Friday 29 December 2017

davenport busn650 full course [ all week discussions both journal and research part 1 2 and 3 ] latest 2015

 davenport busn650 full course [ all week discussions both journal and research part 1 2 and 3 ] latest 2015

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week 1
For the weeks following, you will develop a proposal to conduct a research project to resolve an issue; it might be something your supervisor or the CEO would ask you to “ look into and come up with a recommendation next month.” Identify a problem and write a description of the background relating to a particular research problem (or need). An actual business problem should be indicated (topics generally come from the student’s workplace or an area of interest).
You will need to get approval from your instructor to ensure the topic is appropriate and not to complex for the assignment.
At least 3 academic references are expected, cited in-text and referenced in proper APA format.


Research and provide an explanation and definition of validity, and illustrate an example to demonstrate validity and lack of validity. Complete the same steps for reliability, and discuss why reliability and validity are important in research?
Use at least 3 academic sources to support your analysis.

week 2
Research and discuss effective means of conducting research. Your discussion should cover appropriate academic sources, different forms of research (primary, secondary, qualitative, quantitative), and the scientific method.
At least 3 academic references are expected, cited in-text and referenced in proper APA format.


Using the problem you identified in the week one forums, you will need to build the theoretical framework of your research project. Locate a minimum of 3 relevant research articles to support the problem you identified with a brief description of each article chosen as it relates/supports the problem. To perform this research, you will need to use the LiNC’s research database to locate appropriate articles.Note:A tutorial on how to conduct research using ProQuest can be found in the week 1 Readings & Resources folder.
Your reference list should be formatted correctly using APA guidelines with your synopsis following (Research Reference List Example).

wee 3

Often people refuse to participate in surveys. I'm sure you have been at the mall and tried to avoid the girl with the clipboard. Maybe you hung up on the guy who called and asked for a few moments of your time. You may even throw away surveys when you get them in the mail. This is an inconvenience. Companies know it as an inconvenience, but they need valuable information. Sometimes companies will offer incentives (money, food, coupons, etc.) for participating in their surveys. Incentives may work for some people and not for others. The trick is to offer an incentive that will get the right type of participant to respond (and only that type of participant). For example, the makers of Organic Foods, Inc., may want to get some feedback on a new organic product. The researchers may not want to offer a free pack of "chemical candy" as an incentive. People who eat candy with dyes and chemicals aren't organic consumers. Also the researcher must pick a survey method (live interviews, telephone, mail, internet) that will drive the desired person to participate.
Here's the situation. Chrysler wants some information about what features people want added in the next version of its mini van. Pick the proper incentive and survey method (in-person, mail, phone, Internet, etc.) that will get mini van drivers and only mini van drivers to respond. Explain your answer.Use at least 3 academic sources to support your answer.


Following the specific guidelines on survey construction and development outlined inyour text, develop a survey to be a self-administered, telephone, or an in-person interview survey (Sample Surveys). The survey should have 10-15 questions accompanied by a brief background of the problem you are trying to measure (it can be the same problem you identified in week one. If you use a tool such as survey monkey to create your survey, include the link with your answer. As survey monkey only allows you to create a 10 question survey for free, build your survey with 8-10 questions, 2-3 demographic questions, 1 open ended question, and 5-6 (multiple choice, multiple response or Likert scale) questions.).
At least 3 academic references are expected, cited in-text and referenced in proper APA format.

week 4

Using the survey created in week three, administer it 5 individuals (e.g., friends, colleagues, etc).Based upon your pilot, what recommendations, revisions need to be made to improve the survey for it to be a reliable instrument of measurement?
At least 3 academic references are expected, cited in-text and referenced in proper APA format.


One of the major problems facing the designer of a survey instrument concerns the assumptions made. Research and discuss what are the major "problem assumptions"? How can a designer avoid them? Should he avoid them?
At least 3 academic references are expected, cited in-textand referenced in proper APA format.

week 5

week 5

Over the past two weeks you have worked with a survey extensively. Provide a discussion of the challenges you encountered in developing and conducting this survey, and make at least three recommendations in regards to the problem based on the data collected from administering your survey during its pilot.
At least 3 academic references are expected, cited in-text and referenced in proper APA format.

diss 2

Tell me about a research project that you read or saw while in this course. If you can't think of one, find one in a newspaper, magazine, or academic journal. Explain why it was a valid research project or an invalid research project - explain to me based off of what you learned in this course.
At least 3 academic references are expected, cited in-text and referenced in proper APA format.

week 6

week 6
Based off of what you may have already known about research and based off of what you learned in this course, what do you think is the best way for an organization to 'train' an employee to do business research?
At least 3 academic references are expected, cited in-text and referenced in proper APA format.

