Friday 29 December 2017

post hsv405 full course [ all discussions all assignment and midterm latest [ unit 1 to 8 ]

 post hsv405 full course [ all discussions all assignment and midterm latest   [ unit 1 to 8 ]

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unit 1
What do you believe are important qualities for the human services executive to possess? What does a leader look like to you?

Research the different types of management styles. Explain which style best describes the type of leader/manager that you are/plan to be.

What are the foundational differences in for-profit and non-profit agencies? Please make sure that you properly cite your references.

unit 2

Who is the targeted population at your current (or former) place of employment? In other words, who does your agency aim to serve through its programs and services? How do you know?

In the readings, several factors are identified that help to shape the human service sector. Are any of these factors relevant in your current place of employment? If so, which ones?

unit 3
Explain in your own words what the human relations movement is. Do you think that this is an effective management technique for the human service agency? Why or why not?

What decision making skills do effective leaders need? Describe a situation where you needed to make an important decision. What was the process you went through to reach a decision?

unit 4
If you disagreed with an Organization's mission or vision, could you still work there? Would you be willing to leave a company for which you worked, if they changed their mission or vision about who they were and what they wanted to accomplish? What about the people around you with whom you work? Do you see people that are in your organization for reasons other than believing in the mission and vision?

What are some challenges organizations face? Has an organization you worked for faced these same challenges? What are some ways organizations deal with these challenges?

unit 5
Affirmative Action programs are designed to remedy discriminatory patterns that have existed in the past. However, they are not met without controversy or discussion. What are your thoughts in regards to the role Affirmative Action should or should not play in our hiring practices?

Have you ever had to interview and hire someone? What are some key questions you believe can give insight into the work ethic and abilities of a possible candidate?

unt 6

Our working world today is complex, competitive, emotional, yet rewarding all at the same time. Our work affects us and our families. As a supervisor, do you believe it is part of your role to discuss with your subordinate the proper balance between work life and home life

As a supervisory is it important to build relationships with your workers? What are the appropriate boundaries? Is it hard to determine these boundaries?

unit 7
Read Case One from the textbook readings and answer the questions at the end of the case as a one page response.

Read Case Five from the textbook readings and answer the questions at the end of the case as a one page response.

uni 8

Does the organization you work for or have worked for have a method for evaluating their effectiveness, achievement of organizational goals, and the meeting of client needs? If so, please describe it. If not, name a few ways an organizations can evaluate themselves. Why is this important?

What are the one or two things that you have learned in this class that you will take with you most in your work? What did you find most influential or impacting that you learned about that you will take with you moving forward?

unit 1

Nonprofit agencies have served communities across the nation for close to a century. This assignment is designed to begin an in-depth look of how the nonprofit is structured, organized and run by executive-level administrators.
In a one-to-two page paper, please address the following:
  • Identify a nonprofit agency in your area that you admire. This agency can be large or small, nationally-based or local.
  • What is the history of the organization?
  • When was it founded? What is the mission of the agency?
  • Who is the intended population that the agency aims to assist?
  • Who is the current executive director/president/CEO of the agency?
  • Describe the programs that the organization offers.
  • Why would you refer a client to this agency as a human service professional?
This assignment should be written according to APA guidelines. Provide the correct citations for this agency in APA style. Use Headings in your paper to organize your thoughts. Do not use 2nd person in professional writing. Use the Post writing lab to assist you with your writing.

Submitted Work


Paper 2 - Please complete a 3 page paper. Going back to the agency that you selected for Paper #1, find the mission, vision, and values statements of that agency and answer the following questions:
  • Briefly state the mission, vision and values statements of the agency on a separate page (this page does not count as one of the 3 pages).
  • In what ways do these statements seem to meet the criteria outlined in the readings or in the videos?
  • What criteria do they meet?
  • How would you improve the wording of these statements?
  • If the wording was improved, what additional criteria would they meet?


In this assignment you will look at the nonprofit organization from Paper #1 and learn about their financials. You will need to use yourwww.guidestar.orgaccount to look up the agency and find their most recent IRS filing (Form 990).
Please answer the following questions in a two-to-three page paper:
  • What is the name of your organization?
  • What year was the agency founded?
  • What was the total revenue for the current year?
  • How does this compare to the previous year?Explain where the largest gain or loss was from the previous year.
  • What is the agency’s largest expense?
  • Does this agency receive public support? From which sources?
  • Is there a breakdown of the services the agency offers? If so, how much did it cost to run these services?
  • Lastly, what surprised you the most while reviewing these documents?

Paper 4 - In a four page paper answer the following questions:
  • 1. What are some of the reasons that staff may be resistant to or even fearful of evaluation?
  • 2. How could evaluation be made nonthreatening or even valued for workers in human service agencies?
  • 3. What is the administration’s role in evaluations?
  • 4. Think of the agency where you currently work, or the one in which you wrote about earlier in the module, when answering the following questions:
    • How effective is the agency's planning and program design in responding to the needs of the social problems/customer it was intended to address or provide services too?
    • Does the agency have effective human resources and supervision practices to insure success to meet the agency's goals?
    • What are the administrative roles in the agency and how does this affect staff, clients, and the human service agency environment?
    • Does the agency formally evaluate itself?

