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Mis535 full course latest 2015 november [ all discussions all homework midterm final and full course project]

  Mis535 full course latest 2015 november [ all discussions all homework midterm final and full course project]

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MIS535 Week 1 Discusssion Latest 2015 October
Discussion 1
Can you run your company out of your pocket? Discuss how smart phones, tablets, and other mobile devices can be used in running a business. Consider all types of devices such as Android, Blackberry, iPhone, iPad and Windows Phone 7.

Discussion 2

What is a collaborative culture in a business, and how can technology promote and support this culture?

Devry MIS535 Week 2 Discusssion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October

Discussion 1

It has been stated that IT provides a competitive edge to organizations. Can you think of a company that uses IT strategically? Perform some research on such a company and discuss its case in this thread. Make sure to use this week's material in your analysis e.g. use Porter value chain or other strategic frameworks.

Discussion 2

Week 2 Discussion 2
Strategic IT (graded)
It has been stated that IT provides a competitive edge to organizations. Can you think of a company that uses IT strategically? Perform some research on such a company and discuss its case in this thread. Make sure to use this week's material in your analysis e.g. use Porter value chain or other strategic frameworks.
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Devry MIS535 Week 3 Discusssion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October

Discussion 1
To what extent should end users be involved in the design of a database? How have our ideas of agile development environments affected this traditionally non-user input environment?

Discussion 2
What types of databases are used by companies like Google in implementing worldwide search engines?

Devry MIS535 Week 4 Discusssion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October
Discussion 1

Internet and the Web? (graded)

The Internet and the Web are not the same thing. What is the difference between the Internet and the Web? Let’s discuss what the Internet is and how many kinds of traffic, including Web traffic, can run on the Internet. What are the key technologies the Internet is based on?

Discussion 2
Discuss the advantages of some of the current technologies described in our reading this week including VoIP, Unified Communications, Virtual Private Networks, Wi-Fi and wireless technologies like RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks. Are there risks associated with any of these tools?

devry mis535 WEEK-5 DQ1

Cloud Services Go Mainstream (graded)

Read the Case Study, “ Cloud Services Go Mainstream,” in Chapter 5 of the Laudon text. What are the benefits of a cloud deployment for will Cloud Computing change the traditional IT infrastructure?

devry mis535 WEEK-5 DQ1

Business Value of Enterprise Systems (graded)
Define an enterprise system and explain how enterprise software works.Select one type of Enterprise system and describe how it helps businesses achieve operational excellence

devry mis535 WEEK-6 DQ1
Agile Methodologies (graded)
Discuss how the emergence of agile methodologies has changed the IT system building model.

devry mis535 WEEK-6 DQ2
Role of Senior Management (graded)
What role does senior management play in the establishment of effective information system planning in a corporation?

week 7

devry mis535 WEEK-7 DQ1

How Phishing Attacks Have Compromised Major Systems (graded)
Major corporations, governments, and other organizations are hacked each week, mostly by means of phishing attacks. Describe how users and IT organizations should arm themselves against these attacks.

devry mis535 WEEK-7 DQ1

Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and other Social Media (graded)
What are the social and security issues for individuals and organizations relative to personal and business use of social media?

course proj

Course Project: Applied Information Technology Project


Provide an opportunity for students to apply a technology solution to a business problem in a specific company or organization that adds value to the organization.


Week 1: Begin thinking of a business problem that could be solved with a technology solution for a company or organization you are familiar with. Use the Q&A Forum to ask questions and discuss your ideas about the project. See the Course Project Technical Areas for ideas.
Week 2: Complete the Course Project Proposal using this format:
Course Project Proposal (1-2 pages, 75 points, due week 2, properly cite any external sources used)
Cover page
  1. Subject of Course Project
  2. Business problem statement
  3. Name of the company or organization
  4. Brief description of proposed solution
  5. General benefits it will provide the organization
  6. Audience to whom you are presenting the recommendation(s)
Weeks 3 -6: Based on the Professor’s feedback to your proposal, develop the Course Project. You are required to use a minimum of five credible sources for research on your proposed solution and to correctly cite all references using APA style. Make sure you do not use more than 20% material from other sources so that 80% of the paper should be your original words. Use the Q&A each week to ask questions about the project. See the suggestions below for ideas on ways to develop your project. Use this format for the project:
Course Project Table of Contents (10-15 pages, 225 points, due week 6)
Cover Page
Table of Contents
  1. Abstract
  2. Brief Company background
  3. Discussion of business problem(s)
  4. High level solution
  5. Benefits of solving the problem
  6. Business/technical approach
  7. Business process changes
  8. Technology or business practices used to augment the solution
  9. Conclusions and overall recommendations
  10. High-level implementation plan
  11. Summary of project

