Friday 29 December 2017

PSC410 full course [ all discussions and all weeks assignments except week 10

PSC410 full course [ all discussions and all weeks assignments except week 10

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mod 1 dq
Describe the most significant leadership challenges facing organizations today. Are you optimistic that these challenges can be overcome? Why or why not?

week 1 dq 2

The idea of “servant leadership” may be considered a paradox. Describe this paradox in the context of leadership.

week 2 dq 1
Review the "Core Values" media piece located within the topic materials. Select your basic 9 values that will provide the foundation for your "Personal Model of Leadership: First Level." Was it hard to narrow your selection to only 9 values? Why are these 9 values important to you?

dq 2

Research an organization that has been identified as having senior leaders and/or trustees that behaved unethically or inappropriately. What was the outcome of the unethical behavior?

weekn 3

Max Points: 8.0
After viewing the video, “Values-Based Leadership” (, answer the following questions:
1.  What is Robert McDonald’s perspective on the importance of values-based leadership?
2.  How does values-based leadership help improve performance in organizations?
NOTE - You must use Internet Explorer or Google Chrome to watch this video.

dq 2
Considering the increased focus on values such as sustainability, environmental rights, human rights, and social responsibility, identify the behaviors and actions you might see in boards, senior leadership teams, and employees based on these values.

week 4 dq 1
Describe how a vision can be used by leaders and an organization to foster an atmosphere of servant leadership.


Develop a vision statement for any organization you want that creates a future that is high performing/competitive and promotes servant leadership. Keep the vision under 50 words.
week 5 dq 1
How does listening help leaders influence individuals, teams, and organizations?

week 5 dq 2
Describe organizational collaboration, including identifying its challenges and its value to the organization. Cite an example (good or bad) of organizational collaboration.
week 6 dq 1
Explain why it is important for servant leadership to improve communities and society. Why is leadership courage important to realize these changes?


The PSC 410 Lecture 6 describes how Toyota’s Prius helps the company realize a competitive advantage that also benefits society. Identify another organization that also has a product or service that combines a competitive advantage and a benefit to society. (Avoid using examples such as TOMS Shoes or Seventh Generation, whose business model is based entirely on social responsibility, or efforts such as Starbucks’ RED initiative, which combines a social remedy and a marketing campaign.)

mod 7 dq 1

What could lead to Greenleaf’s Theology of Institutions becoming a viable model for making societal change? What stands in the way of this idea being achievable?

Research a contemporary example (in the last 5 years) of how foresight benefited an organization or how lack of foresight led to harm for an organization. If foresight was helpful, identify the reasons why. If you cite lack of foresight, could a servant leader mindset have made a difference? How?

mod 8 dq 1
Your final and fourth level of your "Personal Model of Leadership" is due. You have now selected your final 3 values out of your original 9. How will these 3 values help you become a better leader?


Describe your leadership style. What aspect will you change to serve society and the community?

week 1

Write an essay of 800-1,000 words in which you discuss and compare servant leadership and competency-based leadership. In your essay, be sure to discuss the following:
1.  What are the strengths and weaknesses of a competency-based approach to leadership? What are the strengths and weaknesses of a servant leadership approach?
2.  Compare servant leadership and competency-based leadership.
3.  Explain why competency-based leadership is popular in many organizations.
4.  Can leaders who are chosen for their competencies also demonstrate servant leadership qualities? Explain why or why not.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Use the following guidelines for incorporating source material into your writing:
1.  At least one reference is required.
2.  Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of the paper’s content.
3.  Due to its inherent unreliability, Wikipedia is not considered an acceptable source for use in academic writing.
This assignment uses a grading rubric, "Essay: Servant Leadership and Competency-Based Leadership Rubric." Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expeSC410ctations for successful completion of the assignment.

