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mgt660 full course [ all discussion all assignments and all case study ]

mgt660 full course [ all discussion all assignments and all case study ]

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MGT 660 Capstone Project Overview
Creation of a market entry plan,
or creation of a market expansion plan,
or an M&A plan
The structure of this assignment is comprehensive and integrative. It requires synthesis and evaluation of information, skills and knowledge developed throughout your degree program. This final 8 week project (introduced the 1st week of the class) will serve as a culminating project.
Each week, the student will have a specific portionto submit as described in the modules.Prepare each assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
The following is the outline of the Plan that the student is advised to follow as closely as possible. Each topic will address one or few specific competencies or learning outcomes. Each competency will be graded and assessed using the attached rubric.
1. Overview
Describe briefly the context and your organization (500 word maximum).
a) Articulate the vision, mission, and strategy of your organization (or business unit or division).
b) What are the sources of competitive advantage?
c) What is the business opportunity?
Due by the end of Module 1
2. Environmental analysis and Industry Analysis
Using the Segments of the General Environment write the environmental analysis of your Capstone Project (500 word maximum)
a) Incorporate the Five Forces of Competition to help write the Industry analysis of your Capstone Project.
b) Use the CAGE model (if you are entering global or international markets) applicable) to help you write the industry analysis of your Capstone Project.
c) What do you see as being the trends, outlook or forecast for the type of organization that you are writing about in your Capstone Project?
Due by the end of Module 2
3.Marketing Plan for the Capstone Project
Based on the organization you have selected, this week you will write a 750-1000 word Marketing Plan. You can use the Marketing Plan Sample as a template for this section, omitting those topics covered in other sections of the Capstone document.
a) What is your target market?
b) What is the size of your potential target market?
c) Describe the 4 Ps of marketing in your organization (product/positioning, pricing, promotion, and placement).
Due by the end of Module 3
4.Organizational Plan
Based on the organization you have selected, for this module you will write a (750 word maximum) Organizational Plan that addresses the following:
a) Describe who will comprise your management team and what talents or skills each of the team members will bring to the organization. Include a simple organizational chart.
b) Outline a McKinsey 7-S Assessment/Model as it applies to your business.
c) Describe the Business level strategy and how it fits with the corporate level strategy.
Due by the end of Module 4
5.Operational Plan
Based on the organization you have selected, this week you will write a (500 word maximum) Operational Plan that addresses the following (guidelines):
a) What is the supply chain for your prospective organization? Where does your organization bring value in this supply chain?
b) Who are your main partners and suppliers? What are their locations? What is your contingency plan?
c) How will you optimize operational effectiveness in your organization? How will you ensure your firm is lean?
d) Consider your operational plan from a value chain perspective and identify and discuss the primary and support activities.
Due by the end of Module 5
6. Financial Plan
Based on the organization you have selected, this week you will write a Financial Plan (500 word maximum) plus spreadsheet(s) to address the following:
a) Using Excel,create a three year Pro Forma income statement for your organization (or product/service).
b) What will be your financial break-even point?
c) If you require investment capital, identify possible sources (friends, family, banks, USSBA, etc.)
d) How will you use financial information to help you craft your business strategy?
e) What key financial ratio will you be using to measure the performance of your organization to determine success?
Due by the end of Module 6
7. Critical Risks Assessment and Milestones Schedule for the Capstone Project
Based on the organization you have selected, this week you will write a (500 word maximum, plus a spreadsheet) Critical Risk Assessment and Milestones Schedule that addresses the following:
a) Describe the preferred timing and objectives of your business plan. Include an Excel spreadsheet with critical decisions and dates.
b) What contingency plans will you have in place for any issues that may arise?
Due by the end of Module 7
8. Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship Analysis
There are three assignments for this module pertaining to the Capstone Project: Strategic Leadership and the Executive Summary
Based on the organization you have selected, this week you will write a (500 word maximum) Strategic Leadership and Entrepreneurship section that addresses the following topics:
a) What is your sphere of influence in your organization? Based on this, what impact can you have on the implementation of your business plan?
b) What is your own bias?
c) What hurdles do you anticipate?
d) What leadership style will you have to demonstrate? Where do you fall short?
e) What are your strengths and weaknesses as it relates to your business?
f) How can you impact and influence others and your future organization to deliver the results you expect?
9. Executive Summary
Revise the Overview written in Module One into an Executive Summary of your business plan.
a) Include a few sentences to describe each section of the Business Plan so the reader can understand what will follow in the detailed sections of the plan.
10. Finalize the Strategic Business Plan
Integrate the plan components developed in each module into a finalized Strategic Business Plan. Incorporate any feedback from your instructor into the final document as well.
Due by the end of Module 8

week 1
According to Porter, strategy is about trade-offs and choices. Select an example of your choice and elaborate on this statement. Do you agree or disagree? Use your example to support your position.

