theories of motivation such as Theory X and Theory Y, and the hierarchy of needs. But one trend that has received a lot of attention in the media is that of weird or offbeat methods to motivate employees. The recent movie The Internship is set in the odd (or “googly”) workplace culture of Google. Zappos Shoes even mentions “weirdness” in the list of corporate values.
CashLinq , a financial services firm, is famous for their Nerf gun battles in the office. Eric Ryan, found of the highly successful soap company Method, was known to go to extremes to motivate employees such as dressing up as a chipmunk or holding impromptu office dance parties. Other examples of unorthodox motivation techniques may include unusual perks such as health insurance for your pets, or allowing employees to ride scooters in the office.
But is this just a passing fad for trendy new companies, or there actually a method to their madness? For this assignment, you will be doing some research on these offbeat new motivation techniques and investigating whether or not these techniques actually fit in with standard textbook theories of motivation. Review the background materials, and then read the following articles and also see if you can find any other examples of bizarre or unusual workplace motivation techniques:
Alsop, R. J. (2010). The last word. Workforce Management, 89(10), 50. [Proquest]
Petrecca, L. (Dec. 30, 2011). Quirky perks for workers: Pet insurance, massages. USA Today[Proquest]
Quirky offices may inspire employees. (Dec. 17, 2010, Dec 27). McClatchy - Tribune Business News[Proquest]
Habib, M. (Oct. 7, 2011). Foosball? bah. employers dangle offbeat incentives. The Globe and Mail[Proquest]
When you are done with your research, write a four to five page paper addressing the following issues:
1. Are these unusual motivation techniques more closely matched to McGregor’s Theory X, or his Theory Y? Cite at least one of the textbook chapters from the required background readings to support your answer.
2. Which of Maslow’s needs do you think these techniques address or do not address – physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, and self-actualization? Cite at least one of the textbook chapters from the required background readings to support your answer.
3. Overall, what do you think the main advantages and disadvantages are of these new and unusual motivation techniques as compared to more traditional techniques?
Module 2 - SLP
For the Session Long Project, you will be writing about an organization you currently work for or have worked for in the past and applying the background materials to your own experience. So the first step in this assignment is to choose an organization that you have worked for that you want to write about.
Think about your own experiences at this organization, and how motivated you were and what factors increased or decreased your motivation. Then write a two to three page paper covering the following issues:
1. What steps did management at your organization do to motivate workers?
2. Did management seem to apply Theory X or Theory Y for their motivation strategies? Or did they use elements of both?
3. What needs in Maslow’s hierarchy does management at your organization try to address?
Module 3 - Case
Assignment Overview
A rapidly growing trend in the business world is the growth of virtual teams. Some companies are allowing teleworking, which means that more and more workers have to coordinate their activities with other team members through the phone or internet. Even among workers who are working from their office, more and more companies are having employees work in teams with employees who work at other locations who they may or may not have ever met in person. New technologies have been developed to help facilitate virtual teamwork, but challenges still remain.
Review the background materials and also do some research on virtual teams. Here are a few articles on virtual teams to get you started:
Garfoot, A. (2003, 05). The reality of virtual teams. IT Training,. 32-34. [Proquest]
Sadri, G., & Condia, J. (2012). Managing the virtual world. Industrial Management, 54(1), 21-25. [Proquest]
Rigby, R. (2013). How best to manage a virtual team. The Financial Times[Proquest]
When you are finished with your research, integrate what you learned in general about group dynamics in the background materials with more specific information you learned about virtual teams. Write a four to five page paper addressing the following issues:
1. How do you think the five stages of group development (forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning) will be different for virtual teams as compared to traditional teams? Discuss in regard to all five stages of group development as covered in Nair (2010) and Aswathappa (2010).
2. Do you think virtual teams will be more or less cohesive than traditional teams? Include a discussion of the issue of groupthink in your discussion, and use Nair (2010) and Aswathappa (2010) as your guide to the concepts of group cohesiveness and groupthink.
3. Overall, do you think virtual teams will perform better or worse than traditional teams? Explain your answer with references to the background readings.
Assignment Expectations
  • Answer the assignment questions directly
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don't go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials
  • Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the internet, make sure it is from a credible source.