Grading Rubrics

  • Week 2: Submission of the Course Project Proposal (graded)
  • Week 6: Course Project
Grading Rubrics (The Proposal is

week 1
1. Question : Which of the following choices may lead to competitive advantage (1) new products, services and business models; (2) charging less for superior products; (3) responding to customers in real time?
Student Answer: 1 only
1 and 2
2 and 3
1, 2, and 3
Instructor Explanation: p. 15
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 2. Question : An information system can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store, and distribute information to support
Student Answer: decision making and control in an organization.
communications and data flow.
manager's analysis of the organization’s raw data.
the creation of new products and services.
Instructor Explanation: p. 15
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 3. Question : The three activities in an information system that produce the information that organizations use to control operations are
Student Answer: information retrieval, research, and analysis.
input, output, and feedback.
input, processing, and output.
data analysis, processing, and feedback.
Instructor Explanation: p. 16
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 4. Question : The fundamental set of assumptions, values, and ways of doing things that has been accepted by most of a company's members is called its
Student Answer: culture.
Instructor Explanation: p. 20
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 5. Question : The average number of tickets sold daily online is an example of
Student Answer: input.
raw data.
meaningful information.
Instructor Explanation: p. 16
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 6. Question : Networking and telecommunications technologies, along with computer hardware, software, data management technology, and the people required to run and manage them, constitute an organization's
Student Answer: data management environment.
networked environment.
IT infrastructure.
information system.
Instructor Explanation: p. 21
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 7. Question : Lower global costs of labor have
Student Answer: Left many highly skilled technical employees unemployed.
increased the demand for local labor.
created a whole new set of skilled jobs in industrialized nations.
allowed skilled employees to move into management positions.
Instructor Explanation: Week 1 Lecture
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 8. Question : What's new in MIS?
Student Answer: Mobile platforms that compete with PCs
Virtual meetings
Cloud computing platforms
All of the above
Instructor Explanation: p. 7
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 9. Question : Key corporate assets are
Student Answer: intellectual property, core competencies, and financial and human assets.
production technologies and business processes for sales, marketing, and finance.
knowledge and the firm's tangible assets, such as goods and services.
time and knowledge.
Instructor Explanation: p. 11
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 10. Question : Engineers, scientists, or architects who design new products or services for a firm belong to which level of a business hierarchy?
Student Answer: Middle management
Production workers
Knowledge workers
Data workers
Instructor Explanation: p. 18
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 11. Question : What is the difference between the Internet and cloud computing?
Student Answer: None – they are the same.
They are not related.
In cloud computing, both information and function are moved to the Internet.
Cloud computing applications do not use browsers.
Instructor Explanation: Week 1 Lecture
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 12. Question : An exponential rate of innovation means that
Student Answer: the number of new innovations increases linearly.
innovation occurs as described by Moore's law.
as much progress is made in 10 years as the previous 20.
All of the above
Instructor Explanation: Week 1 Lecture
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 13. Question : In a business hierarchy, the level that is responsible for monitoring the daily activities of the business is
Student Answer: middle management.
service workers.
production management.
operational management.
Instructor Explanation: p. 18
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 14. Question : The term "management information systems" designates a specific category of information systems serving
Student Answer: integrated data processing throughout the firm.
transaction process reporting.
employees with online access to historical records.
middle management functions.
Instructor Explanation: p. 47
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 15. Question : To monitor the status of internal operations and the firm's relations with the external environment, managers need _____ systems.
Student Answer: decision support
transaction processing
management information
Instructor Explanation: p. 45
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 16. Question : Which systems are typically a major source of data for other systems?
Student Answer: Transaction processing systems
Management information systems
Executive support systems
Decision support systems
Instructor Explanation: p. 45
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 17. Question : Decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance are best suited to which type of system?
Student Answer: Management
Transaction processing
Executive support
Instructor Explanation: p. 48
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 18. Question : Which systems are especially suited to situations in which the procedure for arriving at a solution may not be fully predefined in advance?
Student Answer: Management information systems
Transaction processing systems
Decision-support systems
Knowledge management systems
Instructor Explanation: p. 48
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 19. Question : Which systems are designed to span functional areas and focus on executing business processes across the firm?
Student Answer: Decision-support systems
Management information systems
Enterprise applications
Instructor Explanation: p. 51
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 20. Question : Today's companies need fewer levels of management because
Student Answer: workers need less supervision.
information systems make daily management decisions.
the average worker has more extensive training.
the increased flow of information throughout the organization supplants one of the traditional roles of management.
Instructor Explanation: Week 1 Lecture
Points Received: 1 of 1

