Friday 29 December 2017

nr451 full course [ all discussions and all Capstone Project: Milestone ]

 nr451 full course [ all discussions and all Capstone Project: Milestone ]

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week 1

Assessing Need for Change (graded)

Think about a problem in your clinical practice. Are the satisfaction scores in your unit low? Does your unit have a higher than average infection rate? What is a problem you see in your clinical practice? What are some of the possible solutions? Why is it important to evaluate the need for change and not just stick with the “it’s the way we always have done it” mentality?

Class, you may begin posting in this TD on Sunday, May 3, 2015 for credit

Nurse's Role in EBP (graded)

Evidence based practice dates back to Florence Nightingale, yet it took a long time for nurses to conduct nursing research. Why is it important for nurses to have their own body of knowledge? Give a specific example of how bedside nurses contribute to nursing research? 

Class, you may begin posting in this TD on Sunday, May 3, 2015 for credit

week 2

Forming the PICO Question (graded)

Form a PICO question that you will use for your change project. Include each element of the PICO question. How did you develop this question? Why is it important to your clinical practice?

Appraisal of Evidence (graded)

When reviewing a journal article, how do you best determine its credibility and reliability? Why is it important to determine the strength of evidence and how does that affect your implementation of the results into clinical practice?

week 3

Feasibility of your Capstone Project (graded)

Now that you have identified your capstone project. What is the cost involved to implement your project? Remember that cost isn’t always just money but also time and resources (both tangible and intangible). Will the initial cost pay off in the long run with improved outcomes?

Communication Errors (graded)

Have you ever played the telephone game when you were younger? Communication can take on a life of its own and the content can often be distorted over time. Give an example in your clinical practice where miscommunication was the root cause of an error. How could this communication error have been prevented?

week 4

Patterns of Nursing Care (graded)

Your lesson this week discussed patterns of nursing care delivery. In your opinion, what is the most effective nursing care delivery model and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen nursing care delivery model? Give specific clinical examples.

Discussion of Articles (graded)

Discuss the two articles that you read from the Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-based Handbook for Nurses website. Give the title and the URL address for each article. How is the information in each article applicable to your practice?

week 5

An Ethical Dilemma (graded)

Nurses face many ethical issues on a daily basis. Consider the following scenario:
Your unit has team nursing. As luck would have it, you and your best friend, Jill, are paired as a team this shift. Jill is a new nurse so you feel this is a great opportunity to take her under your wing a bit and show her the ropes. It is a busy shift and you administered Mr. Smith his insulin dose based on the sliding scale before lunch. You chart your medication administration and continuing caring for your patients. An hour later, Jill comes to you terrified because she forgot to chart the insulin she gave Mr. Smith and realized that you also gave the medication. She rushed to take his blood sugar and it was 115. Mr. Smith felt fine and was eating a candy bar his family had snuck in for him. No harm done, in fact he probably needed the extra insulin to compensate for the candy bar he wasn’t supposed to have, Jill explained. Jill begs you not to report this since she is still on probation. She says that she has learned her lesson and since nothing bad happened, why does anyone need to know?
What would you do in this situation? Apply ethical principles to explain the rationale for your decision making process.

Core Competencies for Nurses (graded)

Explore the website for the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative at How can these competencies for nurses be implemented into the workplace or professional nursing setting if you are not currently working?

week 6

Implementing Change Despite Resistance (graded)

Change can be difficult to implement. Now that you are almost finished with your change project, if you were to implement your project in your clinical practice, what type of resistance do you expect from staff? List at least three ways that you can lessen the resistance you may encounter to help ensure the success of your project.

Workplace Safety (graded)

Select an American Nurses Association (ANA) publication on workplace safety from the ANA. Search the American Nurses Association (ANA) website for workplace safety ( and select a publication on workplace safety. Review the document (publication), include the URL, and discuss implications for you and your work setting.

week 7

Healthcare Policy (graded)

Describe a recent health care policy and discuss it’s implication to your personal clinical practice or health care as a whole. Why is it important for nurses to be aware of health care policy?

Healthcare Economics (graded)

Health care costs are on the rise. What is an example of wasted health care dollars in your clinical practice and how do you propose improving the utilization of these dollars?

Capstone Project Milestone #1:
PICO and Evidence Appraisal Guidelines
Clear identification of the problem or opportunity is the first step in evidence-based nursing. This first milestone offers two tools to assist in the identification and gathering of evidence to link the problem, proposed intervention, and desired outcomes. Completion of the milestone will include identification of the problem or concern using the PICO format and an evidence appraisal to find evidence to support an intervention that will change the outcomes.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.
CO4: Develops and outlines a scientific, systematic decision-making process to integrate critical thinking with clinical judgment to assure safe and effective outcomes. (PO #4)
CO8: Selects evidence for best practice when planning professional nursing care for individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. (PO #8)
Due Date
Milestone #1 consists of the completion of one worksheet that contains two parts (i.e., the PICO worksheet and the evidence appraisal worksheet). Submit the file with the two worksheets completed to the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end ofWeek 2.
Milestone #1 is worth 175 points (75 points for the PICO worksheet and 100 points for the evidence appraisal worksheet).
1. Read this document including the grading rubrics below.
2. Download the PICO/Evidence Appraisal worksheets form from Doc Sharing. Consider what is the nursing problem or issue that you have uncovered. Make sure it is related to nursing, i.e., one that a nurse can solve independently. Do not select a medical problem that is dependent upon a medical professional to resolve. Completion of PICO worksheet will offer a tool for your literature search.
3. For the evidence appraisal worksheet, find AT LEAST FOURsources to support the need for change and the potential intervention you have selected to solve the problem. Three of these sources must be peer-reviewed articles while one can be a reliable professional source.
4. Submit the completed PICO/Evidence Appraisal worksheet to the Week 2 Dropbox.
Grading Criteria: PICO
PICO question and components
Question or nursing problem is identified and is an independent nursing decision. PICO elements are correctly identified. Outcomes are measurable.
Practice issue and scope of the problem
Practice issue/problem is thoroughly described. The need for change is evident.Practice area is identified. Identification of the practice issue is clear. Scope of the problem is identified.
Evidence and search terms
Appropriately identifies the types of evidences that should be gathered (must include literature search). Uses manageable search terms and ways in which the search can be narrowed if discussed.
75 points
Grading Rubric: PICO
Assignment Criteria
Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of Performance
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor or Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
F (0–75%)
PICO question and components
40 points
Question or nursing problem is identified and is an independent nursing decision. PICO elements are correctly identified. Outcomes are measurable.
37–40 points
Question or nursing problem is identified and is an independent nursing decision. PICO elements are correctly identified. Outcomes but are not measurable.
34–36 points
Question or nursing problem is identified and is an independent nursing decision. One PICO element is not correctly identified. Outcomes but are not measurable.
30–33 points
Question or nursing problem is identified but is not an independent nursing decision. Several PICO elements are not correctly identified. Outcomes are not measurable or may not be present.
0–29 points
Practice issue and scope of the problem
20 points
*Practice issue/problem is thoroughly described. The need for change is evident.*Practice area is identified. *Identification of the practice issue is clear.
*Scope of the problem is identified.
19–20 points
*Practice issue/problem is vaguely described. The need for change is evident.
*Practice area is identified. *Identification of the practice issue is clear.
*Scope of the problem is identified.
17–18 points
*Practice issue/problem is vaguely described. The need for change is not obvious.
*Practice area is identified. *Identification of the practice issue is clear.
*Scope of the problem is identified.
15–16 points
*Practice issue/problem is vaguely described. Need for change is not obvious.
*Practice issues or scope of the problem are not addressed and/or not accurate.
0–14 points
Evidence and search terms.
15 points
Appropriately identifies the types of evidences that should be gathered (must include literature search). Uses manageable search terms and ways in which the search can be narrowed if discussed.
14–15 points
Appropriately identifies the types of evidences that should be gathered (must include literature search). Uses manageable search terms. Ways in which the search can be narrowed is not included.
13 points
Appropriately identifies the types of evidences that should be gathered (must include literature search). Search terms are not measurable. Ways in which the search can be narrowed is not included.
11–12 points
Types of evidence that should be gathered is not noted or not correct, literature search not identified. Search terms are not measurable or absent. Ways in which the search can be narrowed is not included.
0–10 points
Total Points