Module 3 - SLP
Assignment Instructions
For the Module 3 SLP, pick an experience in your workplace when you were assigned to work as part of a team. Think carefully about your experiences working on this team, and how the concepts in the background materials apply to your experiences. Then write a two to three page paper addressing the following issues:
1. Did Tuckman’s five stages of group development apply to your team? Did some of the stages apply but not others? Explain your reasoning with specific experiences that your team faced and references to at least one of the required textbook chapters from the background materials.
2. How would you rate the cohesiveness of your team? Was it not very cohesive, or was it too cohesive to the extent that your team suffered from groupthink? Explain your reasoning with specific experiences that your team faced and references to at least one of the required textbook chapters from the background materials.
3. Based on what you’ve read in the background materials, what do you think could have been done differently with this team to improve its performance?
SLP Assignment Expectations
  • Answer the assignment questions directly
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don't go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials
  • Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the internet, make sure it is from a credible source.
Module 4 - Case
Assignment Overview
Southwest Airlines and Koch Industries are both known for their distinctive organizational cultures, and both have been highly successful and profitable companies. Southwest Airlines is known as a “fun” place to work where socialization and humor in the workplace are strongly encouraged. Koch Industries, on the other hand, has a culture defined by the principles of “market-based management” where performance and revenue growth is emphasized.
Do some background reading on the cultures behind Southwest Airlines and Koch Industries. While doing your research, keep strongly in mind the characteristics of organizational cultures discussed in the background materials such as team-oriented, people-oriented, outcome-oriented, etc. Here are some articles to get you started on your research that will give you some background about the cultures at these two organizations:
Klein, D. (2011). Creating cultures that lead to success: Lincoln Electric, Southwest Airlines, and SAS Institute. Organizational Dynamics 41(1), 35-39 [Available in Science Direct. Note: you only have to read the middle portion of the article concerning Southwest Airlines and not the whole article]
Bird, A. (Mar. 13, 2011). Southwest: Corporate culture combines work, play. The Post and Courier.[Proquest]
Whatley, H. (2013). Principles and dimensions of market-based management. Independent Journal of Management & Production, 4(1), 126-135. [Proquest]
Dissecting the Kochtopus. (Jun. 7, 2014). The Economist, 411, 76. [Proquest]
When you are finished with your research, write a four to five page paper addressing the following issues:
1. Describe the organizational culture of Southwest Airlines the best you can using the characteristics of organizational culture discussed in Rao (2010) and Piccolo and Bardes (2011). These include but are not limited to detail-oriented, team-oriented, innovative, aggressive, outcome-oriented, and people-oriented. Be specific as you can regarding which characteristics of organizational culture that you read about in the background materials apply to Southwest and which ones do not.
2. Describe the organizational culture of Koch Industries the best you can using the characteristics of organizational culture discussed in Rao (2010) and Piccolo and Bardes (2011).
3. Now suppose Koch Industries decided to purchase Southwest Airlines. Compare and contrast the two cultures, and explain what kind of challenges do you think they would face in merging the two cultures. Also, explain what steps you think would need to be taken in order to prevent culture clashes between the two organizations. Use concepts from Rao (2010) or Piccolo and Bardes (2011) as part of your recommendations on steps to take to avoid culture clashes.
Assignment Expectations
  • Answer the assignment questions directly
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don't go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials
  • Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the internet, make sure it is from a credible source.
Module 4 - SLP
Assignment Instructions
For this final SLP, choose an organization that you currently work for or have worked for in the past. You will be applying the concepts of organizational culture that you read about in the background materials to this organization.
Write a two to three page paper addressing the following issues:
1. Describe how your organization rates on these cultural characteristics: detail-oriented, team-oriented, innovative, aggressive, outcome-oriented, and people-oriented.
2. Discuss how strong the organizational culture is at your organization. To what extent is the organization’s culture shared by employees and managers?
3. What aspects of your organization’s culture do you think should be changed, and what steps would you recommend to change the culture? Use concepts from Rao (2010) in forming your recommendations.
SLP Assignment Expectations
  • Answer the assignment questions directly
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don't go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials
  • Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the internet, make sure it is from a credible source.
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vinod gupta
11:58 AM (3 hours ago)
Madam Module 1 ka Solution SLP to hai lekin is ki case File Solutio nhai hai ...

