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devry BIS155 full course [ all discussions all ilabs all quizes and final ] latest 2015 spring September

 devry BIS155 full course [ all discussions all ilabs all quizes and final ] latest 2015 spring September

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Devry BIS155 week 1 Lab 1 of 7: Saddle River Marching Band 2015



You are the assistant to the band director for the Upper Saddle River Marching Band, and you must prepare a report showing the status of the marching band fundraising event for presentation to the board of trustees. The report will summarize all sales of all items and include the total profit-to-date with the amount remaining to reach the profit goal. You will open the partially completed workbook, create formulas, format for presentation to the board, and add charts to graphically depict the sales over time and by product.


After completing the steps below, turn in one Excel 2010 workbook. The workbook should be named Lab1_yourLastName.xlsx. When submitting the workbook, provide a comment in the Dropbox comments area explaining what you learned from completing this lab activity


STEP 1: Open the workbook and add a documentation sheet (5 points)

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Begin the lab by locating the spreadsheet, chap1_cap_fundraising.xslx, in Doc Sharing (Lab Materials). Open the workbook in Excel 2010, and rename it Lab1_your lastname.xlsx (Mary Jones would save the file as Lab1_jones.xlsx).
· Step-by-Step Guide:Opening a File in the iLab Environment
Insert a new spreadsheet into the workbook. Create a Documentation Sheet. Include your name, the date, and the purpose of the spreadsheet. Your documentation sheet should look something like the one below:

Upper Saddle River Marching Band - Fundraising Event

Your Name
Board of Directors Presentation on Fundraising Sales to date
Need help? Click here for a Step-by-Step Guide: Creating the Documentation Sheet.