Grading Criteria: Evidence Appraisal
Article Selection
Four articles used. At least three articles are peer-reviewed research. Other source is scholarly and appropriate for the change project. Type of source is properly identified. References are listed in APA format.
Strength of Research
Strength of the research is listed as High, Good, or Low/Major Flaw. Reasons why the rating was given is clearly discussed and logical.
Description of Research
Description of the research is thorough and detailed. Summary was given in own words. Results of the study were summarized with the application to the project noted. Recommendations for clinical practice were discussed.
100 points
Grading Rubric: Evidence Appraisal
Assignment Criteria
Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of Performance
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor or Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
F (0–75%)
Article Selection
30 points
Four articles used. At least three articles are peer-reviewed research. Other source is scholarly and appropriate for the change project. Type of source is properly identified. References are listed in APA format.
28–30 points
Four articles used. At least three articles are peer-reviewed research. Other source is scholarly and appropriate for the change project. Type of source is not properly identified. References are listed in APA format.
25–27 points
Four articles used. At least three articles are peer-reviewed research. Other source is scholarly and appropriate for the change project. Type of source is not properly identified. References some errors in APA format.
23–24 points
Less than three articles are peer-reviewed research. Other source is not scholarly or appropriate for the change project. Type of source is not properly identified. References have multiple errors in APA format.
0–22 points
Strength of Research
20 points
Strength of the research is listed as High, Good, or Low/Major Flaw. Reasons why the rating was given is clearly discussed and logical.
19–20 points
Strength of the research is listed as High, Good, or Low/Major Flaw. Reason why the rating was given is documented but is not logical.
17–18 points
Strength of the research is listed as High, Good, or Low/Major Flaw. Reason why the rating was given is vague or absent.
15–16 points
Strength of the research is not listed as High, Good, or Low/Major Flaw. Reason why the rating was given is vague or absent.
0–14 points
Description of Research
50 points
Description of the research is thorough and detailed. Summary was given in own words. Results of the study were summarized with the application to the project noted. Recommendations for clinical practice were discussed.
46–50 points
Description of the research is thorough and detailed. Summary was given in own words. Results of the study were listed but no application or summary of results were given. Recommendations for clinical practice were discussed.
42–45 points
Description of the research is vague. Summary was given in own words. Results of the study were listed but no application or summary of results were given. Recommendations for clinical practice were not discussed.
38–41 points
Description of the research is vague. Summary was not in own words but rather quotes from the source. Results of the study may not be listed. Recommendations for clinical practice were not discussed.
0–37 points
Total Points

Capstone Project Milestone #1:
PICO and Evidence Appraisal Worksheets
PICO Worksheet
Your Name:
Your Instructor’s Name:
Purpose: To identify a problem or concern that nursing can change and develop a PICO question to guide the change project.
Directions: Use the form below to complete the PICO assignment in Milestone #1. This includes filling in the table with information about your research question and your PICO elements.
Step 1: Select the key PICO terms for searching the evidence. Clearly define your PICO question. List each element P (problem, population, or problem), I (intervention), C (Comparison with other treatment/current practice), and O (Desired outcome). Is the potential solution something for which you (as nurse or student) can find a solution through evidence research? Look in your book for guidelines to developing your PICO question.
Step 2: Identify the problem. What have you noticed in your work or school environment that isn’t achieving the desired patient or learning outcomes? What needs to change in nursing, what can you change with the support of evidence in the literature? Describe the problem or practice issue that you want to research. What is your practice area; clinical, education, or administration? (This is NOT where you will list your PICO question)
Step 3: How was the practice issues identified? How did you come to know this was a problem in your clinical practice? Review the listed concerns and check all that apply.
Step 4: What evidence must be gathered? Everyone should have a literature search. However, what other sources of reliable information will be helpful for your particular question?
Step 5: What terms will you use in order to make sure that your search is wide enough to obtain required information but narrow enough to keep it focused? What databases will you search? How will you narrow your search if needed?
PICO Worksheet
What is the PICO question?____________________________________________________________
Define each element of the question below:
P- (Patient, population, or problem):
I- (Intervention):
C- (Comparison with other treatment/current practice):
O- (Desired outcome):
What is the practice issue/problem?
What is the practice area?
___ Clinical
___ Education
___ Administration
___ Other
How was the practice issue identified? (check all that apply)
___ Safety/risk management concerns
___ Unsatisfactory patient outcomes
___ Wide variations in practice
___ Significant financial concerns
___ Difference between hospital and community practice
___ Clinical practice issue is a concern
___ Procedure or process is a time waster
___ Clinical practice issue has no scientific base
___ Other:
What evidence must be gathered? (check all that apply)
___ Literature search
___ Guidelines
___ Expert Opinion
___ Patient Preferences
___ Clinical Expertise
___ Financial Analysis
___ Standards (Regulatory, professional, community)
___ Other
Search terms:
Databases to search:
Search Strategies:
Evidence Appraisal Worksheet
Your Name:
Your Instructor’s Name:
Purpose: To find evidence to support an intervention that will change the outcomes.
Directions: Type your search question below. Find AT LEAST FOUR sources to support the need for change and the potential intervention you have selected to solve the problem. At least three of your sources must be peer-reviewed articles. The forth source could be another peer-reviewed article or a reliable, credible source. Look in your text for ideas of other sources that can be used. Using the table below, insert and describe your four chosen resources.
Step 1: APA Reference for the article. You will need to list the reference for the source in APA format. Be careful when using built-in APA formats and library citations. They may not be in APA format. Refer to Chapter 7 of your APA manual.
Step 2: Type of Source. If your source is a research article, you will need to ensure that it is a peer review article. You need at least three peer-reviewed articles for your project. If your article is a non–research source, then you will need to list what type of source it is; systematic review, clinical practice guidelines, organizational experience, or individual expert opinion/case study/literature review. You may only use ONE non-research source.
Step 3: Strength of Research. Refer to page 238-240 for research evidence and page 242-244 for non-research evidence. While you do not need to assign a level for each study, you will assign a quality of evidence (high, good, or low/major flaw) and should discuss the study using some of the elements that are discussed in the appraisal forms. For example, Research evidence: was the sample size adequate? Was there a controlled group? Was it a randomized study? Were results clearly stated? Was the conclusion based on the results? Were study limitations discussed? Not all of these elements need to be discussed, but you should discuss this information to determine if the strength of the evidence is HIGH, GOOD, or LOW/MAJOR FLAW.
Step 4: Brief Description of the Research. In this section, you will summarize the source in your own words. How does this information apply to your project? What are the results of the source? What are their recommendations?

Evidence Appraisal Worksheet
PICO Question:
APA Reference for Article
Give the APA-formatted reference for the article.
Type of Source
*Research: Peer-reviewed article
*Non-research systematic review, clinical practice guidelines, organizational experience, or expert opinion/case study/literature review
Strength of Research
Discuss the strength of the sources.
Report if evidence is High, Good, or Low/Major Flaw. Use the tools on page 238-244 of your text and discuss the reasons why you have assigned a particular level of quality.
Brief Description of Research
Address the questions.
*How does the information in the article apply to the project problem or proposed intervention?
*Summarize in your own words.
* Include results of the study and how these results are applicable to your project.
* What is the recommendation of the source for clinical practice?

Capstone Project: Milestone #2: Design for Change Proposal Paper (graded)

Your Capstone Project Milestone #2: Design for Change Proposal Paper is due Sunday. Guidelines may be found in Doc Sharing.
Your assignment is due by Sunday, end of week, 11:59 p.m. (MT). Submit your assignment to the Dropbox.

Capstone Project Milestone #2:
Design for Change Proposal Guidelines
You are to create a Design for Change proposal inclusive of your PICO and evidence appraisal information from your Capstone Project Milestone #1. Your plan is to convince your management team of a nursing problem you have uncovered and you feel is significant enough to change the way something is currently practiced. In the event you are not currently working as a nurse, please use a hypothetical clinical situation you experienced in nursing school, or nursing education issue you identified in your nursing program.
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO1: Applies the theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to individuals, families, aggregates, and communities from entry to the healthcare system through long-term planning. (PO #1)
CO2: Proposes leadership and collaboration strategies for use with consumers and other healthcare providers in managing care and/or delegating responsibilities for health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitative activities. (PO #2)
Milestone #2 consists of the proposal for your Design for Change Capstone Project. Submit this Milestone to the Dropbox by the end of Week 4.
Milestone #2 is worth 225 points.
1. Create a proposal for your Design for Change Capstone Project. Open the template in Doc Sharing. You will include the information from Milestone #1, your PICO question, and evidence appraisal, as you compose this proposal. Your plan is to convince your management team of a nursing problem you have uncovered and you feel is significant enough to change the way something is currently practiced.
2. The format for this proposal will be a paper following the Publication manual of APA 6th edition.
3. The paper is to be four- to six-pages excluding the Title page and Reference page.
4. As you organize your information and evidence, include the following topics.
a. Introduction: Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63). Introduce the reader to the plan with evidence-based problem identification and solution.
b. Change Plan: Write an overview using the John Hopkins Nursing EBP Model and Guidelines (2012)
i. Practice Question
ii. Evidence
iii. Translation
c. Summary
5. Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. In-text citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, “How do I know this?” and then cite the source. Scholarly sources are expected, which means using peer-reviewed journals and credible websites.
6. Tables and Figures may be added as appropriate to the project. They should be embedded within the body of the paper (see your APA manual for how to format and cite). Creating tables and figures offers visual aids to the reader and enhances understanding of your literature review and design for change.
Category Points % Description
Introduction 25 11% Introduction to the plan is nursing focused, with evidence-based problem identification and potential solutions clearly identified.
Change Plan; Practice Question (Steps 1–5) 50 22% Activities to achieve the first steps of change are fully described in detail and are based on the first five steps of the John Hopkins EBP Process; Practice Question.
Change Plan; Evidence (Steps 6–10) 50 22% Activities to achieve steps six through ten of the John Hopkins EBP Process are fully described in detail; Evidence.
Change Plan; Translation
(Steps 11–18) 50 22% Activities to achieve the final steps of change are fully described in detail and are based on steps 11 through 18 of the John Hopkins EBP Process; Practice Question.
Summary 25 11% Clear, solid summary summarizing the key points and steps of the change plan is included; ways to maintain the change plan are described.
APA Format 25 11% Minimal errors.
Total 225 points 100%