analics research

Attachments1:22 PM (1 hour ago)
to me

On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 11:58 AM, vinod gupta <> wrote:

Madam Module 1 ka Solution SLP to hai lekin is ki case File Solutio nhai hai ?Please Case Solution Bhej de.
On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 5:05 PM, analics research <> wrote:
Module 1 - Case
Assignment Overview
Strong cognitive abilities are usually considered a very important and positive trait to seek when hiring new employees. However, one police department decided not to higher those who scored too high on a cognitive skills exam on the grounds that people who are too intelligent will not be satisfied with their job as a police officer and will end up quitting (Naish, 2013). This of course is a controversial policy that resulted in at least one lawsuit.
For this assignment we will be looking at individual characteristics that may predict job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job performance for police officers. Being a police officer is a demanding job that required strong physical capacity, sharp mental capacity to deal with difficult and life threatening situations, and strong interpersonal skills in order to effectively work with the communities they protect and serve. The issue of what traits to look for in police officer recruiting is a controversial one.
Review the background materials on individual traits, personality, and attitudes such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Then read these articles on law enforcement recruitment with the issues in the background materials in mind:
Naish, R. (April, 2013). Too clever by half. E.Learning Age, 8. [Proquest]
Means, R., Lowry, K., & Conroy, D. (2011). Hiring: Background investigation, part 3. Law & Order, 59(3), 12-13. [Proquest]
Reaume, S. (2009). Improved hiring for child protective investigators. Law & Order, 57(2), 19-20,22,24. [Proquest]
Now suppose a police department has hired you as a consultant to come up with an exam to assess personality and other traits of applicants to the department. The department is looking to hire applicants who meet the following criteria:
1. Are likely to have strong job satisfaction and organizational commitment to the police department after they are hired.
2. Will be able to work effectively under stressful and sometimes life threatening situations, can make good decisions under pressure.
3. Will be able to present a positive image of the police department in the communities they serve and maintain strong relations with community leaders.
Using what you’ve learned in the background about personality traits such as the Big Five Personality traits and factors that influence job satisfaction and organizational behavior, come up with a four to five page paper addressing the following issues:
1. Do you think cognitive abilities should be part of the exam? Do you agree with the police department mentioned in Naish (2013) that there should be an upper limit to cognitive abilities, or should the department try to hire those with the highest cognitive abilities? Consider the concepts of ability testing in Chapter 3 of Nair (2010) as part of your answer.
2. What personality traits do you think will best predict a police officer’s ability to handle stressful situations in the field and make decisions under stress? Consider the Big Five traits as well as any other personality traits that you read about in Chapter 6 of Nair (2010). Be specific about what traits the department should consider and why these traits will be associated with an ability to work under stress.
3. What personality traits will best predict an ability to work cooperatively with their coworkers as well as with members of the community they serve? Again, be specific about which traits the department should consider and why these traits will be associated with a good ability to work with others. Use Chapter 6 of Nair (2010) as your source of information about Big Five and other personality traits to consider.
Assignment Expectations
Module 1 - SLP
Assignment Instructions
For the Session Long Project, you will be applying the concepts from the background materials to your own personal workplace experiences. For this assignment, think of two former or current coworkers that had unique personalities. Choose two people that you worked with closely enough that you were able to get a good idea of their personality traits and workplace attitudes.
Review the main personality traits and attitudes from the background materials, and think about how these apply to your two coworkers. Then write a three page paper addressing the following issues:
1. How would you describe the personalities of these two coworkers? Use the Big Five Personality traits and other personality traits discussed in Chapter 6 of Nair (2010) to find the personality traits that best describe your coworkers. You must use specific personality traits that you found in the background readings for your answer.
2. How would you describe their workplace attitudes including job satisfaction and organizational commitment? Use the concepts from Chapter 4 of Nair (2010) in your answer.
3. Do you think their personality traits impacted their workplace attitudes, or did other factors such as the work environment, job characteristics, etc. have a greater impact on their attitudes?
SLP Assignment Expectations
· Answer the assignment questions directly
· Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don't go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials
· Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the internet, make sure it is from a credible source.