Question 1
4 out of 4 points
Management can be defined rather simply as the process of:
a. Making a plan to achieve some end
b. Organizing the people and resources needed to carry out the plan
c. Encouraging the helping workers who will be asked to perform the component tasks
d. Evaluating the results and then revising plans based on this evaluation
e. All of the Above
Question 2
4 out of 4 points
Education, training, counseling, therapy or casework are referred to as what types of services:
a. Indirect
b. Case Management
c. Direct
d. Administrative
e. None of the Above
Question 3
0 out of 4 points
A major component of the management of human services programs is supervising which can best be described as:
a. Mobilizing the people necessary to make the program work
b.Tracking progress on program objectives and activities
c. Enhancing the skills and motivation of service providers
d. Structuring and coordinating the work that need to be done to carry out plans
e. All of the Above
Question 4
4 out of 4 points
The key actors in the human services organization’s environment who have the most influence on the organization are referred to as:
a. Stakeholders
b. Fiscal Officer
c. Donors
d. Information Systems Developer
e. None of the Above
Question 5
4 out of 4 points
Within an organization, there are many different types of planning. Which types provides specific guidance on day-to-day activities necessary to implement the strategic plan:
a. Project Planning
b. Long-Range Planning
c. Business Planning
d. Operational Planning
e. None of the Above
Question 6
4 out of 4 points
Peter Senge, in his classic book, The Fifth Discipline, introduced the notion of “governing ideas” for an organization. Which idea answers the question “What do we want the organization to be”?
a. Mission
b. Core Values
c. Vision
d. Organizational Culture
e. None of the Above
Question 7
4 out of 4 points
The core values of an organization respond to the question:
a. “How do we want to act”
b. “What is our purpose”
c. “For whom do we work”
d. “Why do we exist”
e. All of the Above
Question 8
0 out of 4 points
In the context of the Human Resources Model a psychologist, Argyis, believed that we should develop organizational forms that build on the worker’s strengths and motivation. This is because he pointed out that workers are motivated by many factors other than economics, including desires for:
a. Salary and Compensation
b. Public Recognition
c. Growth and Independence
d. Advanced Title
e. None of the Above
Question 9
0 out of 4 points
McGregor distinguished between Theory X and Theory Y managers. Theory X manager assumes that people dislike work, lack interest in organizational objectives, and want to avoid responsibility. Theory Y assumes that people enjoy working, desire responsibility, have innate capacities for creativity, and have the ability to work towards organizational objectives with a minimum of direction. Therefore, which type of manager would use less specialization, less control, and more delegation of decision making:
a. Theory X
b. Theory Y
c. None of the Above
d. All of the Above
Question 10
4 out of 4 points
This concept is defined as “a fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical contemporary measures of performance such as cost, quality service and speed”:a
a. Reengineering
b. Design of an Organization
c. Change Management
d. Structural Integrity
e. None of the Above
Question 11
0 out of 4 points
This tool is used by organizations to clarify the chain of command, to show differentiation across functions or divisions, and to illustrate the expected flow of communication. It does not explain functions in great detail but instead provides an overview showing how each part of the organization is expected to interact with the others and with the entity as a whole:
a. Matrix Structures
b. Hierarchical Command Map
c. Organizational Chart
d. Divisional Structures
e. All of the Above
Question 12
4 out of 4 points
Zenger and Folkman (2002) agree that magnifying strengths is the best overall approach for managers. However, they found that an inability to learn from mistakes and a lack of core interpersonal skills refer to as a manager’s:
a. Fatal Flaws
b. Work Plan Goal
c. Performance Based Initiative
d. Authenticity
e. None of the Above
Question 13
4 out of 4 points
“A series of activities carried out by lower or middle-echelon staff in human service organizations to modify or alter organizational conditions, policy, program, or procedures for the ultimate improvement of service to clients is referred to as:
a. Participative Decision Making
b. Diversity Management
c. Staff-Initiated Organizational Change
d. Use of Consultants
e.None of the Above
Question 14
0 out of 4 points
What relationship begins with the use of appropriate models of motivation and leadership:
a. Management
b. Leadership
d. Organizational Chart
e. None of the Above
Question 15
4 out of 4 points
What describes “an organization that is skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge, and at modifying its behaviors to reflect new knowledge and insights”:
a. Management Audit
b. Cultural Competency Assessment
c. Learning Organization
d. Employee Attitudes
e. None of the Above
Question 16
10 out of 10 points
What does the acronym SMART (as in SMART goals) stand for? Please write an example of a SMART goal.
Question 17
10 out of 10 points
Please define and describe how "The Logic Model" and "SWOT Analysis" are different?
Response Feedback: [None Given]
Question 18
10 out of 10 points
Which events did the feminist movement help to address?
Equal Rights
Both A and B
Question 19
10 out of 10 points
Please select and explain one example of leadership from the list below. Then select one human services leader who you believe practices this type of leadership. Remember to support your answer with examples.
Charismatic Leadership
Transactional and Transformational Leadership
Examplary Leadership
Visionary Leadership

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