Assignment Criteria Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance
A (92–100%) Very Good or High Level of Performance
B (84–91%) Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance
C (76–83%) Poor, Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
F (0–75%) Total
25 points Introduction to the plan is nursing focused, with evidence-based problem identification and potential solutions clearly identified.
23–25 points Introduction to the plan is nursing focused, with evidence to support the problem and potential solution identified but convincing areas are missing.
21–22 points Introduction to the plan is provided; however, evidence to support the problem and potential solution is not convincing.
19–20 points Introduction lacks evidence to support need for change and/or potential solution is not realistic.
0–18 points /25
Change Plan Practice Question
(Steps 1–5)
50 points Activities to achieve the first five steps of change are fully described in detail and are based on the first section of the John Hopkins EBP Process:
*Practice question is identified.
*Scope of the problem discussed (including supportive statistics).
*Stakeholders identified.
*Team is identified.
46–50 points Activities to achieve the first five steps of change are fully described, not in detail but are based on the first section of the John Hopkins EBP Process:
*Practice question is identified.
*Scope of the problem discussed (including supportive statistics).
*Stakeholders identified.
*Team is identified.
42–45 points Activities to achieve the first five steps of change are vague. The first section of the John Hopkins EBP Process is not clearly identified.
*Practice question is identified.
*Scope of the problem does not contain statistics to support the problem.
*Stakeholders are identified but not appropriate or missing key members.
*Team members are identified but not appropriate or missing key members.
38–41 points Activities to address and support change are not specifically addressed. Portions of the first five steps are missing or absent.
0–37 points /50
Change Plan Evidence
(Steps 6–10)
50 points Activities to achieve steps six through ten of change are fully described in detail and are based on the first section of the John Hopkins EBP Process: Evidence is identified.
*At least four reliable sources are used, three of which are peer-reviewed.
*Summary of evidence is thorough and detailed.
*Strength of evidence is discussed.
*Recommendation for change is based on evidence and is thorough.
46–50 points Activities to achieve steps six through ten of change are vague and are based on the first section of the John Hopkins EBP Process: Evidence is identified.
*At least four reliable sources are used, three of which are peer-reviewed.
*Summary of evidence is vague.
*Strength of evidence is discussed.
*Recommendation for change is based on evidence but connection is vague.
42–45 points Activities to achieve steps six through ten of change are vague and are based on the first section of the John Hopkins EBP Process: Evidence is identified.
*At least four reliable sources are used but less than three are peer-reviewed. *Summary of evidence is vague.
*Strength of evidence is not discussed.
*Recommendation for change is present but not weak connection to the evidence.
38–41 points Activities to achieve steps six through ten of change may be missing or absent.
*Less than four reliable sources are used.
*Summary of evidence is not present or missing important elements.
*Strength of evidence is missing.
*Recommendation for change lacks support from evidence.
0–37 points /50
Change Plan Translation
(Steps 11–18)
50 points Activities to achieve the last steps of change are fully described in detail and are based on the last steps of the John Hopkins EBP Process:
Translation. *Action plan is well-developed with specific timeline in place to include all elements of the plan.
*Measurable outcomes and way to report results are discussed in detail.
*Plan for implementation is thoroughly discussed.
*Ways to communicate findings (internally and externally) are discussed.
46–50 points Activities to achieve the last steps of change are described and are based on the last steps of the John Hopkins EBP Process:
*Action plan is developed with specific timeline in but some elements of the timeline are missing.
*Outcomes are present but not measurable. Ways to report results are discussed in detail.
*Plan for implementation is discussed.
*Communication of findings is present but does not address both internal and external ways.
42–45 points Activities to achieve the last steps of change are vague.
*Action plan is developed but timeline is missing.
*Outcomes are vague and not measurable. Ways to report results are discussed but not in detail.
*Plan for implementation is vague.
*Communication of findings is missing.
38–41 points Activities to achieve the last steps of change are vague or missing.
*Action plan is not well-developed or missing.
*Outcomes are vague or not present. Ways to report results are discussed but not in detail.
*Plan for implementation is not present.
*Communication of findings is missing.
0–37 points /50
25 points Clear, solid summary of the key points and the change plan are included; ways to maintain the change plan are described.
23–25 points A clear summary of the key points and part of the change plan are provided; ways to maintain the change plan are mentioned, but not in detail.
21–22 points A summary is present but is vague; parts of the change plan are highlighted; ways to maintain the change plan are not clear.
19–20 points A summary is difficult to determine or absent. Key points of the change plan are not recapped or are absent.
0–18 points /25
APA formatting, scholarly writing
25 points APA format sixth edition: third person, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling; sources correctly cited and referenced; title page, headers, and page numbers. No errors to one error.
23–25 points Two to three errors.
21–22 points Four to five errors.
19–20 points Multiple errors
0–18 points /25
Total Points /225


Dearholt, S. L., & Dang, D. (2012).Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence Based Practice: Model and Guidelines (2nd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.

Your Name
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR451 RN Capstone Course
Term and Year

Your title here
This paragraph(s) is to introduce the paper. State the problem and potential solutions backed by evidence. Briefly, introduce the nursing focused plan. Remember this is a scholarly APA assignment so you cannot use first person.
Change Model Overview
In this first paragraph, provide an overview of the John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Process. Feel free to state why nurses should use this model as a guide to facilitate change. Under each of the second level headers listed below, you now link y
.our identified topic to the John Hopkins EBP Process.
Practice Question
Step 1: Recruit Interprofessional Team
You will be the leader of the team since this is your project. Who will you also include in your team? Make sure you choose relevant stakeholders. You should have no more than eight members. Do not list your team members by name but instead by position (pharmacists, charge nurse etc)
Step 2: Develop and Refine the EBP Question
Restate your question. Include the PICO elements but make sure you write them in paragraph form and not in list format.
Step 3: Define the Scope of the EBP
Why is this a problem? Give statistics and information to back the scope of the problem. How does this problem impact healthcare on a broader scale?
Steps 4 and 5: Determine Responsibility of Team Members
Why are the members chosen important to your project? What are their roles?
Steps 6 and 7: Conduct Internal/ External Search for Evidence and Appraisal of Evidence
What type of evidence did you find? EBP guidelines? Quality improvement data? Position statements? Qualitative research? Quantitative research? Briefly discuss the strength of this research. This is not where you describe the results of your studies. This is done in the following steps.
Steps 8 and 9: Summarize the Evidence
Synthesize the information that you obtained from your sources. You will need at least four sources. Of these four sources, three must be from peer-reviewed articles. The other source can be from a reputable source. See page 44 of your text for examples of sources you can use.
In this section, you need to synthesize the information from the articles. Feel free to cite multiple articles within one sentence. You should avoid one paragraph for each of the sources.
Step 10: Develop Recommendations for Change Based on Evidence
What is your recommendation based on the research? Ideally, you will have found enough support in your evidence to proceed with implementing your pilot program.
Steps 11, 12, and 13, 14: Action Plan
You have not implemented your project yet, therefore, this section will be hypothetical. Develop your plan for implementation. What are the specific steps you will take to implement your pilot study? What is the timeline for your plan? Make sure you include a plan for evaluation of outcomes and method to report the results.
Steps 16 and 16: Evaluating Outcomes and Reporting Outcomes
What are the desired outcomes? How will they be measured? How will you report the results to the key stakeholders?
Steps 17: Identify Next Steps
How will you implement the plan on a larger scale? Will this be applicable to other units or the facility as a whole? What will you do to ensure that the implementation becomes permanent?
Step 18: Disseminate Findings
How will you communicate your findings internally (within your organization) and externally (to others outside of your organization)?
Provide a clear and concise summary. Review the key aspects of the problem as well as the change model. Be sure to include important aspects of the three levels of change for the John Hopkins EBP process.