So far in the six weeks of course, we have talked a lot about data analysis methods, how to research, collect and interpret data. What have you seen/read in the media or news recently that might enable you to apply what you have learned thus far to a current event? Please post the link as well as the tool you might use to analyze the interpretation.
At least 3 academic references are expected, cited in-text and referenced in proper APA format.

week 7

week 7
We have analyzed research and read journals to understand and analyze the outcomes. What are the next steps for each of you as you look to future work? What might you want to explore more? What surprised you during the course and what was different than you expected?
At least 3 academic ferences are expected, cited in-textand referenced in proper APA format.

You have now seven weeks of business research - what did you learn? How has what you have learned changed how you will think about research and do research?
Use at least 3 academic sources to support your answer

research part 1  2   3

Building off of the problem you’ve identified in week one coupled with the supporting research you’ve conducted in week two. You will present the purpose of the study (i.e., by completing the statement, “The purpose of the study is…”) and then follow up with a relevant and testable research question. The Purpose of the Study is to gain information to address the problem introduced in week 1 (example of using a purpose statement).
The research question should adhere to the following guidelines:
  1. formation of question is based on theory, previous research, and experience;
  2. stated in the form of a question; and
  3. is focused and clear (i.e., specific, measureable, and feasible).
Part I should address all the areas of the rubric, and your paper must follow APA guidelines.


Building off of Research Part 1 you completed in week 3, part II will focus on themethodology/design of your research project to answer how the research question posed in Part I will be accomplished. Address why your approach was chosen versus another while addressing the following:
  1. Participants (population, sample method, and sample size) – Include the strategy for acquiring participation in your study as well as ethical measures to secure the participant and their identity.
  2. Instruments – Describe the instrument, what will be measured, and how the scores will be calculated.
  3. Procedures – how will your instrument be delivered, what threats are there to reliable data, and the role of the researcher/participant.
Keep in mind, no data will be collected during this phase, but merely describe the how and what of your project. Follow the rubric to complete Part 2, and follow APA guidelines.


Research Part III is the section where you will collect and analyze your data to test your hypothesis to support or fail to support your hypothesis. This area of your paper will show correlations and give a summary of your findings through the use of graphs, charts or other means to show the analysis of the data you collected. Once your data has been analyzed and presented, you will make recommendations for future research to further the research, improve business practices, etc.
Part III should address all the areas of the rubric, and your paper must follow APA guidelines.


week 2
element in learning. For the weeks 3, 4 & 5 you will complete a journal addressing these two areas:
1.Group process:Address what is working well in your group, what isn’t, and what changes can be made to improve the communication, synergy, or overall effectiveness of working in small groups as a MBA student. With what you are experiencing first-hand about groups, what can you apply to being a better leader/team player in the business setting.
2.Statistics: What are you struggling with as it pertains to writing/testing hypotheses? How can you use this information to help complete your research project for this course? Also think about how you can hypothesis testing professionally?
Your journal should be at least two paragraphs addressing each of these areas to receive full credit.

week 4
In the fast paced environment of business, we seldom have the time to step back and reflect on what we have learned which is an important element in learning. For the weeks 3, 4 & 5 you will complete a journal addressing these two areas:
1.Group process:Address what is working well in your group, what isn’t, and what changes can be made to improve the communication, synergy, or overall effectiveness of working in small groups as a MBA student. With what you are experiencing first-hand about groups, what can you apply to being a better leader/team player in the business setting.
2.Statistics: What are you struggling with as it pertains to writing/testing hypotheses? How can you use this information to help complete your research project for this course? Also think about how you can hypothesis testing professionally?
Your journal should be at least two paragraphs addressing each of these areas to receive full credit.

week 5

In the fast paced environment of business, we seldom have the time to step back and reflect on what we have learned which is an important element in learning. For the weeks 3, 4 & 5 you will complete a journal addressing these two areas:
1.Group process:Address what is working well in your group, what isn’t, and what changes can be made to improve the communication, synergy, or overall effectiveness of working in small groups as a MBA student. With what you are experiencing first-hand about groups, what can you apply to being a better leader/team player in the business setting.
2.Statistics: What are you struggling with as it pertains to writing/testing hypotheses? How can you use this information to help complete your research project for this course? Also think about how you can hypothesis testing professionally?
Your journal should be at least two paragraphs addressing each of these areas to receive full credit.

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