week 2

Throughout this course, you will create a personal model of leadership. You will work step by step on drafts of your personal model and receive instructor feedback as you move through the course to create a single final draft. The four steps, or levels, involved in creating your personal model of leadership are as follows:
1.  Select the basic values that will provide the foundation of your model.
2.  Identify the leadership behaviors that will result from those values.
3.  Identify a clear approach for creating a sense of meaning and purpose, including contributing to society.
4.  Identify the impact of one’s contributions to oneself, other people, organizations, and society.
Consider each step within the framework of the following four perspectives:
1.  Individual or “I” perspective
2.  Interpersonal perspective
3.  Organizational perspective
4.  Societal perspective
In 250-500 words, create a draft of the first level (values) of your personal model of leadership.
Use "Creating a Personal Model of Leadership" resource to guide you.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of the paper’s content.
Due to its inherent unreliability, Wikipedia is not considered an acceptable source for use in academic writing.

week 3Details:
Choose two issues or challenges that face leaders today. For example, consider the challenges faced by many leaders of firms that have been forced to downsize lately. How do leaders continue to engage their employees in the face of layoffs and bad financial news? Alternatively, consider how organizations must deal with the “offshoring” of jobs. What are the challenges of leading teams overseas while keeping morale high in the United States?
Find at least two articles (other than those in your readings) that discuss the issues you have chosen. Reviewing top news sites and publications such as Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, International Herald Tribune, and USA Today are good places to start.
In 1,000 – 1,250 words, write an essay in which you address the following:
1.  Discuss how servant leadership can help address your chosen issues or challenges.
2.  Discuss at least one other popular contemporary model of leadership (e.g., situational leadership, competency-based leadership, spiritual leadership, and visionary leadership) and how it might address the issues presented.
3.  Identify at least three values (e.g., integrity, courage, etc.) needed by leaders to effectively address these issues.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Use the following guidelines for incorporating source material into your writing:
1.  At least two references are required.
2.  Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of the paper’s content.
3.  Due to its inherent unreliability, Wikipedia is not considered an acceptable source for use in academic writing.
This assignment uses a grading rubric, "Essay: Values-Based Leadership: Challenges and Opportunities Rubric". Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

week 4
The four steps, or levels, involved in creating your personal model of leadership are as follows:
1.  Select the basic values that will provide the foundation of your model.
2.  Identify the leadership behaviors that will result from those values.
3.  Identify a clear approach for creating a sense of meaning and purpose, including contributing to society.
4.  Identify the impact of one’s contributions to oneself, other people, organizations, and society.
Consider each step within the framework of the following four perspectives:
1.  Individual or “I” perspective
2.  Interpersonal perspective
3.  Organizational perspective
4.  Societal perspective
In 250-500 words, create a draft of the second level (behaviors) of your personal model of leadership.
Use the "Creating a Personal Model of Leadership" resource to guide you.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of the paper’s content.
Due to its inherent unreliability, Wikipedia is not considered an acceptable source for use in academic writing.
week 6
The four steps, or levels, involved in creating your personal model of leadership are as follows:
1.  Select the basic values that will provide the foundation of your model.
2.  Identify the leadership behaviors that will result from those values.
3.  Identify a clear approach for creating a sense of meaning and purpose, including contributing to society.
4.  Identify the impact of one’s contributions to oneself, other people, organizations, and society.
Consider each step within the framework of the following four perspectives:
1.  Individual or “I” perspective
2.  Interpersonal perspective
3.  Organizational perspective
4.  Societal perspective
In 250-500 words, create a draft of the third level (clear approach for creating meaning and purpose) of your personal model of leadership.
Use the "Creating a Personal Model of Leadership" resource to guide you.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
Directly quoted source material may not exceed 10% of the paper’s content.
Due to its inherent unreliability, Wikipedia is not considered an acceptable source for use in academic writing.