Capstone Project: Milestone #3: Educating the Staff (graded)

Capstone Project Milestone #3: Educating the Staff PowerPoint assignment is due by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (MT). Guidelines for this milestone may be found in Doc Sharing.
Submit the assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.

Capstone Project Milestone #3:
Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines
The purpose of this assignment is to create the Educating Staff: Implementing Change Project PowerPoint presentation. Your plan is to educate the staff that will be involved in the pilot program. You will need to educate them on the problem, show the supporting evidence, and how your pilot plan will be implemented.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.
CO2: Proposes leadership and collaboration strategies for use with consumers and other healthcare providers in managing care and/or delegating responsibilities for health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitative activities. (PO #2)
CO3: Communicates effectively with patient populations and other healthcare providers in managing the healthcare of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. (PO #3)
CO7:Integrates the professional role of leader, teacher, communicator, and manager of care to plan cost-effective, quality healthcare to consumers in structured and unstructured settings. (PO #7)
Due Date
Milestone #3 consists of the PowerPoint presentation Educating Staff: Implementing Change Project. Submit this Milestone to the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.
Milestone #3 is worth 225 points.
1. Create an educational presentation for staff before the launch of your change project. This should inform the staff of the problem, your potential solution, and their role in change project.
2. The format for this proposal will be a PowerPoint presentation.
3. The length of the PowerPoint presentation should be 15-20 slides; excluding the title and reference slides.
4. Below are the topics for the slides:
a. Title slide
b. Description of the change model used
c. PICO question—include the elements
d. Scope of the problem—use statistics
e. Your team/stakeholders
f. Evidence to support your need for change—from research
g. Action Plan
h. Timeline for the plan
i. The nurses role and responsibility in the pilot program
j. Procedure
k. Forms that will be used (if applicable)
l. Resources available to the staff—including yourself
m. Summary
n. References
5. Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. Citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, “How do I know this?” and then cite the source. Scholarly sources are expected, which means choose peer-reviewed journals and credible websites.
· Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.
· Length: The PowerPoint slide show is expected to be between 15-20 slides in length (not including the title slide and reference list slide).
· Submission: Submit your files via the basket in the Dropbox: “Educating the Staff: Implementing the Change Project” by 11:59 p.m. Sunday of Week 6.
· Late Submission: See the course policy on late submissions.
· Tutorial: If needed, Microsoft Office has many templates and tutorials to help you get started.
Best Practices in Preparing a PowerPoint Presentation
The following are best practices in preparing this project.
1. Slides should be easy to read with short bullet points and large font. Do not use paragraphs.
2. Be creative, but realistic with your intervention and evaluation tool.
3. Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.
4. Review directions thoroughly.
5. Cite all sources within the slide show with in-text citations, as well as a reference page.
6. Proofread prior to final submission.
7. Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
8. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing academic integrity policy.

Grading Criteria: Educating Staff: Implementing Change
The Problem
Summary of change model discussed.PICO question including elements. Scope of the problem includes statistics and scope of problem to healthcare as a whole discussed. Team and stakeholders and their role/reason chosen.
The Evidence
Discussion of the evidence is done in terms of themes. Pertinent information is summarized. Sources are not listed individually but synthesized into concepts discovered. At least four sources used (at least three peer reviews and the other a credible resource).
The Plan
Plan of action described. Important elements are discussed and logical.Timeline is thorough and contains all elements. Timeline is logical and appropriate.
The Nurse’s Role
The nurse’s role in the pilot plan is described and clear.Procedures for the pilot plan are clear and concise.
Form for tracking the outcomes is included.Resources the nurses will need are included. At least three resources are included. The nurse investigator, the team, internet resources, or other resources the staff needs is included.
Summary slide reiterates the problem and purpose of the plan along with the measurable goals.
Overall Presentation
Presentation is presented in a clear and logical manner. PowerPoint is appealing to the eye and includes creativity. Font is easy to read.
Includes title slide. Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct. References are properly cited within the paper. Reference page includes all citations. Evidence of spell and grammar check.
225 points
Grading Rubric: Educating the staff Milestone #3
Outstanding or highest level of performance
Very good or high level of performance
Competent or satisfactory level of performance
Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance
The Problem
30 points
* Summary of change model discussed
(1 slide)
* PICO question including elements (1 slide)
* Scope of the problem includes statistics and scope of problem to healthcare as a whole discussed. (1-2 slides)
* Team and stakeholders and their role/reason chosen
(1 slide)
(28–30 points)
* One of the four elements was not thorough or did not include all appropriate elements.
(25–27 points)
* Two of the four elements was not thorough or did not include all appropriate elements.
(23–24 points)
* Three or more of the four elements was not thorough or did not include all appropriate elements.
(0–22 points)
The Evidence
40 points
Discussion of the evidence is done in terms of themes. Pertinent information is summarized. Sources are not listed individually but synthesized into concepts. At least four sources used (at least three peer reviews and the other is a credible resource).
(3–4 slides)
(37–40 points)
Four sources are discussed but evidence is not synthesized into themes learned.
(34–36 points)
Four sources are discussed but evidence is not synthesized or summarized.
(30–33 points)
Not all four sources are discussed. Summary of information not detailed or pertinent.
(0–29 points)
The Plan
40 points
* Plan of action described. Important elements are discussed and logical.
(1-2 slide)
* Timeline is thorough and contains all elements. Timeline is logical and appropriate.
(1 slide)
(37–40 points)
*Plan of action described but not all important elements included.OR
* Timeline is present but doesn’t contain all elements.
(34–36 points)
*Plan of action described but not all important elements included.AND
* Timeline is present but doesn’t contain all elements.
(30–33 points)
Plan of action not present or not logical and complete. The timeline is not present or not appropriate and logical.
(0–29 points)
The Nurse’s Role
30 points
* The nurse’s role in the pilot plan is described and clear.
(1 slide)
* Procedures for the pilot plan are clear and concise.
(2-3 slides)
(28–30 points)
* The nurses’ role is describes but not clear.
* Procedures are discussed but not clear.
(25–27 points)
* The nurses’ role is describes but not clear.
* Procedures are discussed but not clear.
(23–24 points)
Nurses’ roles are either absent or not appropriate. Procedures are either absent or not clearly written and complete.
(0–22 points)
20 points
* Form for tracking the outcomes is included.
(1 slide)
* Resources the nurses will need are included. At least three resources are included. The nurse investigator, the team, internet resources, or other resources the staff needs is included.
(1 slide)
(18–20 points)
* Form for tracking outcomes included.
*At least three resources are included but the resources were not the best available resources.
(16–17 points)
* Form for tracking outcomes included but was not well-developed.
*At least three resources are included but the resources were not the best available resources.
(15 points)
* Form for tracking outcomes either absent or not well-developed.
* Less than three appropriate and helpful resources were given.
(0–14 points)
10 points
Summary slide reiterates the problem and purpose of the plan along with the measurable goals. (1-2 slides)
(9–10 points)
Summary does not clearly reiterate the problem OR purpose.
(8 points)
Lacks reiteration of problem AND purpose.
(7 points)
Summary slide not present or incomplete.
(0–6 points)
Overall presentation
25 points
Presentation is presented in a clear and logical manner. PowerPoint is appealing to the eye and includes creativity. Font is easy to read.
(23–25 points)
Presentation is accurate and covers most elements but lacks creativity.
(21–22 points)
Presentation lacks flow and creativity or is difficult to follow.
(19–20 points)
Presentation lacks any attempt at organization and comes across as chaotic.
(0–18 points)
30 points
Includes title slide (3 points)
Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct.
(9 points)
References properly cited within the paper.
(6 points)
Reference page includes all citations.
(6 points)
Evidence of spell and grammar check.
(6 points)
(28–30 total points)
Title slide incomplete
Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence structure noted.
Citations are present but not correct format.
References are present, with minimal errors in format.
(25–27 points)
Missing title slide
Multiple grammar and punctuation errors noted.
(23–24 points)
Title slide and citations are missing.
References are missing or incomplete.
No evidence of proof-reading prior to submitting paper.
(0–2 points)
Total points:
Dearholt, S. L., & Dang, D. (2012).Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence Based Practice: Model and Guidelines(2nd ed.).Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.

 nr451 full course [ all discussions and all Capstone Project: Milestone ]

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week 1

Assessing Need for Change (graded)

Think about a problem in your clinical practice. Are the satisfaction scores in your unit low? Does your unit have a higher than average infection rate? What is a problem you see in your clinical practice? What are some of the possible solutions? Why is it important to evaluate the need for change and not just stick with the “it’s the way we always have done it” mentality?