This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.
Download the Lab 1, Step 2E Instructions.
STEP 3: Format the Worksheet (15 points)
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Now that you have finished the formulas, you must format the worksheet in a professional manner so that it is suitable for presentation to the board of trustees for the college. Remember to focus on readability and reusability.
Insert a comment in cell D16 to explain the formula underlying this cell.
Download the Lab 1, Step 3A Instructions.
Format the spreadsheet as depicted below:
Download the Lab 1, Step 3B Instructions.
STEP 4: Layout the Worksheet (5 points)
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Now that you have finished the major formatting, you must lay out the worksheet to further define and separate the areas of the worksheet. This step makes the worksheet easier to read and prepares for printing.
Change the color of the first tab to a shade of brown.
Rename the second tab Fundraising, and change the color to orange.
Create a custom header with your name on the left and your instructor's name on the right.
Change the page orientation to landscape.
Download the Lab 1, Step 4 Instructions.
STEP 5: Create Charts (15 points)
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Create charts based on the data in your worksheet. The charts provide information visually and help you analyze the information.
Create a 3-D pie chart on a separate sheet that displays the percentage of profits for each item. Include descriptive titles and labels and a graphic pointer to the highest profit item. Your chart should look something like this:
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.
Download the Lab 1, Step 5A Instructions.
For the next chart, you will need to calculate the total profit per day. Here are the steps:
Copy the daily profit data to a new sheet, and name the sheet Total Sales Data.
In a new section of the worksheet, copy the Items in Column A and the Days.
Then calculate the profit per day for each item
Calculate the total profit per day.
Your data will look something like this:
Create a trend line chart on a separate sheet that shows the total profit by day. Include a descriptive title and labels. Include a callout that indicates the top profit day and label it "Kick Off Event." Your chart will look something like this:
Make certain that all worksheets in the workbook have meaningful names. Upload the file to the Dropbox. Make sure you post a comment about what you learned when submitting the file.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.
Download the Lab 1, Step 5 Data Instructions (constructing the data set)
and Lab 1, Step 5B Instructions (creating the line chart).
*Note: The video incorrectly refers to "Sales Per Day", when it should state "Profit Per Day". Assume that you are working on Profit Per Day - thank you!
devry BIS155 Lab 2 of 7: First National Bank New Loan Report (50 Points)
You are an intern at First National Bank working in the loan department, and your boss has asked you to prepare the monthly "New Loan Report" for the Board of Directors. This analysis report will clearly list and summarize all new loans for residential housing in the past month. The summary area includes the loan statistics as labeled data in the data file. The format of the report is appropriate for the Board of Directors for the First National Bank.
Submit one workbook title Lab2_YourName.xlsm to the Dropbox. (Note that files containing macros have the extension, .xlsm rather than .xlsx.) When submitting the workbook, provide a comment in the Dropbox comments area explaining what you learned from completing this lab activity.
STEP 1: Open, Save, and Document the Workbook (3 points)
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Locate the file chap2_cap_housing.xlsx in Lab Materials in Doc Sharing. Open the file in Excel, and save it as Lab2_yourlastname.
Add a documentation sheet that provides a spreadsheet title, author, date, and purpose. Format the documentation sheet. The Bank's logo is dark blue, so use a color scheme that reflects that logo. Select complementary Font and Fill colors for the documentation sheet. Ensure that the sheet tab is named Documentation and that the documentation sheet is the first sheet in the workbook.
(To get help on creating a documentation sheet, refer to Lab 1, Step 1.)
How to use the lab videos
Please do not rely solely on the videos to complete this week's lab. The videos may not exactly match the official lab instructions and may not show all the steps required.
For full credit, follow the written instructions on the main iLab page and the linked Step-By-Step guides. Check your work against the screen shots in the written instructions and the Lab and Project Grading Criteria provided in Doc Sharing. The videos can still help you by showing operations that are similar to, but not exactly the same as, those needed for the lab. Use the videos as a rough visual guide, but not as your only source of directions.
If you have any questions, please post in the Q & A Forum or contact your instructor.
STEP 2: Create Calculations (10 points)
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Functions are used to calculate the interest rate, down payment, monthly payment, and average selling price for each residential home in the worksheet. You need to create a formula to determine the down payment. Finish the calculations by using the appropriate functions to complete the Loan Statistics summary area of the worksheet.
Use a VLOOKUP function to determine the interest rates in column D.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.
Download the Lab 2, Step 2A Instructions.
Calculate the down payment by multiplying the results of a VLOOKUP function by the selling price. Enter the formula in column E.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.
Download the Lab 2, Step 2B Instructions.
Calculate the amount financed by subtracting the down payment from the selling price. Enter the formula in column F.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.
No detailed written instructions are necessary for the Lab 2, Step 2C. The only written instruction needed is already listed after the outline letter C, above the Step 2C box.
Use a PMT function to determine the monthly payments in column G.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.
Download the Lab 2, Step 2D Instructions.
Use appropriate formulas and functions to calculate over loan statistics for the month:
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.
Download the Lab 2, Step 2E Instructions.
Number of Loans, Highest Amount Financed, Lowest Amount Financed, Total Amount Financed.
STEP 3: Format the Worksheet (9 points)
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Now that you have finished the calculations, you must format the worksheet in a professional manner suitable for delivering to the Board of Directors. Your final worksheet will look something like the worksheet below:
Format all money figures as currency with two decimals and all percentages as percents.
Adjust columns sizes to fit the data.
Merge and Center titles and size appropriately.
Change Font color to dark blue.
Add a small graphic appropriate for the purpose of the worksheet.
Separate sections of the worksheet and provide borders as appropriate.
STEP 4: Create an Excel Application with Macro and Macro Button (28 points)
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NOTE: At the end of this step, you will save the file as an xlsm file rather than an xlsx file. This is the filetype that allows you to save a file that includes a Macro.
Add a new worksheet to the workbook, and name it Loan calculator.
devry BIS155 Lab 3 of 7: Alice Barr Realty Analysis (50 Points)
You are an intern at First National Bank working in the loan department, and your boss has asked you to prepare the monthly "New Loan Report" for the Board of Directors. This analysis report will clearly list and summarize all new loans for residential housing in the past month. The summary area includes the loan statistics as labeled data in the data file. The format of the report is appropriate for the Board of Directors for the First National Bank.
Submit one workbook title Lab2_YourName.xlsm to the Dropbox. (Note that files containing macros have the extension, .xlsm rather than .xlsx.) When submitting the workbook, provide a comment in the Dropbox comments area explaining what you learned from completing this lab activity.
STEP 1: Open, Save, and Document the Workbook (3 points)
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Locate the file chap2_cap_housing.xlsx in Lab Materials in Doc Sharing. Open the file in Excel, and save it as Lab2_yourlastname.
Add a documentation sheet that provides a spreadsheet title, author, date, and purpose. Format the documentation sheet. The Bank's logo is dark blue, so use a color scheme that reflects that logo. Select complementary Font and Fill colors for the documentation sheet. Ensure that the sheet tab is named Documentation and that the documentation sheet is the first sheet in the workbook.
(To get help on creating a documentation sheet, refer to Lab 1, Step 1.)
How to use the lab videos
Please do not rely solely on the videos to complete this week's lab. The videos may not exactly match the official lab instructions and may not show all the steps required.
For full credit, follow the written instructions on the main iLab page and the linked Step-By-Step guides. Check your work against the screen shots in the written instructions and the Lab and Project Grading Criteria provided in Doc Sharing. The videos can still help you by showing operations that are similar to, but not exactly the same as, those needed for the lab. Use the videos as a rough visual guide, but not as your only source of directions.
If you have any questions, please post in the Q & A Forum or contact your instructor.
STEP 2: Create Calculations (10 points)
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Functions are used to calculate the interest rate, down payment, monthly payment, and average selling price for each residential home in the worksheet. You need to create a formula to determine the down payment. Finish the calculations by using the appropriate functions to complete the Loan Statistics summary area of the worksheet.
Use a VLOOKUP function to determine the interest rates in column D.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.
Download the Lab 2, Step 2A Instructions.
Calculate the down payment by multiplying the results of a VLOOKUP function by the selling price. Enter the formula in column E.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.
Download the Lab 2, Step 2B Instructions.
Calculate the amount financed by subtracting the down payment from the selling price. Enter the formula in column F.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.
No detailed written instructions are necessary for the Lab 2, Step 2C. The only written instruction needed is already listed after the outline letter C, above the Step 2C box.
Use a PMT function to determine the monthly payments in column G.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.
Download the Lab 2, Step 2D Instructions.
ing when complete:
XYZ Corporation Charitable Trust
123 Adams Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15697