week 2
1. Question :
The costs incurred when a firm buys on the marketplace what it cannot make itself are referred to as
: switching costs.
transaction costs.
agency costs.
: 1 of 1
Question 2. Question :
: results from the speed of the Internet.
is defined as the elimination of layers in the distribution process.
is a result of social networking.
All of the above
p. 379
: 1 of 1
Question 3. Question :
The four major types of competitive strategy are:
: low-cost leadership; substitute products and services; customers; and suppliers.
low-cost leadership; product differentiation; focus on market niche; and customer and supplier intimacy.
new market entrants; substitute products and services; customers; and suppliers.
low-cost leadership; new market entrants; product differentiation; and focus on market niche.
p. 96
: 1 of 1
Question 4. Question :
Information asymmetry exists when
: the network is overloaded.
sellers and buyers have the same information.
one party in a transaction has more important information than the other.
manufactures provide online data to customers.
p. 378
: 1 of 1
Question 5. Question :
When a firm provides a specialized product or service for a narrow target market better than competitors, they are using a
: product differentiation strategy.
market niche strategy.
mass customization strategy.
process efficiency strategy.
p. 109
: 1 of 1
Question 6. Question :
Internet technology
: makes it easy for rivals to compete on price alone.
imposes a significant cost of entry, due to infrastructure requirements.
increases the difference between competitors because of the wide availability of information.
makes it easy to sustain operational advantages.
p. 101
: 1 of 1
Question 7. Question :
The Internet raises the bargaining power of customers by
: creating new opportunities for building loyal customer bases.
making more products available.
making information available to everyone.
lowering transaction costs.
p. 99
: 1 of 1
Question 8. Question :
Cloud computing
: is the same as e-commerce.
reduces the size of IT organizations.
increases business costs.
requires special software, other than a browser, to be installed on each computer.
Week 2 Lecture
: 1 of 1
Question 9. Question :
: compares the efficiency and effectiveness of your business processes against strict standards.
allows industry participants to influence industry-wide standards.
is used to measure the speed and responsiveness of information technology.
synchronizes the business processes of customers, suppliers, and trading partners.
p. 105
: 1 of 1
Question 10. Question :
The most successful solutions or methods for achieving a business objective are called
: value activities.
best processes.
core competencies.
best practices.
p. 105
: 1 of 1
Question 11. Question :
An information system can enhance core competencies by
: providing better reporting facilities.
creating educational opportunities for management.
allowing operational employees to interact with management.
encouraging the sharing of knowledge across business units.
pp. 107–108
: 1 of 1
Question 12. Question :
The more any given resource is applied to production, the lower the marginal gain in output, until a point is reached at which the additional inputs produce no additional output. This is referred to as
: the point of no return.
the law of diminishing returns.
supply and demand.
network inelasticity.
p. 108
: 1 of 1
Question 13. Question :
Network economics
: applies the law of diminishing returns to communities of users.
applies traditional economics to networked users.
sees the cost of adding new members as inconsequential.
balances the high cost of adding new members to a community against the lower cost of using network infrastructure.
p. 108
: 1 of 1
Question 14. Question :
In network economics, the value of a commercial software vendor's software products
: increases as more people use them.
decreases as more people use them.
increases due to higher marginal gain in output.
decreases according to the law of diminishing returns.
p. 108
: 1 of 1
Question 15. Question :
Current technology trends will result in
: IT organizations being more structured.
organizations with fewer levels of management.
an increased need for IT staffing.
an increased number of servers within an enterprise.
Week 2 Lecture
: 1 of 1
Question 16. Question :
The quality of ubiquity, as it relates to e-commerce, is illustrated by
: the same set of standards being used across the globe.
plentiful, cheap information.
the enabling of commerce worldwide.
the availability of Internet technology everywhere and anytime.
: 1 of 1
Question 17. Question :
Which of the following is not a recent development in e-commerce?
: Growth of wireless Internet connections
Online, interactive models for newspapers and other traditional media
Use of social media within a business
Lack of growth of e-commerce retail sales
p. 378
: 1 of 1
Question 18. Question :
What term best describes consumers selling goods and services electronically to other?
: Disintermediation
C2C electronic commerce
B2C electronic commerce
p. 381
: 1 of 1
Question 19. Question :
Where there is no well understood or agreed-on procedure for making a decision, it is said to be
: undocumented.
p. 456
: 1 of 1
Question 20. Question :
The type of decision that can be made by following a definite procedure is called a(n)
: structured decision.
unstructured decision.
semi-structured decision.
procedural decision.
p. 456
: 1 of 1