Module 2 - Case
Assignment Overview
In the background materials you read about some very traditional theories of motivation such as Theory X and Theory Y, and the hierarchy of needs. But one trend that has received a lot of attention in the media is that of weird or offbeat methods to motivate employees. The recent movie The Internship is set in the odd (or “googly”) workplace culture of Google. Zappos Shoes even mentions “weirdness” in the list of corporate values.
CashLinq , a financial services firm, is famous for their Nerf gun battles in the office. Eric Ryan, found of the highly successful soap company Method, was known to go to extremes to motivate employees such as dressing up as a chipmunk or holding impromptu office dance parties. Other examples of unorthodox motivation techniques may include unusual perks such as health insurance for your pets, or allowing employees to ride scooters in the office.
But is this just a passing fad for trendy new companies, or there actually a method to their madness? For this assignment, you will be doing some research on these offbeat new motivation techniques and investigating whether or not these techniques actually fit in with standard textbook theories of motivation. Review the background materials, and then read the following articles and also see if you can find any other examples of bizarre or unusual workplace motivation techniques:
Alsop, R. J. (2010). The last word. Workforce Management, 89(10), 50. [Proquest]
Petrecca, L. (Dec. 30, 2011). Quirky perks for workers: Pet insurance, massages. USA Today[Proquest]
Quirky offices may inspire employees. (Dec. 17, 2010, Dec 27). McClatchy - Tribune Business News[Proquest]
Habib, M. (Oct. 7, 2011). Foosball? bah. employers dangle offbeat incentives. The Globe and Mail[Proquest]
When you are done with your research, write a four to five page paper addressing the following issues:
1. Are these unusual motivation techniques more closely matched to McGregor’s Theory X, or his Theory Y? Cite at least one of the textbook chapters from the required background readings to support your answer.
2. Which of Maslow’s needs do you think these techniques address or do not address – physiological, safety, belonging, esteem, and self-actualization? Cite at least one of the textbook chapters from the required background readings to support your answer.
3. Overall, what do you think the main advantages and disadvantages are of these new and unusual motivation techniques as compared to more traditional techniques?
Module 2 - SLP
For the Session Long Project, you will be writing about an organization you currently work for or have worked for in the past and applying the background materials to your own experience. So the first step in this assignment is to choose an organization that you have worked for that you want to write about.
Think about your own experiences at this organization, and how motivated you were and what factors increased or decreased your motivation. Then write a two to three page paper covering the following issues:
1. What steps did management at your organization do to motivate workers?
2. Did management seem to apply Theory X or Theory Y for their motivation strategies? Or did they use elements of both?
3. What needs in Maslow’s hierarchy does management at your organization try to address?
Module 3 - Case
Assignment Overview
A rapidly growing trend in the business world is the growth of virtual teams. Some companies are allowing teleworking, which means that more and more workers have to coordinate their activities with other team members through the phone or internet. Even among workers who are working from their office, more and more companies are having employees work in teams with employees who work at other locations who they may or may not have ever met in person. New technologies have been developed to help facilitate virtual teamwork, but challenges still remain.
Review the background materials and also do some research on virtual teams. Here are a few articles on virtual teams to get you started:
Garfoot, A. (2003, 05). The reality of virtual teams. IT Training,. 32-34. [Proquest]
Sadri, G., & Condia, J. (2012). Managing the virtual world. Industrial Management, 54(1), 21-25. [Proquest]
Rigby, R. (2013). How best to manage a virtual team. The Financial Times[Proquest]
When you are finished with your research, integrate what you learned in general about group dynamics in the background materials with more specific information you learned about virtual teams. Write a four to five page paper addressing the following issues:
1. How do you think the five stages of group development (forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning) will be different for virtual teams as compared to traditional teams? Discuss in regard to all five stages of group development as covered in Nair (2010) and Aswathappa (2010).
2. Do you think virtual teams will be more or less cohesive than traditional teams? Include a discussion of the issue of groupthink in your discussion, and use Nair (2010) and Aswathappa (2010) as your guide to the concepts of group cohesiveness and groupthink.
3. Overall, do you think virtual teams will perform better or worse than traditional teams? Explain your answer with references to the background readings.
Assignment Expectations
  • Answer the assignment questions directly
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don't go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials
  • Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the internet, make sure it is from a credible source.