Shelly Martin
123 North Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15697

Dear Shelly,

Thank you for your generous donation to the XYZ Corporation Charitable Trust Fundraiser. We are delighted to accep the following donation:

Item: Massage

Item Value: $50.00

Enclosed you will find the 2 tickets you requested for this Fundraising event, which will take place on Friday, October 24, 2007. We will be looking forward to seeing you and giving your personal thanks.

Thank you again for you support of the fund. The proceeds will support international annual rescue efforts.

With Special thanks,

Jeoffrey McMillan
Charitable Trust President
XYZ Corporation
Accept all spelling suggestions in the document, and save document as Lab4_yourlastname.docx.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.

STEP 3: Create Address Labels (15 points)

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Create labels for the letters. The XYZ Corporation wishes to use mailing labels to address the envelopes. They own 8 1/2 x 11" sheets of label paper with 1" by 4" labels, which they purchased from Office Depot.
Download the Lab 4, Step 3 Instructions.
C. Create a new file for printing labels.
D. Merge data from your Excel spreadsheet into the new label document.
Submit your completed workbook and the two Word documents (merged letters and merged labels) to the Dropbox. Make sure you post a comment about what you learned when submitting the files.
devry BIS155 week 5 ilabs

Lab 5 of 7: Bruno's Pizza | Lab 6 of 7: Day Care Center

Lab 5 of 7: Bruno's Pizza Analysis (50 Points each)



The owner of Bruno's Pizza, Joe Bruno, wants to evaluate the profitability of his three restaurants before he expands further. He is particularly interested in the comparative results of three dining categories, dine-in, pickup, and delivery. Joe has asked for your help in doing this analysis in return for a small stipend and all the pizza you can eat. You have already prepared a template and distributed it to each restaurant manager, who has entered the sales data for last year. Your next task is to consolidate the data into a single workbook that shows the total sales for each quarter and each dining category. The information should be shown in tabular, as well as graphical formats. You will also create a documentation sheet so that Joe will know exactly what you have created.