week 9

This is a CLC assignment.
The class will be placed by the instructor into groups. Each team member will personally interview one leader of his/her choice. Examples of leaders can include, but are not limited to, former or current managers or supervisors, educational leaders, civic/business leaders, and religious leaders. This interview can take place via phone, via email, or in person.
To ensure that the interviews yield comparable results, the team must prepare a list of questions to ask the chosen leaders (interviewees). As a team, choose four questions from the list below:
1.  What are the most important qualities an effective leader should have?
2.  What is the importance of trust in leadership?
3.  What are the qualities you want most in an employee? Why?
4.  Who has had the most influence on how you lead? Why?
5.  In what areas would you like to improve your leadership?
6.  How do your employees react to your leadership?
7.  Have you engaged in 360 degree feedback? If so, what has been the result?
8.  What is the role of effective communication in leadership?
9.  How would you rate yourself at being able to communicate with all your important stakeholders?
In addition to the four interview questions your team will use from the above list, as a group, generate two more questions, for a total of six interview questions. Please note: Each team member is required to ask his/her chosen leaders the same interview questions, so you must decide as a team which questions you will ask.
After conducting the interview, each team member will individually create a leadership profile of his/her chosen leader within a PowerPoint presentation (5-6 slides). Be sure to include the following in your individual leadership profile:
1.  A slide that introduces your chosen leader
2.  A summary of the answers to the interview questions
3.  Describe the leadership model with which the leader seems most closely aligned.
After creating your individual leadership profile, the team will then compile all team members’ individual slide sets for a group PowerPoint presentation of 20-24 slides (based on a four-person group). Be sure to include the following in your team compilation of leadership profiles:
1.  A summary that describes any characteristics of servant leadership that are displayed by any of the leaders.
2.  Other commonalities among the leaders, in terms of values, beliefs, and impact on the community.
*NOTE - The team compilation will add one or two additional slides for a total of 22-26 (based on a four-person group).

Complete the "Peer Evaluation Form,”
All members of the CLC group must complete the evaluation.
Your grade on this assignment will be the average grade received from your team members.

Peer Evaluation Form
Complete this peer evaluation for each member of your team, including yourself. The average score from these evaluations will be your grade for the assignment.
Rate each team member on a scale of 1 to 100 with 100 being highest. Use the rubric on the second page to determine the score for each team member. Include comments explaining why you gave your teammate this score.
Your peer evaluations will be kept strictly confidential. Your grade for the evaluation will be posted in the Grade book as an assignment, but individual ratings will not be shared.
Group member: List names
Rating: 1 - 100
Comments: Must be completed for each team member
1. Your name

100-93 pts (A) Excellent
92-83 pts (B) Good
82-73 pts (C) Improving
72-0 pts (D) Needs Improvement
Routinely provides useful ideas when participating in the group discussion. Contributes a lot of effort.
Usually provides useful ideas when participating in the group discussion. A good group member who tries hard.
Sometimes provides useful ideas when participating in the group discussion. A satisfactory group member who does what is required.
Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in the group discussion. May refuse to participate.
Quality of Work
No correction or revision necessary; work is complete and of high quality.
Revisions and corrections may not be necessary and work is adequate for what is needed.
Some revision and/or correction is needed or work is not always completed in the manner required.
Work provided constantly needs correction and revision and is often incomplete.
Time Management
All work is turned in on time or even earlier than what is needed. The team member is reliable for posting/submitting whole pieces that the group has put together and responsibilities never need to be reassigned to compensate.
Work is for the most on time and on a few occasions early. For the most part, the team member is reliable for submitting completed team documents. Group member does not need to be compensated for.
Occasionally the work is on time, and on rare occasions, it is early. On one or two occasions, the rest of the group had to compensate for missing or late work.
Occasionally the work is on time and is never early. Team member cannot be relied on to turn in team documents and other members sometimes must compensate for tardiness of work assigned.
Always has a positive attitude about the project and works well with the other team members. Any criticism given is constructive.
Usually has a positive attitude toward the work and group, but conflict is usually minor. Any criticism is often constructive.
Attitude is hit or miss towards project and group, but member is for the most part tolerable. If given, criticism is on occasion constructive.
Rarely has a positive attitude. Consequently, participation, quality of work, and time management are severely affected. Team member has difficulties and conflict with group.
After the total for each student has been added together, and divided by the number of team members rating him/her, calculate the following: ___/100 x 5% =____ out of 5 points for this evaluation.

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