HRM595 full course latest 2015 october [ all
discussion ,full course proj all case and assignment but no final ]
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Discussion 1
Welcome to week 2. To encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration, you are
free to be selective in which question you choose to answer and respond to. The
main goal is to encourage knowledge sharing and engagement.
12:37 AM
TO BULLETS 1-5 ABOVE AND FOLLOW THEGREEN FORMAT EXACTLY! Provide practical examples and related facts to support your answers with evidence from our readings and also from your own work and life experience. Please also remember to respond to your classmates posts to stimulate further discussion. DO NOT DEFINE ANYTHING! SHARE EXAMPLES ONLY! YOU MUST READ THE APPLICABLE CHAPTER MATERIAL TO PROPERLY ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS!
week 2 Discussion 1
week 3 Discussion 1 Welcome to week 3. To encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration, you are free to be selective in which question you choose to answer and respond to. The main goal is to encourage knowledge sharing and engagement.
week 5 week 5
In no particular order, WEEK 5 presenters are:ANTHONY, AYO, CARLOS, NICOLE B., ROBERT V., & SHANAY.Do not put pressure on yourself to be perfect for nothing is. Just believe in yourself and have fun! Last minute changes to ppt slides must be completedbeforeclass begins. No more than five ppt slides and 20 mins presentation time (this includes Q&A). As a sign of respect to your fellow hardworking classmates EVERYONE please be on time at 9:30am sharp and ready to rock! Class participation is mandatory not optional. This next statement will sound harsh but it must be said. Please do not insult us by coming in egregiously late like a few of you do every week for it is rude, disrespectful, embarrassing, unprofessional, and lastly distracting. Keller pushed the class start time back to accommodate you and some of you are consistently and incredibly flippant of that. Presenters feel free to share and discuss anything you want. You are free to conduct an actual negotiation OR share a negotiation topic that has already played out.Remember, there is entirely too much information to fit into all the slides so you save it and incorporate it into your written assignment. In your oral presentation and Negotiation Analysis paper you must discuss the following. See your syllabus for further instruction and view doc sharing for my mock oral ppt slide presentation for a visual perspective. These are the REQUIRED HEADINGS and DISCUSSION BULLETS of your ppt slides. Combine them to no more than five slides max. Post your ppt slides below so as to not waste time with flash drives and logging into your email account. Ø NEGOTIATION TOPIC BACKGROUND Ø GOALS & OBJECTIVES Ø DISTRIBUTIVE & INTEGRATIVE REASONING (ch. 2, 3, 4) Ø COMMUNICATION FACTORS, MODEL, & PERCEPTUAL DISTORTIONS (ch. 7, 14, 15) Ø CONFLICT RESOLUTION & MODEL (ch. 1, 17, 18, 19) Ø SOCIAL CONTEXT & EXTERNAL PRESSURES (ch. 10, 11, 12, 13) Ø POWER & ETHICS (ch. 5 & 8) Ø BEST PRACTICE (ch. 20) BAGELS SERVED. BRING YOUR OWN DRINK. diss 2
week 6
In no particular order, WEEK 6 presenters are:HEIDI, NICOLE B, REGINA, ROMAIN, STEVE, & STEVEN.Do not put pressure on yourself to be perfect for nothing is. Just believe in yourself and have fun! Last minute changes to ppt slides must be completedbeforeclass begins. No more than five ppt slides and 20 mins presentation time (this includes Q&A). As a sign of respect to your fellow hardworking classmates EVERYONE please be on time at 9:30am sharp and ready to rock! Class participation is mandatory not optional. This next statement will sound harsh but it must be said. Please do not insult us by coming in egregiously late like a few of you do every week for it is rude, disrespectful, embarrassing, unprofessional, and lastly distracting. Keller pushed the class start time back to accommodate you and some of you are consistently and incredibly flippant of that. Presenters feel free to share and discuss anything you want. You are free to conduct an actual negotiation OR share a negotiation topic that has already played out. Remember, there is entirely too much information to fit into all the slides so you save it and incorporate it into your written assignment. In your oral presentation and Negotiation Analysis paper you must discuss the following. See your syllabus for further instruction and view doc sharing for my mock oral ppt slide presentation for a visual perspective. These are the REQUIRED HEADINGS and DISCUSSION BULLETS of your ppt slides. Combine them to no more than five slides max. Post your ppt slides below so as to not waste time with flash drives and logging into your email account. Ø NEGOTIATION TOPIC BACKGROUND Ø GOALS & OBJECTIVES Ø DISTRIBUTIVE & INTEGRATIVE REASONING (ch. 2, 3, 4) Ø COMMUNICATION FACTORS, MODEL, & PERCEPTUAL DISTORTIONS (ch. 7, 14, 15) Ø CONFLICT RESOLUTION & MODEL (ch. 1, 17, 18, 19) Ø SOCIAL CONTEXT & EXTERNAL PRESSURES (ch. 10, 11, 12, 13) Ø POWER & ETHICS (ch. 5 & 8) Ø BEST PRACTICE (ch. 20) BAGELS SERVED. BRING YOUR OWN DRINK. diss 2