Turn in one workbook, titled Lab5_yourlastname.xlsx. When submitting the workbook, provide a comment in the Dropbox comments area explaining what you learned from completing this lab activity. IMPORTANT: There are two iLabs this week, and there is a separate Dropbox basket for each one. Be sure to submit your work for this iLab (Lab 5) to the Dropbox basket labeled simply Week 5: iLab, notto the basket labeled Week 5: iLab - 6.


STEP 1: Open all Worksheets and consolidate into a summary worksheet. (10 points)

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Download the Lab 5, Step 1 Instructions.
You must open four workbooks--the partially completed Summary worksheet and the completed Westside, Eastside, and Downtown workbooks. Consolidate the data from the three completed worksheets into the Summary worksheet.
A. From Doc Sharing, Lab Materials, open the chap7_cap files: Summary, Eastside, Downtown, and Westside.
B. Copy the data from the Eastside, Downtown, and Westside workbooks into the Summary workbook so that the Summary workbook has four worksheets.
C. Rename the Summary file lab5_yourlastname.xlsx.
D. Close all files except the Summary Workbook.
How to use the lab videos
Please donot rely solely on the videos to complete this week's lab. The videos may not exactly match the official lab instructions, and may not show all the steps required.
For full credit, follow the written instructions on the main iLab page and the linked Step-By-Step guides. Check your work against the screen shots in the written instructions and the Lab and Project Grading Criteria provided in Doc Sharing. The videos can still help you, by showing operations that are similar to, but not exactly the same as, those needed for the lab. Use the videos as a rough visual guide, but not as your only source of directions.
If you have any questions, please post in the Q & A Forum or contact your instructor.
This video will demonstrate how to complete the current step(s) of this week's Lab.
The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guide.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.

STEP 2: Summarize Dining Categories by Quarter (15 points)

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Download the Lab 5, Step 2 Instructions.
You must provide a summary report of the dining category sales by quarter for the year so that Joe Bruno knows exactly what each location is doing.
A. Create formulas to calculate sales by dining category and quarter on the Summary Sheet.
B. Group the worksheets and add Grand Totals by Dining Category and by Quarter.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.
** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.

STEP 3: Create Graph (15 points)

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Joe Bruno is more of a visual person, and you want to present your data in an alternate way. You will create a Chart to summarize your data.
A. Create a Chart on a separate sheet. Your chart should show the amount of income from each of the dining categories displayed by Quarter. A trend line might help him to see the area of highest growth.
B. Include a title, legend, and data labels on your chart.
C. Format the chart to coordinate with your summary table, using the same colors, fonts, titles, and clip art.
Need help? Review Week 1 Step-by-Step instructions for Charting. Hint: Select Clustered Columns as your basic Chart Type. The following is a suggested format (your answers may vary):

STEP 4: Create Scenarios and a Scenario Summary (10 points)

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Download the Lab 6, Step 4 Instructions.
Jane wants to look at three scenarios.
Teacher Salary
She wants to see the Net Income that would be achieved in each Scenario and compare this to her original assumptions.
A. Name the cells that will be used in the Scenario.
B. Create the three Scenarios.
C. Create a Scenario Summary.
D. Move the Scenario Summary to the end of the workbook.
Devry BIS155 course project

Course Project: Excel Project

Objectives| Guidelines| Grading Rubrics


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The general instructions for this project can be found in the Week 6 Lecture material. The Week 6 Lecture describes the assignment and provides an overview of the project as a whole. There are no step-by-steps for the course project. The following are grading criteria for this project.