Module 3 - SLP
Assignment Instructions
For the Module 3 SLP, pick an experience in your workplace when you were assigned to work as part of a team. Think carefully about your experiences working on this team, and how the concepts in the background materials apply to your experiences. Then write a two to three page paper addressing the following issues:
1. Did Tuckman’s five stages of group development apply to your team? Did some of the stages apply but not others? Explain your reasoning with specific experiences that your team faced and references to at least one of the required textbook chapters from the background materials.
2. How would you rate the cohesiveness of your team? Was it not very cohesive, or was it too cohesive to the extent that your team suffered from groupthink? Explain your reasoning with specific experiences that your team faced and references to at least one of the required textbook chapters from the background materials.
3. Based on what you’ve read in the background materials, what do you think could have been done differently with this team to improve its performance?
SLP Assignment Expectations
  • Answer the assignment questions directly
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don't go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials
  • Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the internet, make sure it is from a credible source.
Module 4 - Case
Assignment Overview
Southwest Airlines and Koch Industries are both known for their distinctive organizational cultures, and both have been highly successful and profitable companies. Southwest Airlines is known as a “fun” place to work where socialization and humor in the workplace are strongly encouraged. Koch Industries, on the other hand, has a culture defined by the principles of “market-based management” where performance and revenue growth is emphasized.
Do some background reading on the cultures behind Southwest Airlines and Koch Industries. While doing your research, keep strongly in mind the characteristics of organizational cultures discussed in the background materials such as team-oriented, people-oriented, outcome-oriented, etc. Here are some articles to get you started on your research that will give you some background about the cultures at these two organizations:
Klein, D. (2011). Creating cultures that lead to success: Lincoln Electric, Southwest Airlines, and SAS Institute.Organizational Dynamics 41(1), 35-39 [Available in Science Direct. Note: you only have to read the middle portion of the article concerning Southwest Airlines and not the whole article]
Bird, A. (Mar. 13, 2011). Southwest: Corporate culture combines work, play. The Post and Courier.[Proquest]
Whatley, H. (2013). Principles and dimensions of market-based management. Independent Journal of Management & Production, 4(1), 126-135. [Proquest]
Dissecting the Kochtopus. (Jun. 7, 2014). The Economist, 411, 76. [Proquest]
When you are finished with your research, write a four to five page paper addressing the following issues:
1. Describe the organizational culture of Southwest Airlines the best you can using the characteristics of organizational culture discussed in Rao (2010) and Piccolo and Bardes (2011). These include but are not limited to detail-oriented, team-oriented, innovative, aggressive, outcome-oriented, and people-oriented. Be specific as you can regarding which characteristics of organizational culture that you read about in the background materials apply to Southwest and which ones do not.
2. Describe the organizational culture of Koch Industries the best you can using the characteristics of organizational culture discussed in Rao (2010) and Piccolo and Bardes (2011).
3. Now suppose Koch Industries decided to purchase Southwest Airlines. Compare and contrast the two cultures, and explain what kind of challenges do you think they would face in merging the two cultures. Also, explain what steps you think would need to be taken in order to prevent culture clashes between the two organizations. Use concepts from Rao (2010) or Piccolo and Bardes (2011) as part of your recommendations on steps to take to avoid culture clashes.
Assignment Expectations
  • Answer the assignment questions directly
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don't go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials
  • Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the internet, make sure it is from a credible source.
Module 4 - SLP
Assignment Instructions
For this final SLP, choose an organization that you currently work for or have worked for in the past. You will be applying the concepts of organizational culture that you read about in the background materials to this organization.
Write a two to three page paper addressing the following issues:
1. Describe how your organization rates on these cultural characteristics: detail-oriented, team-oriented, innovative, aggressive, outcome-oriented, and people-oriented.
2. Discuss how strong the organizational culture is at your organization. To what extent is the organization’s culture shared by employees and managers?
3. What aspects of your organization’s culture do you think should be changed, and what steps would you recommend to change the culture? Use concepts from Rao (2010) in forming your recommendations.
SLP Assignment Expectations
  • Answer the assignment questions directly
  • Stay focused on the precise assignment questions, don't go off on tangents or devote a lot of space to summarizing general background materials
  • Make sure to use reliable and credible sources as your references. Articles published in established newspapers or business journals/magazines are preferred. If you find articles on the internet, make sure it is from a credible source.

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