supervisor in a large accounting firm is scheduled to interview a job
candidate who comes highly recommended and has excellent qualifications. Jim
has an accounting degree (bachelors) from a prestigious Ivy League school and
has been working on his MBA by attending an online program for the last 18
months and is close to earning his degree. In addition he has been working
for one of your competitors for several years and has excellent references
attesting to his ability. Your payroll budget has recently been reduced
significantly as a result of a declining client base and your manager has the
final authority in establishing salaries for the new hires but generally is
responsive to what his supervisor’s propose to a job candidate. In addition,
the HR Director has published salary ranges for new hires that are to be
adhered to, unless there are extenuating circumstances such as the candidate
having special expertise, the ability to bring in additional clients, or
excellent credentials including having the CPA certification.Your Role/Assignment:Your role is to determine whether distributive or integrative negotiations will be preferred in this scenario between the job applicant and the supervisor, and respond to the questions regarding the other parties who have an interest in hiring the job applicant. You must apply course concepts in your answers. 1. What is the appropriate negotiation strategy that would be most advantageous for Sharon and Jim in this scenario, distributive or integrative bargaining? List and describe the factors that should be considered in making this determination? Personally speaking, how would you handle? 2. What are HR’s interests in this scenario, and what would be the potential negotiation strategy between the Accounting Manager and HR assuming that there is a decision that the published salary range for attracting Jim will have to be exceeded in order to hire him? Do you agree or disagree? Explain. week 7 week 7
In no particular order, WEEK 7 presenters are:EDUARD, ERICA, ROBERT C, STEVEN, & SUDHIR.Do not put pressure on yourself to be perfect for nothing is. Just believe in yourself and have fun! Last minute changes to ppt slides must be completedbeforeclass begins. No more than five ppt slides and 20 mins presentation time (this includes Q&A). As a sign of respect to your fellow hardworking classmates EVERYONE please be on time at 9:30am sharp and ready to rock! Class participation is mandatory not optional. This next statement will sound harsh but it must be said. Please do not insult us by coming in egregiously late like a few of you do every week for it is rude, disrespectful, embarrassing, unprofessional, and lastly distracting. Keller pushed the class start time back to accommodate you and some of you are consistently and incredibly flippant of that. Presenters feel free to share and discuss anything you want.You are free to conduct an actual negotiation OR share a negotiation topic that has already played out.Remember, there is entirely too much information to fit into all the slides so you save it and incorporate it into your written assignment. In your oral presentation and Negotiation Analysis paper you must discuss the following. See your syllabus for further instruction and view doc sharing for my mock oral ppt slide presentation for a visual perspective. These are the REQUIRED HEADINGS and DISCUSSION BULLETS of your ppt slides. Combine them to no more than five slides max. Post your ppt slides below so as to not waste time with flash drives and logging into your email account. Ø NEGOTIATION TOPIC BACKGROUND Ø GOALS & OBJECTIVES Ø DISTRIBUTIVE & INTEGRATIVE REASONING (ch. 2, 3, 4) Ø COMMUNICATION FACTORS, MODEL, & PERCEPTUAL DISTORTIONS (ch. 7, 14, 15) Ø CONFLICT RESOLUTION & MODEL (ch. 1, 17, 18, 19) Ø SOCIAL CONTEXT & EXTERNAL PRESSURES (ch. 10, 11, 12, 13) Ø POWER & ETHICS (ch. 5 & 8) Ø BEST PRACTICE (ch. 20) BAGELS SERVED. BRING YOUR OWN DRINK. View your gradebook and the policy on late assignments on page four of your syllabus now. If you see a zero or an "F" posted, it means you (a) submitted nothing whatsoever or (b) submitted something, I gave you feedback requiring change and still you've done nothing with that feedback. Pls be advised your grade/score will standas isunless you take action now!NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING will be accepted after 10/19. Ensure you follow the syllabus instructions to achieve the best possible grade/score for there is no room for second chances. Time has run out.Your grade/score is final. The goal is to have you walk through the door next class fully aware of your gradebook score so you know your position and flexibility against the final exam. 10/17FINAL EXAM OVERVIEW given. You want to rely on your own notes and mental/visual understanding of requirements.