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Organize the Data
· Data imported from SalesData.csv text file located in Course Project Materials in DocSharing.
· Professional formatting follows the formatting guidelines we studied during the first week of class.
· Documentation sheet added to provide author, purpose, and date and provide information about each of the sheets you will create as you analyze the data.
· At least one calculated field added and copied to all cells in the worksheet.
Analyze the Data
Analyze the data in at least three different ways. Each form of Data Analysis should be provided on a separate, appropriately labeled worksheet. It is expected that each sheet will be professionally formatted and clearly documented with titles, comments, and explanation. Remove any extra sheets so your workbook is as compact as possible when you turn it in. Go back and review your labs for assistance in completing the different types of analysis.
The following are some examples of analysis you might wish to do:
· Sort by discount level. Have discounts increased sales volumes? Is there any discount level that appears to be more effective than others?
· Graph sales over time to see trends. Are there any peaks and lows in sales? Is there any time of year in which sales are highest? Lowest?
· Pivot the data to see total sales by quarter, country, category, and salesperson. Are there any highs? Are there any lows that need to be addressed?
· Subtotal the data. How are quarterly sales totals? Sales totals by salesperson? By Country?
· Challenge Option: Perform What-If Analysis. What if prices were raised by a certain percentage with a slight decline in sales? What combination of price increases and decline in sales makes most sense?
Present your Conclusions in a Memo
Use the integration techniques we worked on in the course to develop a Memo (Word document) that includes data and graphs copied and pasted from your spreadsheet. You will turn in both your Recommendation Memo and your spreadsheet. (To help you formulate your report, there is a Word document named "ExcelProjectMemoTemplate" located in DocSharing - Course Project Materials. The yellow-lined information provides an explanation of what should be included in each section of the Memo.)
Your Memo will focus one paragraph on each of the Data Analysis sheets in your workbook. Explain the type of analysis you completed, the conclusions you drew, and a recommendation based on the analysis. (45 points)
You should include a final paragraph that explains three things you learned about using Excel for data analysis. (15 points)

Grading Rubrics

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Organize the Data
Include imported data, professional formatting, a document sheet, and one calculated field.
Analyze the Data
Data is analyzed in at least three different ways.
Present your Conclusions in a Report
Integration techniques are used, explain the type of analysis, and include a final paragraph.
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
Devry BIS155 Lab 7 of 7: Home Inventory (50 Points)



Hopefully you will find this week's lab activity fun and useful. If you have never created a database, you will be able to tell all of your friends and family that you are now a database designer! You will walk through the steps of creating and populating an Access database to keep a record of items in your home. The database will have a table, a form, a query, and a report. You will need to use Microsoft Access 2010. In the event you do not have Access, you can use the iLab environment. Make sure to copy your files down to your pc and upload to the Dropbox. The following videos will refresh you with the use of the iLab environment and transfer of files.


Turn in one database named Lab7_yourlastname.accdb to the Dropbox. When submitting the database, provide a comment in the Dropbox comments area explaining what you learned from completing this lab activity.


STEP 1: Create a Table (10 points)

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Download the Lab 7, Step 1 Instructions.
NOTE: For this lab, you will not have a starter file. You will create a database from scratch.
In this step, you will create a blank database and add one table to the database. The table should contain at least the following fields:
· ID: Autonumber field to provide a unique identifier for each item in your table
· Item: Text field to store the Item name
· Description: Memo field to store a description of the item
· Condition: Lookup field to store the condition the item is in (Good, great, etc.)
· Acquired Date: Date field stored in "Short Date" format (M/DD/YYYY)
· Purchase Price: Currency Field to store the price you paid for the item
· Location: Lookup field to store the names of the rooms in your house
· Manufacturer: Text field
· Model: Text field to store information about the model of the item
· Comments: Memo field to store any comments you might wish to add
· SerialNumber: Text field to store the serial number of the item (where applicable)
· Warranty: Boolean field (Yes/No) that will record whether the item has a warranty
· ManufacturerURL: Hyperlink field with the support website for the item (optional)
You may add other fields if you wish.
How to use the lab videos
Please donot rely solely on the videos to complete this week's lab. The videos may not exactly match the official lab instructions, and may not show all the steps required.

For full credit, follow the written instructions on the main iLab page and the linked Step-By-Step guides. Check your work against the screen shots in the written instructions and the Lab and Project Grading Criteria provided in Doc Sharing. The videos can still help you, by showing operations that are similar to, but not exactly the same as, those needed for the lab. Use the videos as a rough visual guide, but not as your only source of directions.

If you have any questions, please post in the Q & A Forum or contact your instructor.

This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.

** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.

This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.

** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.

This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.

** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.

STEP 2: Create a Form for data entry and add at least 10 records (15 points)

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Download the Lab 7, Step 2 Instructions.
Entering data in Datasheet View requires a large amount of scrolling. It also exposes the table design to users, which means that users can make changes to the database design that you don't wish them to make. Create a form to enable easy entry of data. Use the form to enter at least 10 records.
A. Create the form. Select an AutoFormat and modify the form to make it more user friendly by adding a descriptive title and making minor modifications to the form layout.
B. Enter 10 records. For at least one of these records, select Office as the Location.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.

** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.

STEP 3: Create a Query to Select Records (10 points)

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Download the Lab 7, Step 3 Instructions.
Once data have been entered into a database, you will want to be able to select and retrieve data. The Query object allows you to select data from your database tables that will answer questions you might have. For example, suppose you had a small fire in your office and you wish to make an insurance claim. Using a query, you will be able to select only those records in the database that have the Location equal to "Office." Write a query that will allow you to select records based on a room you select.
A. Use the Create Tab and select Query Wizard. Create a Simple query that selects Item, manufacturer, Model, Serial Number, Purchase Price, Acquired Date, and Location.
B. In Design View, add the Condition field to the query. Add a Selection Criteria to the Location field so that only those records with the Location equal to Office are displayed.
C. Save the query as qryItemsbyRoom.
This video walks through the current step(s) in this week's Lab. The video may provide alternative ways of completing steps and may not cover all required steps. It is provided as a tool to help you, but please ensure that you have completed all steps as described in the instructions and Step-by-Step guides.

** Please be patient when loading these videos as they can be large.

STEP 4: Create a Report Showing All Items Grouped by Room (15 points)

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Download the Lab 7, Step 4 Instructions.
Reports allow us to create "printable" documents based on the data in our database. Create a report of your entire Inventory, grouped by room. Show only the Item, Manufacturer, Model, and Purchase Price.
A. Use the Report Wizard to create the report.
B. Modify the design so that the title is "Inventory by Room Report" and all data and labels are sized appropriately.
C. Add totals by room and a grand total to the report. Add Labels to the totals.
Your final report should look something like the following (the Style may differ):

Question 1.1.(TCO 1) You are the Payroll Manager for your employer. Your payroll clerk has submitted the worksheet displayed here. All employees earn their regular pay rate times the hours worked plus an overtime bonus of 50% of the hours worked in excess of 40 hours. 

Part 1: Write a formula as if it were in Cell E2 that will calculate gross pay. Write the formula so that it may be copied to the other employees without modification.

Part 2: You must also calculate the Income Tax which is assessed at an accelerated rate as shown in the Tax Rate Table. Write a formula as if it were in Cell F2 that calculates the income tax for the first employee. Write the formula so that it may be copied to the other employees without modification.

Part 3: Hourly employees must pay union dues of $0.25 per hour on hours worked in excess of 25 hours up to and including 40 hours plus $0.35 per hour on all hours worked in excess of 40 hours. Write a formula as if it were in Cell G2 that calculates the union dues (if any) for the first employee. Write the formula so that it may be copied to the other employees without modification.

Part 4: Salaried and Exempt employees (Pay Codes E and S) are covered by the company’s health insurance. The deduction is $10.00 per week. Write a formula as if it were in Cell H2 that calculates the Insurance deduction (if any) for the first employee. Write the formula so that it may be copied to the other employees without modification. (Points : 40) 

Question 2.2.(TCO 3) Your supervisor has e-mailed you a workbook that contains a lot of very important data. He wants you to create a chart or charts to be displayed to upper management who will make major business decisions based on your presentation. Explain what kind of analysis is best summarized by each of the six basic chart types.(Points : 40) 

Question 3.3.(TCO 4) Jessica is an entry point student at DeVry University. In her BIS155 class, she has been provided a table including customer and sales data from an online e-business selling bait and tackle for both fresh and saltwater fishing. The layout of the table is organized with customer names in column A, purchase items in column B, purchase prices in column C, and phone numbers in column D. To assist Jessica, you as a tutor, agreed to help her with the following questions below: 
1.     If asked to provide a sales report for one specific customer including all purchase items in the report, which Excel function or tool should be used and why?
2.     If asked to provide a sales report of all customers summarized to the level of totaled purchase prices, which Excel function or tool should be used and why?
3.     If asked to visually represent the answer to question “2,” which Microsoft Excel tool should be used and why?
4.     Would a Pivot table be feasible based on the table of data provided to Jessica? Why or why not?
(Points : 40)