Class, you may begin posting in this TD on Sunday, May 3, 2015 for credit

Nurse's Role in EBP (graded)

Evidence based practice dates back to Florence Nightingale, yet it took a long time for nurses to conduct nursing research. Why is it important for nurses to have their own body of knowledge? Give a specific example of how bedside nurses contribute to nursing research? 

Class, you may begin posting in this TD on Sunday, May 3, 2015 for credit

week 2

Forming the PICO Question (graded)

Form a PICO question that you will use for your change project. Include each element of the PICO question. How did you develop this question? Why is it important to your clinical practice?

Appraisal of Evidence (graded)

When reviewing a journal article, how do you best determine its credibility and reliability? Why is it important to determine the strength of evidence and how does that affect your implementation of the results into clinical practice?

week 3

Feasibility of your Capstone Project (graded)

Now that you have identified your capstone project. What is the cost involved to implement your project? Remember that cost isn’t always just money but also time and resources (both tangible and intangible). Will the initial cost pay off in the long run with improved outcomes?

Communication Errors (graded)

Have you ever played the telephone game when you were younger? Communication can take on a life of its own and the content can often be distorted over time. Give an example in your clinical practice where miscommunication was the root cause of an error. How could this communication error have been prevented?

week 4

Patterns of Nursing Care (graded)

Your lesson this week discussed patterns of nursing care delivery. In your opinion, what is the most effective nursing care delivery model and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your chosen nursing care delivery model? Give specific clinical examples.

Discussion of Articles (graded)

Discuss the two articles that you read from the Patient Safety and Quality: An Evidence-based Handbook for Nurses website. Give the title and the URL address for each article. How is the information in each article applicable to your practice?

week 5

An Ethical Dilemma (graded)

Nurses face many ethical issues on a daily basis. Consider the following scenario:
Your unit has team nursing. As luck would have it, you and your best friend, Jill, are paired as a team this shift. Jill is a new nurse so you feel this is a great opportunity to take her under your wing a bit and show her the ropes. It is a busy shift and you administered Mr. Smith his insulin dose based on the sliding scale before lunch. You chart your medication administration and continuing caring for your patients. An hour later, Jill comes to you terrified because she forgot to chart the insulin she gave Mr. Smith and realized that you also gave the medication. She rushed to take his blood sugar and it was 115. Mr. Smith felt fine and was eating a candy bar his family had snuck in for him. No harm done, in fact he probably needed the extra insulin to compensate for the candy bar he wasn’t supposed to have, Jill explained. Jill begs you not to report this since she is still on probation. She says that she has learned her lesson and since nothing bad happened, why does anyone need to know?
What would you do in this situation? Apply ethical principles to explain the rationale for your decision making process.

Core Competencies for Nurses (graded)

Explore the website for the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative at How can these competencies for nurses be implemented into the workplace or professional nursing setting if you are not currently working?

week 6

Implementing Change Despite Resistance (graded)

Change can be difficult to implement. Now that you are almost finished with your change project, if you were to implement your project in your clinical practice, what type of resistance do you expect from staff? List at least three ways that you can lessen the resistance you may encounter to help ensure the success of your project.

Workplace Safety (graded)

Select an American Nurses Association (ANA) publication on workplace safety from the ANA. Search the American Nurses Association (ANA) website for workplace safety ( and select a publication on workplace safety. Review the document (publication), include the URL, and discuss implications for you and your work setting.

week 7

Healthcare Policy (graded)

Describe a recent health care policy and discuss it’s implication to your personal clinical practice or health care as a whole. Why is it important for nurses to be aware of health care policy?

Healthcare Economics (graded)

Health care costs are on the rise. What is an example of wasted health care dollars in your clinical practice and how do you propose improving the utilization of these dollars?

Capstone Project Milestone #1:
PICO and Evidence Appraisal Guidelines
Clear identification of the problem or opportunity is the first step in evidence-based nursing. This first milestone offers two tools to assist in the identification and gathering of evidence to link the problem, proposed intervention, and desired outcomes. Completion of the milestone will include identification of the problem or concern using the PICO format and an evidence appraisal to find evidence to support an intervention that will change the outcomes.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.
CO4: Develops and outlines a scientific, systematic decision-making process to integrate critical thinking with clinical judgment to assure safe and effective outcomes. (PO #4)
CO8: Selects evidence for best practice when planning professional nursing care for individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. (PO #8)
Due Date
Milestone #1 consists of the completion of one worksheet that contains two parts (i.e., the PICO worksheet and the evidence appraisal worksheet). Submit the file with the two worksheets completed to the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end ofWeek 2.
Milestone #1 is worth 175 points (75 points for the PICO worksheet and 100 points for the evidence appraisal worksheet).
1. Read this document including the grading rubrics below.
2. Download the PICO/Evidence Appraisal worksheets form from Doc Sharing. Consider what is the nursing problem or issue that you have uncovered. Make sure it is related to nursing, i.e., one that a nurse can solve independently. Do not select a medical problem that is dependent upon a medical professional to resolve. Completion of PICO worksheet will offer a tool for your literature search.
3. For the evidence appraisal worksheet, find AT LEAST FOURsources to support the need for change and the potential intervention you have selected to solve the problem. Three of these sources must be peer-reviewed articles while one can be a reliable professional source.
4. Submit the completed PICO/Evidence Appraisal worksheet to the Week 2 Dropbox.
Grading Criteria: PICO
PICO question and components
Question or nursing problem is identified and is an independent nursing decision. PICO elements are correctly identified. Outcomes are measurable.
Practice issue and scope of the problem
Practice issue/problem is thoroughly described. The need for change is evident.Practice area is identified. Identification of the practice issue is clear. Scope of the problem is identified.
Evidence and search terms
Appropriately identifies the types of evidences that should be gathered (must include literature search). Uses manageable search terms and ways in which the search can be narrowed if discussed.
75 points
Grading Rubric: PICO
Assignment Criteria
Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of Performance
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor or Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
F (0–75%)
PICO question and components
40 points
Question or nursing problem is identified and is an independent nursing decision. PICO elements are correctly identified. Outcomes are measurable.
37–40 points
Question or nursing problem is identified and is an independent nursing decision. PICO elements are correctly identified. Outcomes but are not measurable.
34–36 points
Question or nursing problem is identified and is an independent nursing decision. One PICO element is not correctly identified. Outcomes but are not measurable.
30–33 points
Question or nursing problem is identified but is not an independent nursing decision. Several PICO elements are not correctly identified. Outcomes are not measurable or may not be present.
0–29 points
Practice issue and scope of the problem
20 points
*Practice issue/problem is thoroughly described. The need for change is evident.*Practice area is identified. *Identification of the practice issue is clear.
*Scope of the problem is identified.
19–20 points
*Practice issue/problem is vaguely described. The need for change is evident.
*Practice area is identified. *Identification of the practice issue is clear.
*Scope of the problem is identified.
17–18 points
*Practice issue/problem is vaguely described. The need for change is not obvious.
*Practice area is identified. *Identification of the practice issue is clear.
*Scope of the problem is identified.
15–16 points
*Practice issue/problem is vaguely described. Need for change is not obvious.
*Practice issues or scope of the problem are not addressed and/or not accurate.
0–14 points
Evidence and search terms.
15 points
Appropriately identifies the types of evidences that should be gathered (must include literature search). Uses manageable search terms and ways in which the search can be narrowed if discussed.
14–15 points
Appropriately identifies the types of evidences that should be gathered (must include literature search). Uses manageable search terms. Ways in which the search can be narrowed is not included.
13 points
Appropriately identifies the types of evidences that should be gathered (must include literature search). Search terms are not measurable. Ways in which the search can be narrowed is not included.
11–12 points
Types of evidence that should be gathered is not noted or not correct, literature search not identified. Search terms are not measurable or absent. Ways in which the search can be narrowed is not included.
0–10 points
Total Points