10/18-19 Online
Final Exam open for your completion (open Saturday midnight and closes Monday
night at 11:59pm est).
10/19 Last day assignments will be accepted for grade - no exceptions! I am not teaching next session. For the JAN/FEB session I am scheduled to teach MGMT592 LEADERSHIP IN THE 21st CENTURY in midtown (no group project). If you have a mild interest and your major applies OR if you have an elective to spare register asap. You know my personality and teaching style so go for it! If not, pls tell your friends. Thx! diss 2
course proj
There are
two objectives for the course project:
1. To analyze a
complex negotiation (work, personal or historical)
2. To apply
negotiation course concepts in your analysis.
objectives, while straightforward, are critical to your learning. Application
knowledge is the key. If you can apply what you have learned in the course to
the project you will also be able to apply what you have learned in other
environments after the class has ended.
Topic Ideas
proposal (one page) should describe the focus of the paper and your method.
The negotiation can be one in which you were a participant or one in which
you have been an active observer. Some examples of applicable negotiations
workplace negotiation, such as a complex contract, new position or new salary
complex business transaction, such as a merger or acquisition;
complex real estate purchase;
union-management contract (including professional sports leagues);
neighborhood group negotiating zoning concerns with a city government;
negotiation between divorcing spouses who have complex settlement issues; and
negotiation between a vendor and business over products and services.
The above
are representative examples of possible topics. The important thing to keep
in mind in your topic selection is that the negotiation should be complex
enough that you can perform a thoughtful and critical analysis in your paper
using concepts learned in this course.
following are the best practices in preparing this paper:
1. Introduce the
subject and why the subject is important.
2. Preview the main
ideas and the order in which they will be covered.
3. Establish a tone
of the document.
in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also,
include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the
importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions
you are asked to answer on each assignment.)
week 2
UNDERSTANDING THE KEY PARTIES AND THEIR ROLE IN A NEGOTIATION General information and instructions: 1. Review text pages 137–139 in Chapter 4. These pages cover step 9 in the planning process, assessing the social context of negotiation. 2. The field analysis tool is helpful when negotiators have to consider multiple parties—on their own side and on the other side—who can affect a negotiation outcome, and whose needs and interests must be considered. 3. Take note that the soccer field (see diagram below) is a metaphor for a two-party multi-stakeholder contract negotiation. Specific information and instructions: 1. Assume that you are the negotiator who is tasked with a salary (on call time, step increases, overtime for captains and majors) and benefits (insurance while employed, insurance after retirement, accrual of leave time, retirement multipliers) dispute between a large municipal county with a strong mayor and the sheriff’s department for the county. 2. You are negotiating the contract on behalf of the sheriff’s office. The purpose of this activity is to give you an opportunity to construct a field analysis on your relationship with a specific other negotiator. This tool should be helpful when negotiators have to consider multiple parties—on their own side and on the other side—who can affect a negotiation outcome, and whose needs and interests must be considered. 3. The field has the following stakeholders. a. On the field would be members of your team and members of the other team (A, B). b. On the sidelines are backup players, coaches, trainers, and other team personnel (C). c. In the stands are fans who are watching the negotiation, members of the media, and other direct observers (D). d. The elements outside the stadium—the location of the stadium, the weather, and other “context factors” which can shape how the game evolves and is played (E) 4. Questions are presented in identical pairs (1,2; 3,4; 5,6; and 7,8) but answers will not necessarily be the same. 5. Questions 7 and 8 have four sub-parts, which require answers in each sub-part. 6. Place your answers in the boxes provided in this form. Boxes will expand as needed. ![]()
week 5 case Prepare a 3–4 page paper (include a cover page) identifying the following items as they pertain to a negotiation in the case study between Randall and Dolan. Be sure to incorporate course concepts in your answers.
1. Identify
guidelines that you should follow during the negotiation. Be specific!
2. Identify and
describe the steps of the negotiation process.
3. Identify and apply
guidelines that will enable you to facilitate effective communication during
the negotiation.
4. Identify and
justify the types of questions that you should ask during the negotiation.
5. Identify the
characteristics of the negotiation styles present.
6. Identify and apply
the guidelines that you should follow when this negotiation becomes challenging.
your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For
instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions.See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date informatio |
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