Question 4.4.(TCO 5) Michael and Sally own 89 ice cream shops across the southeastern United States. In efforts to manage sales data collected from these ice cream shops, Michael and Sally currently have several workbooks developed with the same purpose and structure but with so much information, Michael and Sally need help consolidating this data for more efficient decision making. Given the needs of Michael and Sally, describe in detail how you would explain to Michael and Sally how to use Excel to develop and produce summary reports with consolidated sales data displaying periods of weekly, monthly, and quarterly reports along with visual options to trend and compare data across all ice cream shops. Be sure to include sample Excel formulas. Also, explain in detail the benefits of using consolidated summary reports in the decision making process. (Points : 40) 

Question 5.5.(TCO 9) You have been provided an Access database that contains sales data for the past five years for a florist. The data has information about the date of transaction, client name, client zip code, products purchased, and product price. You have been tasked to provide a few reports to the owner of the business.
1.     Explain the steps to import the data from Access into Excel for data analysis.
2.     Due to the high amounts of perishable inventory over the last year, the owner would like to eliminate five products. Provide the steps in your data analysis to determine the appropriate products to eliminate.
3.     The owner would like to increase marketing during slower periods of the year. Because flower sales are seasonal, the owner does not know the best times of year to increase marketing to attract more customers when business is slower. Provide the steps in your data analysis to determine the best times of the year to increase marketing.
4.     How would you report your findings to the owner to Parts 2 and 3? Assume that the owner is visual and does not want to look over a worksheet of data.

all disscussions

week 1

Getting Familiar with Excel (graded)

Excel was introduced in 1985. Since then, it has become a standard business tool. In this thread, discuss the different features of Excel that make it a valuable business tool. In addition, discuss why Excel skills are so important in today’s job market.

week 2

Formulas and Functions (graded)

One of the benefits of Excel is the ability to use formulas and functions. Discuss the differences between formulas and functions. Pick a function in Excel and discuss how that function is used to calculate results in your worksheets. Using the following scenarios, discuss how you would apply the Excel functions or create a formula to solve the scenario.
  • You wish to calculate the commission on sales. The commission is 6% on all sales that are at least 20% above cost.
  • You wish to calculate the total pay for an employee who receives regular time for 40 hours, time and a half for 40-50 hours, and double time for hours over 50.
  • You have a list of contracts and due dates for annual maintenance fees. You wish to determine when you have a contract due in the next 45 days and provide a note that warns you that the payment is due.
Please feel free to add other, unique mathematical challenge questions to the discussion, and let us work together to figure out how you might calculate it.

week 3

Data Analysis (graded)

Excel provides many different ways in which to analyze data. Discuss the different methods by which you can analyze data in your spreadsheet. Assume the role of a Regional Manager for a retail organization looking at ways to analyze the large amounts of sales data you have. What are some of the ways Excel can be used to analyze this data? What are some examples of reports you might want to review? Using the concepts from this week, how will you determine where to start and what tools can you use within Excel to help you organize everything and make decisions?

week 4

Excel Data Exchange (graded)

Excel 2010 provides the capability to exchange data with other applications. Discuss the different types of ways to exchange data between Excel and other Microsoft applications. Are there limitations to the exchange process? How can you exchange data with other applications that are not part of the Microsoft Office Suite? Discuss how you would exchange data with external data sources such as websites.

week 5

Data Consolidation and What-if Analysis (graded)

Discuss and compare the data consolidation and What-If analysis Excel tools. Under what circumstances would you use each of these tools? Do they both serve the same purpose, or is each one used under different scenarios? Give examples of how each can be used.

week 6

Bringing It All Together (graded)

This week will be an opportunity to share ideas and approaches to the Excel course project. What are some spreadsheet features you will use to make your spreadsheet professional, readable, reliable, and repeatable? Which spreadsheet functions and data analysis types do you think will be the most challenging to implement in this project? What questions do you have about those functions and types of data analysis?
This section lists options that can be used to view responses.

week 7

Database Decisions (graded)

Discuss the differences between storing data in Access and Excel. Why would you use a spreadsheet over a database? At what point does it become more efficient to store your data in a database rather than a spreadsheet? If you are deciding whether to use a spreadsheet or database, what questions should you consider?
all quizes 

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