Grading Criteria: Evidence Appraisal
Article Selection
Four articles used. At least three articles are peer-reviewed research. Other source is scholarly and appropriate for the change project. Type of source is properly identified. References are listed in APA format.
Strength of Research
Strength of the research is listed as High, Good, or Low/Major Flaw. Reasons why the rating was given is clearly discussed and logical.
Description of Research
Description of the research is thorough and detailed. Summary was given in own words. Results of the study were summarized with the application to the project noted. Recommendations for clinical practice were discussed.
100 points
Grading Rubric: Evidence Appraisal
Assignment Criteria
Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance
A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of Performance
B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance
C (76–83%)
Poor or Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
F (0–75%)
Article Selection
30 points
Four articles used. At least three articles are peer-reviewed research. Other source is scholarly and appropriate for the change project. Type of source is properly identified. References are listed in APA format.
28–30 points
Four articles used. At least three articles are peer-reviewed research. Other source is scholarly and appropriate for the change project. Type of source is not properly identified. References are listed in APA format.
25–27 points
Four articles used. At least three articles are peer-reviewed research. Other source is scholarly and appropriate for the change project. Type of source is not properly identified. References some errors in APA format.
23–24 points
Less than three articles are peer-reviewed research. Other source is not scholarly or appropriate for the change project. Type of source is not properly identified. References have multiple errors in APA format.
0–22 points
Strength of Research
20 points
Strength of the research is listed as High, Good, or Low/Major Flaw. Reasons why the rating was given is clearly discussed and logical.
19–20 points
Strength of the research is listed as High, Good, or Low/Major Flaw. Reason why the rating was given is documented but is not logical.
17–18 points
Strength of the research is listed as High, Good, or Low/Major Flaw. Reason why the rating was given is vague or absent.
15–16 points
Strength of the research is not listed as High, Good, or Low/Major Flaw. Reason why the rating was given is vague or absent.
0–14 points
Description of Research
50 points
Description of the research is thorough and detailed. Summary was given in own words. Results of the study were summarized with the application to the project noted. Recommendations for clinical practice were discussed.
46–50 points
Description of the research is thorough and detailed. Summary was given in own words. Results of the study were listed but no application or summary of results were given. Recommendations for clinical practice were discussed.
42–45 points
Description of the research is vague. Summary was given in own words. Results of the study were listed but no application or summary of results were given. Recommendations for clinical practice were not discussed.
38–41 points
Description of the research is vague. Summary was not in own words but rather quotes from the source. Results of the study may not be listed. Recommendations for clinical practice were not discussed.
0–37 points
Total Points

Capstone Project Milestone #1:
PICO and Evidence Appraisal Worksheets
PICO Worksheet
Your Name:
Your Instructor’s Name:
Purpose: To identify a problem or concern that nursing can change and develop a PICO question to guide the change project.
Directions: Use the form below to complete the PICO assignment in Milestone #1. This includes filling in the table with information about your research question and your PICO elements.
Step 1: Select the key PICO terms for searching the evidence. Clearly define your PICO question. List each element P (problem, population, or problem), I (intervention), C (Comparison with other treatment/current practice), and O (Desired outcome). Is the potential solution something for which you (as nurse or student) can find a solution through evidence research? Look in your book for guidelines to developing your PICO question.
Step 2: Identify the problem. What have you noticed in your work or school environment that isn’t achieving the desired patient or learning outcomes? What needs to change in nursing, what can you change with the support of evidence in the literature? Describe the problem or practice issue that you want to research. What is your practice area; clinical, education, or administration? (This is NOT where you will list your PICO question)
Step 3: How was the practice issues identified? How did you come to know this was a problem in your clinical practice? Review the listed concerns and check all that apply.
Step 4: What evidence must be gathered? Everyone should have a literature search. However, what other sources of reliable information will be helpful for your particular question?
Step 5: What terms will you use in order to make sure that your search is wide enough to obtain required information but narrow enough to keep it focused? What databases will you search? How will you narrow your search if needed?
PICO Worksheet
What is the PICO question?____________________________________________________________
Define each element of the question below:
P- (Patient, population, or problem):
I- (Intervention):
C- (Comparison with other treatment/current practice):
O- (Desired outcome):
What is the practice issue/problem?
What is the practice area?
___ Clinical
___ Education
___ Administration
___ Other
How was the practice issue identified? (check all that apply)
___ Safety/risk management concerns
___ Unsatisfactory patient outcomes
___ Wide variations in practice
___ Significant financial concerns
___ Difference between hospital and community practice
___ Clinical practice issue is a concern
___ Procedure or process is a time waster
___ Clinical practice issue has no scientific base
___ Other:
What evidence must be gathered? (check all that apply)
___ Literature search
___ Guidelines
___ Expert Opinion
___ Patient Preferences
___ Clinical Expertise
___ Financial Analysis
___ Standards (Regulatory, professional, community)
___ Other
Search terms:
Databases to search:
Search Strategies:
Evidence Appraisal Worksheet
Your Name:
Your Instructor’s Name:
Purpose: To find evidence to support an intervention that will change the outcomes.
Directions: Type your search question below. Find AT LEAST FOUR sources to support the need for change and the potential intervention you have selected to solve the problem. At least three of your sources must be peer-reviewed articles. The forth source could be another peer-reviewed article or a reliable, credible source. Look in your text for ideas of other sources that can be used. Using the table below, insert and describe your four chosen resources.
Step 1: APA Reference for the article. You will need to list the reference for the source in APA format. Be careful when using built-in APA formats and library citations. They may not be in APA format. Refer to Chapter 7 of your APA manual.
Step 2: Type of Source. If your source is a research article, you will need to ensure that it is a peer review article. You need at least three peer-reviewed articles for your project. If your article is a non–research source, then you will need to list what type of source it is; systematic review, clinical practice guidelines, organizational experience, or individual expert opinion/case study/literature review. You may only use ONE non-research source.
Step 3: Strength of Research. Refer to page 238-240 for research evidence and page 242-244 for non-research evidence. While you do not need to assign a level for each study, you will assign a quality of evidence (high, good, or low/major flaw) and should discuss the study using some of the elements that are discussed in the appraisal forms. For example, Research evidence: was the sample size adequate? Was there a controlled group? Was it a randomized study? Were results clearly stated? Was the conclusion based on the results? Were study limitations discussed? Not all of these elements need to be discussed, but you should discuss this information to determine if the strength of the evidence is HIGH, GOOD, or LOW/MAJOR FLAW.
Step 4: Brief Description of the Research. In this section, you will summarize the source in your own words. How does this information apply to your project? What are the results of the source? What are their recommendations?

Evidence Appraisal Worksheet
PICO Question:
APA Reference for Article
Give the APA-formatted reference for the article.
Type of Source
*Research: Peer-reviewed article
*Non-research systematic review, clinical practice guidelines, organizational experience, or expert opinion/case study/literature review
Strength of Research
Discuss the strength of the sources.
Report if evidence is High, Good, or Low/Major Flaw. Use the tools on page 238-244 of your text and discuss the reasons why you have assigned a particular level of quality.
Brief Description of Research
Address the questions.
*How does the information in the article apply to the project problem or proposed intervention?
*Summarize in your own words.
* Include results of the study and how these results are applicable to your project.
* What is the recommendation of the source for clinical practice?

Capstone Project: Milestone #2: Design for Change Proposal Paper (graded)

Your Capstone Project Milestone #2: Design for Change Proposal Paper is due Sunday. Guidelines may be found in Doc Sharing.
Your assignment is due by Sunday, end of week, 11:59 p.m. (MT). Submit your assignment to the Dropbox.

Capstone Project Milestone #2:
Design for Change Proposal Guidelines
You are to create a Design for Change proposal inclusive of your PICO and evidence appraisal information from your Capstone Project Milestone #1. Your plan is to convince your management team of a nursing problem you have uncovered and you feel is significant enough to change the way something is currently practiced. In the event you are not currently working as a nurse, please use a hypothetical clinical situation you experienced in nursing school, or nursing education issue you identified in your nursing program.
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO1: Applies the theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines to individuals, families, aggregates, and communities from entry to the healthcare system through long-term planning. (PO #1)
CO2: Proposes leadership and collaboration strategies for use with consumers and other healthcare providers in managing care and/or delegating responsibilities for health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitative activities. (PO #2)
Milestone #2 consists of the proposal for your Design for Change Capstone Project. Submit this Milestone to the Dropbox by the end of Week 4.
Milestone #2 is worth 225 points.
1. Create a proposal for your Design for Change Capstone Project. Open the template in Doc Sharing. You will include the information from Milestone #1, your PICO question, and evidence appraisal, as you compose this proposal. Your plan is to convince your management team of a nursing problem you have uncovered and you feel is significant enough to change the way something is currently practiced.
2. The format for this proposal will be a paper following the Publication manual of APA 6th edition.
3. The paper is to be four- to six-pages excluding the Title page and Reference page.
4. As you organize your information and evidence, include the following topics.
a. Introduction: Write an introduction but do not use “Introduction” as a heading in accordance with the rules put forth in the Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (2010, p. 63). Introduce the reader to the plan with evidence-based problem identification and solution.
b. Change Plan: Write an overview using the John Hopkins Nursing EBP Model and Guidelines (2012)
i. Practice Question
ii. Evidence
iii. Translation
c. Summary
5. Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. In-text citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, “How do I know this?” and then cite the source. Scholarly sources are expected, which means using peer-reviewed journals and credible websites.
6. Tables and Figures may be added as appropriate to the project. They should be embedded within the body of the paper (see your APA manual for how to format and cite). Creating tables and figures offers visual aids to the reader and enhances understanding of your literature review and design for change.
Category Points % Description
Introduction 25 11% Introduction to the plan is nursing focused, with evidence-based problem identification and potential solutions clearly identified.
Change Plan; Practice Question (Steps 1–5) 50 22% Activities to achieve the first steps of change are fully described in detail and are based on the first five steps of the John Hopkins EBP Process; Practice Question.
Change Plan; Evidence (Steps 6–10) 50 22% Activities to achieve steps six through ten of the John Hopkins EBP Process are fully described in detail; Evidence.
Change Plan; Translation
(Steps 11–18) 50 22% Activities to achieve the final steps of change are fully described in detail and are based on steps 11 through 18 of the John Hopkins EBP Process; Practice Question.
Summary 25 11% Clear, solid summary summarizing the key points and steps of the change plan is included; ways to maintain the change plan are described.
APA Format 25 11% Minimal errors.
Total 225 points 100%

