Friday 29 December 2017

PSY140 full course [ all discussions all check understandong and all homeowrk except mod 1 homewrk

  PSY140 full course [ all discussions all check understandong and all homeowrk except mod 1 homewrk

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mod 1
Posted by Jill Barton at 06/29/13 04:54 PM
Greetings Psychology PSY 140 Students!
I’m Dr. Barton and I will be your instructor for the next 8 weeks.
A little about me………..I was born and raised in Michigan and attended Michigan State University for my bachelor’s degree. I then moved to Florida for graduate school and have lived here ever since. I am married, with 2 children (ages 8 and 10) and we have 3 dogs (1 Golden Retriever, 1 Belgian Malinois, and a Bichon/Shih Tzu mix). I’m also a huge fan of sci-fan (love “Walking Dead” and “Defiance!”) and anything related to cooking.
If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call or text me at: 954-551-2791.
I look forward to meeting and working with you!
Part I of II
Please introduce yourself to the class.
Part II of II
Although research on nonhuman animals has produced many findings that are beneficial to humans, not everyone agrees that it should be allowed. How do you think we should balance the welfare of animals against benefits to human society?
Your main post should be scholarly in nature, at least 150 words in length, and entered by Friday. Please respond to at least 2 of your classmates’ posts by Sunday.
mod 2
Posted by Jill Barton at 07/07/13 04:28 AM
Describe and explain the purpose of three parts of the brain as described in the text. What happens if these parts are damaged? How would it affect our thinking and/or behavior? Are there any specific diseases or syndromes associated with damage to these areas?
mod 3
Posted by Jill Barton at 07/07/13 04:30 AM
Describe the different states of consciousness. How does substance intoxication differ from other states of consciousness? Be sure to include neurochemical properties and changes as part of your answer.
mod 4
Posted by Jill Barton at 07/07/13 04:31 AM
What are the main causes of forgetting? What are some additional explanations for forgetting? Is there any way to improve our memory? What strategies can be used to strengthen memory?
mod 5
Posted by Jill Barton at 03/31/14 06:36 AM
How is intelligence defined? How is it measured? What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of standardized IQ testing?
mod 6
Posted by Jill Barton at 08/05/13 05:20 AM
Compare and contrast humanistic, psychoanalytic, and social learning theories ofpersonality. Choose a disorder (e.g. depression) that may cause an individual to seetherapy.Explain how each of the three theories would view the disorder.
mod 7
Posted by Jill Barton at 08/05/13 05:24 AM
In some cultures it is a positive characteristic to have the ability to communicate with a deceased member of the family. Compare this to the definitions of hallucination and delusion in our text, and discuss the implications for diagnosis and treatment.
mod 8
How would you have reacted if you had been a subject in the Milgram experiments? If Milgram’s research were to be repeated today (a highly unlikely event), do you suppose thatsubjects would be more or less obedient? Explain your answer. In what ways does oursociety benefit from having members who conform and who are obedient? In what ways areconformity and obedience potentially dangerous to our society?

 module 1 ch5

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