diss 2

Using your own words, define strategy. What is the strategy of the organization you currently work for, or one that you worked for in the past?

week 2

Could an investor beat the stock market and generate a superior return with companies that have formulated and implemented a blue ocean strategy? Why or why not? Elaborate through at least two concrete examples (use Fortune 500companies different from the ones discussed in the assigned readings).
diss 2
Select a public company of your choice and run a PESTS analysis. Based on your analysis, what strategic initiative would you recommend? Why?

week 3

Choose a company and briefly describe its business and uniqueness in its industry. Now compare its management practices with the six principles described in Lecture 3. Is the company on the right track? Support your response with solid reasoning. Would you add one or more principles to the list? What principles would you add and why?
diss 2
What is an example of a firm or organization you know about, which, in your opinion, has developed a strategy de facto? Explain.

week 4
Select a
Fortune 500 company of your choice (one that is not named in Lecture 4). Analyze three key organizational capabilities that give the company a competitive advantage. What is it about these capabilities that give the company its competitive advantage? Focus on the three best organizational capabilities demonstrated by the company by providing specific and precise facts you uncovered in your research. Online publications such asBusinessWeek andThe Economist, and assorted websites, will help you gather these facts.

diss 2
Compare the market valuation of Google and Yahoo! What do you notice? How do you explain this difference?

week 5
Most organizations have or need to formulate a growth strategy. What are the different ways to do so? Provide specific examples of companies that have utilized these different ways.

diss 2

There has been a new surge of mergers and acquisitions (M and A) in the last several years. Why is this? In the past, why have so many not been successful? In your opinion, what are the most important factors to be taken into account for a successful M and A? Provide an example to support your position.

week 6

Describe a situation in which you faced a personal or professional ethical dilemma. How did you resolve it? Would you do things differently now? Why or why not?

As related to the "Virtue Matrix" article, what are examples of at least two instrumental factors to consider? Be detailed in your answers.

week 7
From an organization/firm perspective, why are talent management, leadership, and change/renewal so critical in today's world? Support your answer with specific examples.

In your opinion, who is the best CEO/leader you have heard of or read about? Why?

week 8

As a manager, what key concepts will you put into place?

What is the purpose of outsourcing? How can it be helpful to a company's growth? How can it be harmful? Give examples to support your answer.

This is a CLC assignment.
Your instructor will designate groups. In your groups, read the "Howard Schultz and Starbucks Coffee Company" case study in the textbook. Create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides (with speaker notes, title slide and reference slide) that addresses the following questions:
  1. In the early 1980s, how did Howard Schultz view the possibilities for the specialty coffee market? Why did Schultz think he could successfully import the Italian coffee bar concept to the United States?
  2. Was Schultz's strategy a blue ocean strategy? A red ocean strategy? Elaborate on your decision.
  3. What were the critical drivers of Starbucks' success?
  4. What is the source of Starbucks' competitive advantage? Is it sustainable? What should the company do (or not do) next to enhance/maintain its position in the market at the time the case was written?
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

This is a CLC assignment.
Your instructor will designate groups.
Read the "Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. Case Study," located in the textbook.
In a PowerPoint Presentation of 10-15 slides (with speaker notes, title slide, and reference slide), address the following questions:
  1. How would you describe the context into which Carlos Ghosn was thrown when he was recruited in 1999 to turn around Nissan? How would you describe Ghosn's leadership style?
  2. How would you measure Ghosn's approach to leading change? How effective was he? To what extent did his leadership affect the strategy at Nissan?
  3. In 2002, some industry experts remarked that Nissan's success was partly achieved at the expense of its suppliers. Do you agree? Why or why not? Is Nissan poised for long-term success?
  4. What strategic and specific recommendations would you make to "Le Cost Killer" moving beyond 2002?
Answer each question on its own slide in your PowerPoint presentation.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. On

This is a CLC assignment.
Your instructor will designate groups. In your groups, read the Harvard Business Review case study, "Southwest Airlines 2002: An Industry under Siege," in your textbook.
Create a PowerPoint presentation of 10-15 slides (with speaker notes, title slide, and reference slide), that addresses the following questions:
  1. How does Southwest Airlines make money when other airlines do not?
  2. What are the factors contributing to Southwest's success?
  3. Depending on the industry, intangible assets are more important than tangible ones. How is this evident at Southwest?
  4. How should Southwest respond to its short-term, on-time operating challenges?
  5. What do you think should be Southwest's long-term growth strategy?
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin, unless otherwise directed by your instructor. If so directed, refer to the Student Success Center for directions. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

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