Assignment Criteria Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance
A (92–100%) Very Good or High Level of Performance
B (84–91%) Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance
C (76–83%) Poor, Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
F (0–75%) Total
25 points Introduction to the plan is nursing focused, with evidence-based problem identification and potential solutions clearly identified.
23–25 points Introduction to the plan is nursing focused, with evidence to support the problem and potential solution identified but convincing areas are missing.
21–22 points Introduction to the plan is provided; however, evidence to support the problem and potential solution is not convincing.
19–20 points Introduction lacks evidence to support need for change and/or potential solution is not realistic.
0–18 points /25
Change Plan Practice Question
(Steps 1–5)
50 points Activities to achieve the first five steps of change are fully described in detail and are based on the first section of the John Hopkins EBP Process:
*Practice question is identified.
*Scope of the problem discussed (including supportive statistics).
*Stakeholders identified.
*Team is identified.
46–50 points Activities to achieve the first five steps of change are fully described, not in detail but are based on the first section of the John Hopkins EBP Process:
*Practice question is identified.
*Scope of the problem discussed (including supportive statistics).
*Stakeholders identified.
*Team is identified.
42–45 points Activities to achieve the first five steps of change are vague. The first section of the John Hopkins EBP Process is not clearly identified.
*Practice question is identified.
*Scope of the problem does not contain statistics to support the problem.
*Stakeholders are identified but not appropriate or missing key members.
*Team members are identified but not appropriate or missing key members.
38–41 points Activities to address and support change are not specifically addressed. Portions of the first five steps are missing or absent.
0–37 points /50
Change Plan Evidence
(Steps 6–10)
50 points Activities to achieve steps six through ten of change are fully described in detail and are based on the first section of the John Hopkins EBP Process: Evidence is identified.
*At least four reliable sources are used, three of which are peer-reviewed.
*Summary of evidence is thorough and detailed.
*Strength of evidence is discussed.
*Recommendation for change is based on evidence and is thorough.
46–50 points Activities to achieve steps six through ten of change are vague and are based on the first section of the John Hopkins EBP Process: Evidence is identified.
*At least four reliable sources are used, three of which are peer-reviewed.
*Summary of evidence is vague.
*Strength of evidence is discussed.
*Recommendation for change is based on evidence but connection is vague.
42–45 points Activities to achieve steps six through ten of change are vague and are based on the first section of the John Hopkins EBP Process: Evidence is identified.
*At least four reliable sources are used but less than three are peer-reviewed. *Summary of evidence is vague.
*Strength of evidence is not discussed.
*Recommendation for change is present but not weak connection to the evidence.
38–41 points Activities to achieve steps six through ten of change may be missing or absent.
*Less than four reliable sources are used.
*Summary of evidence is not present or missing important elements.
*Strength of evidence is missing.
*Recommendation for change lacks support from evidence.
0–37 points /50
Change Plan Translation
(Steps 11–18)
50 points Activities to achieve the last steps of change are fully described in detail and are based on the last steps of the John Hopkins EBP Process:
Translation. *Action plan is well-developed with specific timeline in place to include all elements of the plan.
*Measurable outcomes and way to report results are discussed in detail.
*Plan for implementation is thoroughly discussed.
*Ways to communicate findings (internally and externally) are discussed.
46–50 points Activities to achieve the last steps of change are described and are based on the last steps of the John Hopkins EBP Process:
*Action plan is developed with specific timeline in but some elements of the timeline are missing.
*Outcomes are present but not measurable. Ways to report results are discussed in detail.
*Plan for implementation is discussed.
*Communication of findings is present but does not address both internal and external ways.
42–45 points Activities to achieve the last steps of change are vague.
*Action plan is developed but timeline is missing.
*Outcomes are vague and not measurable. Ways to report results are discussed but not in detail.
*Plan for implementation is vague.
*Communication of findings is missing.
38–41 points Activities to achieve the last steps of change are vague or missing.
*Action plan is not well-developed or missing.
*Outcomes are vague or not present. Ways to report results are discussed but not in detail.
*Plan for implementation is not present.
*Communication of findings is missing.
0–37 points /50
25 points Clear, solid summary of the key points and the change plan are included; ways to maintain the change plan are described.
23–25 points A clear summary of the key points and part of the change plan are provided; ways to maintain the change plan are mentioned, but not in detail.
21–22 points A summary is present but is vague; parts of the change plan are highlighted; ways to maintain the change plan are not clear.
19–20 points A summary is difficult to determine or absent. Key points of the change plan are not recapped or are absent.
0–18 points /25
APA formatting, scholarly writing
25 points APA format sixth edition: third person, grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and spelling; sources correctly cited and referenced; title page, headers, and page numbers. No errors to one error.
23–25 points Two to three errors.
21–22 points Four to five errors.
19–20 points Multiple errors
0–18 points /25
Total Points /225


Dearholt, S. L., & Dang, D. (2012).Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence Based Practice: Model and Guidelines (2nd ed.). Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.

Your Name
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR451 RN Capstone Course
Term and Year

Your title here
This paragraph(s) is to introduce the paper. State the problem and potential solutions backed by evidence. Briefly, introduce the nursing focused plan. Remember this is a scholarly APA assignment so you cannot use first person.
Change Model Overview
In this first paragraph, provide an overview of the John Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Process. Feel free to state why nurses should use this model as a guide to facilitate change. Under each of the second level headers listed below, you now link y
.our identified topic to the John Hopkins EBP Process.
Practice Question
Step 1: Recruit Interprofessional Team
You will be the leader of the team since this is your project. Who will you also include in your team? Make sure you choose relevant stakeholders. You should have no more than eight members. Do not list your team members by name but instead by position (pharmacists, charge nurse etc)
Step 2: Develop and Refine the EBP Question
Restate your question. Include the PICO elements but make sure you write them in paragraph form and not in list format.
Step 3: Define the Scope of the EBP
Why is this a problem? Give statistics and information to back the scope of the problem. How does this problem impact healthcare on a broader scale?
Steps 4 and 5: Determine Responsibility of Team Members
Why are the members chosen important to your project? What are their roles?
Steps 6 and 7: Conduct Internal/ External Search for Evidence and Appraisal of Evidence
What type of evidence did you find? EBP guidelines? Quality improvement data? Position statements? Qualitative research? Quantitative research? Briefly discuss the strength of this research. This is not where you describe the results of your studies. This is done in the following steps.
Steps 8 and 9: Summarize the Evidence
Synthesize the information that you obtained from your sources. You will need at least four sources. Of these four sources, three must be from peer-reviewed articles. The other source can be from a reputable source. See page 44 of your text for examples of sources you can use.
In this section, you need to synthesize the information from the articles. Feel free to cite multiple articles within one sentence. You should avoid one paragraph for each of the sources.
Step 10: Develop Recommendations for Change Based on Evidence
What is your recommendation based on the research? Ideally, you will have found enough support in your evidence to proceed with implementing your pilot program.
Steps 11, 12, and 13, 14: Action Plan
You have not implemented your project yet, therefore, this section will be hypothetical. Develop your plan for implementation. What are the specific steps you will take to implement your pilot study? What is the timeline for your plan? Make sure you include a plan for evaluation of outcomes and method to report the results.
Steps 16 and 16: Evaluating Outcomes and Reporting Outcomes
What are the desired outcomes? How will they be measured? How will you report the results to the key stakeholders?
Steps 17: Identify Next Steps
How will you implement the plan on a larger scale? Will this be applicable to other units or the facility as a whole? What will you do to ensure that the implementation becomes permanent?
Step 18: Disseminate Findings
How will you communicate your findings internally (within your organization) and externally (to others outside of your organization)?
Provide a clear and concise summary. Review the key aspects of the problem as well as the change model. Be sure to include important aspects of the three levels of change for the John Hopkins EBP process.


Capstone Project: Milestone #3: Educating the Staff (graded)

Capstone Project Milestone #3: Educating the Staff PowerPoint assignment is due by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (MT). Guidelines for this milestone may be found in Doc Sharing.
Submit the assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.

Capstone Project Milestone #3:
Educating Staff: Implementing Change Guidelines
The purpose of this assignment is to create the Educating Staff: Implementing Change Project PowerPoint presentation. Your plan is to educate the staff that will be involved in the pilot program. You will need to educate them on the problem, show the supporting evidence, and how your pilot plan will be implemented.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following Course Outcomes.
CO2: Proposes leadership and collaboration strategies for use with consumers and other healthcare providers in managing care and/or delegating responsibilities for health promotion, illness prevention, health restoration and maintenance, and rehabilitative activities. (PO #2)
CO3: Communicates effectively with patient populations and other healthcare providers in managing the healthcare of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. (PO #3)
CO7:Integrates the professional role of leader, teacher, communicator, and manager of care to plan cost-effective, quality healthcare to consumers in structured and unstructured settings. (PO #7)
Due Date
Milestone #3 consists of the PowerPoint presentation Educating Staff: Implementing Change Project. Submit this Milestone to the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.
Milestone #3 is worth 225 points.
1. Create an educational presentation for staff before the launch of your change project. This should inform the staff of the problem, your potential solution, and their role in change project.
2. The format for this proposal will be a PowerPoint presentation.
3. The length of the PowerPoint presentation should be 15-20 slides; excluding the title and reference slides.
4. Below are the topics for the slides:
a. Title slide
b. Description of the change model used
c. PICO question—include the elements
d. Scope of the problem—use statistics
e. Your team/stakeholders
f. Evidence to support your need for change—from research
g. Action Plan
h. Timeline for the plan
i. The nurses role and responsibility in the pilot program
j. Procedure
k. Forms that will be used (if applicable)
l. Resources available to the staff—including yourself
m. Summary
n. References
5. Citations and References must be included to support the information within each topic area. Refer to the APA manual, Chapter 7, for examples of proper reference format. Citations are to be noted for all information contained in your paper that is not your original idea or thought. Ask yourself, “How do I know this?” and then cite the source. Scholarly sources are expected, which means choose peer-reviewed journals and credible websites.
· Application: Use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010.
· Length: The PowerPoint slide show is expected to be between 15-20 slides in length (not including the title slide and reference list slide).
· Submission: Submit your files via the basket in the Dropbox: “Educating the Staff: Implementing the Change Project” by 11:59 p.m. Sunday of Week 6.
· Late Submission: See the course policy on late submissions.
· Tutorial: If needed, Microsoft Office has many templates and tutorials to help you get started.
Best Practices in Preparing a PowerPoint Presentation
The following are best practices in preparing this project.
1. Slides should be easy to read with short bullet points and large font. Do not use paragraphs.
2. Be creative, but realistic with your intervention and evaluation tool.
3. Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.
4. Review directions thoroughly.
5. Cite all sources within the slide show with in-text citations, as well as a reference page.
6. Proofread prior to final submission.
7. Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
8. Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing academic integrity policy.

Grading Criteria: Educating Staff: Implementing Change
The Problem
Summary of change model discussed.PICO question including elements. Scope of the problem includes statistics and scope of problem to healthcare as a whole discussed. Team and stakeholders and their role/reason chosen.
The Evidence
Discussion of the evidence is done in terms of themes. Pertinent information is summarized. Sources are not listed individually but synthesized into concepts discovered. At least four sources used (at least three peer reviews and the other a credible resource).
The Plan
Plan of action described. Important elements are discussed and logical.Timeline is thorough and contains all elements. Timeline is logical and appropriate.
The Nurse’s Role
The nurse’s role in the pilot plan is described and clear.Procedures for the pilot plan are clear and concise.
Form for tracking the outcomes is included.Resources the nurses will need are included. At least three resources are included. The nurse investigator, the team, internet resources, or other resources the staff needs is included.
Summary slide reiterates the problem and purpose of the plan along with the measurable goals.
Overall Presentation
Presentation is presented in a clear and logical manner. PowerPoint is appealing to the eye and includes creativity. Font is easy to read.
Includes title slide. Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct. References are properly cited within the paper. Reference page includes all citations. Evidence of spell and grammar check.
225 points
Grading Rubric: Educating the staff Milestone #3
Outstanding or highest level of performance
Very good or high level of performance
Competent or satisfactory level of performance
Poor or failing or unsatisfactory level of performance
The Problem
30 points
* Summary of change model discussed
(1 slide)
* PICO question including elements (1 slide)
* Scope of the problem includes statistics and scope of problem to healthcare as a whole discussed. (1-2 slides)
* Team and stakeholders and their role/reason chosen
(1 slide)
(28–30 points)
* One of the four elements was not thorough or did not include all appropriate elements.
(25–27 points)
* Two of the four elements was not thorough or did not include all appropriate elements.
(23–24 points)
* Three or more of the four elements was not thorough or did not include all appropriate elements.
(0–22 points)
The Evidence
40 points
Discussion of the evidence is done in terms of themes. Pertinent information is summarized. Sources are not listed individually but synthesized into concepts. At least four sources used (at least three peer reviews and the other is a credible resource).
(3–4 slides)
(37–40 points)
Four sources are discussed but evidence is not synthesized into themes learned.
(34–36 points)
Four sources are discussed but evidence is not synthesized or summarized.
(30–33 points)
Not all four sources are discussed. Summary of information not detailed or pertinent.
(0–29 points)
The Plan
40 points
* Plan of action described. Important elements are discussed and logical.
(1-2 slide)
* Timeline is thorough and contains all elements. Timeline is logical and appropriate.
(1 slide)
(37–40 points)
*Plan of action described but not all important elements included.OR
* Timeline is present but doesn’t contain all elements.
(34–36 points)
*Plan of action described but not all important elements included.AND
* Timeline is present but doesn’t contain all elements.
(30–33 points)
Plan of action not present or not logical and complete. The timeline is not present or not appropriate and logical.
(0–29 points)
The Nurse’s Role
30 points
* The nurse’s role in the pilot plan is described and clear.
(1 slide)
* Procedures for the pilot plan are clear and concise.
(2-3 slides)
(28–30 points)
* The nurses’ role is describes but not clear.
* Procedures are discussed but not clear.
(25–27 points)
* The nurses’ role is describes but not clear.
* Procedures are discussed but not clear.
(23–24 points)
Nurses’ roles are either absent or not appropriate. Procedures are either absent or not clearly written and complete.
(0–22 points)
20 points
* Form for tracking the outcomes is included.
(1 slide)
* Resources the nurses will need are included. At least three resources are included. The nurse investigator, the team, internet resources, or other resources the staff needs is included.
(1 slide)
(18–20 points)
* Form for tracking outcomes included.
*At least three resources are included but the resources were not the best available resources.
(16–17 points)
* Form for tracking outcomes included but was not well-developed.
*At least three resources are included but the resources were not the best available resources.
(15 points)
* Form for tracking outcomes either absent or not well-developed.
* Less than three appropriate and helpful resources were given.
(0–14 points)
10 points
Summary slide reiterates the problem and purpose of the plan along with the measurable goals. (1-2 slides)
(9–10 points)
Summary does not clearly reiterate the problem OR purpose.
(8 points)
Lacks reiteration of problem AND purpose.
(7 points)
Summary slide not present or incomplete.
(0–6 points)
Overall presentation
25 points
Presentation is presented in a clear and logical manner. PowerPoint is appealing to the eye and includes creativity. Font is easy to read.
(23–25 points)
Presentation is accurate and covers most elements but lacks creativity.
(21–22 points)
Presentation lacks flow and creativity or is difficult to follow.
(19–20 points)
Presentation lacks any attempt at organization and comes across as chaotic.
(0–18 points)
30 points
Includes title slide (3 points)
Grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure are correct.
(9 points)
References properly cited within the paper.
(6 points)
Reference page includes all citations.
(6 points)
Evidence of spell and grammar check.
(6 points)
(28–30 total points)
Title slide incomplete
Minimal errors in grammar, punctuation, and/or sentence structure noted.
Citations are present but not correct format.
References are present, with minimal errors in format.
(25–27 points)
Missing title slide
Multiple grammar and punctuation errors noted.
(23–24 points)
Title slide and citations are missing.
References are missing or incomplete.
No evidence of proof-reading prior to submitting paper.
(0–2 points)
Total points:
Dearholt, S. L., & Dang, D. (2012).Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence Based Practice: Model and Guidelines(2nd ed.).Indianapolis, IN: Sigma Theta Tau International.

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