week 3
Question :
A characteristic or quality describing an entity is called a(n)
Student Answer:
key field.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 210
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 2.
Question :
The confusion created by _____ makes it difficult for companies to create customer relationship management, supply chain management, or enterprise systems that integrate data from different sources.
Student Answer:
batch processing
data redundancy
data independence
online processing
Instructor Explanation:
p. 211
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 3.
Question :
Duplicate data in multiple data files is called
Student Answer:
data redundancy.
data multiplication.
data independence.
data backups.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 211
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 4.
Question :
Student Answer:
makes the physical database available for different logical views.
makes the logical database available for different analytical views.
makes the physical database available for different analytical views.
makes the relational database available for different analytical views.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 212
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 5.
Question :
The logical view
Student Answer:
shows how data are organized and structured on the storage media.
presents an entry screen to the user.
allows the creation of supplementary reports.
presents data as they would be perceived by end users.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 212
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 6.
Question :
The type of logical database model that treats data as if they were stored in two-dimensional tables is the
Student Answer:
pre-digital DBMS.
relational DBMS.
hierarchical DBMS.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 213
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 7.
Question :
A field identified in a table as holding the unique identifier of the table's records is called the
Student Answer:
primary key.
key field.
primary field.
unique ID.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 213
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 8.
Question :
The data dictionary serves as an important data management tool by
Student Answer:
assigning attributes to the data.
creating an inventory of data contained in the database.
presenting data as end users or business specialists would perceive them.
maintaining data in updated form.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 217
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 9.
Question :
An automated or manual file that stores information about data elements and data characteristics such as usage, physical representation, ownership, authorization, and security is the
Student Answer:
data dictionary.
data definition diagram.
entity-relationship diagram.
relationship dictionary.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 217
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 10.
Question :
Which is the type of database management approach that can handle a large number of pages or documents?
Student Answer:
Hierarchical DBMS
Relational DBMS
Network DBMS
Instructor Explanation:
Week 3 Lecture
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 11.
Question :
Which is the most prominent data manipulation language today?
Student Answer:
Crystal Reports
Instructor Explanation:
pp. 217–218
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 12.
Question :
DBMSs typically include report-generating tools in order to
Student Answer:
retrieve and display data.
display data in an easier-to-read format.
display data in graphs.
perform predictive analysis.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 219
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 13.
Question :
A schematic of the entire database that describes the relationships in a database is called
Student Answer:
the data dictionary.
the intersection relationship diagram.
the entity-relationship diagram.
the data definition diagram.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 221
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 14.
Question :
What is the process of streamlining data to minimize redundancy and awkward many-to-many relationships?
Student Answer:
Data scrubbing
Data cleansing
Data defining
Instructor Explanation:
p. 219
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 15.
Question :
Cloud computing offers
Student Answer:
no database functions.
some database functions.
products only from Amazon and Microsoft.
None of the above
Instructor Explanation:
p. 217
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 16.
Question :
A data warehouse is composed of
Student Answer:
historical data from legacy systems.
current data.
internal and external data sources.
historic and current internal data.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 222
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 17.
Question :
A data mart usually can be constructed more rapidly and at lower cost than a data warehouse because
Student Answer:
a data mart typically focuses on a single subject area or line of business.
all the information is historical.
a data mart requires a Web interface.
all of the information belongs to a single company.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 223
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 18.
Question :
Data mining is a tool that allows users to
Student Answer:
quickly compare transaction data gathered over many years.
find hidden relationships in data.
obtain online answers to ad hoc questions in a rapid amount of time.
summarize massive amounts of data into much smaller, traditional reports.
Instructor Explanation:
p. 224
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 19.
Question :
What is the tool that enables users to view the same data in different ways using multiple dimensions?
Student Answer:
Predictive analysis
Data mining
Instructor Explanation:
p. 224
Points Received:
1 of 1
Question 20.
Question :
OLAP is a tool that enables
Student Answer:

users to obtain online answers to ad hoc questions in a short amount of time.
users to view both logical and physical views of data.
programmers to quickly diagram data relationships.
programmers to normalize data.

week 4
devry Mis535 Week 4 HomeWork Latest 2015 October
1. Question : A device that acts as a connection point between computers and that can filter and forward data to a specified destination is called a
Student Answer: hub.
Instructor Explanation: p. 248
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 2. Question : Which device sends data packets to all connected devices in a network?
Student Answer: Network interface card
None of the above
Instructor Explanation: p. 248
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 3. Question : The method of slicing digital messages into parcels, transmitting them along different communication paths, and reassembling them at their destination is called
Student Answer: multiplexing.
packet switching.
packet routing.
Instructor Explanation: p. 250
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 4. Question : What is the most important communication standard today for linking disparate computers and networks?
Student Answer: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
International Standards Organization (ISO)
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI)
File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Instructor Explanation: p. 251
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 5. Question : In TCP/IP, IP is responsible for
Student Answer: disassembling and reassembling packets during transmission.
establishing an Internet connection between two computers.
moving packets over the network.
sequencing the transfer of packets.
Instructor Explanation: p. 251
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 6. Question : On which protocol is the Internet based?
Student Answer: TCP/IP
Packet switching
Frame relay
Instructor Explanation: p. 251
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 7. Question : All network computers connect to a single hub in a
Student Answer: star network.
bus network.
domain network.
peer-to-peer network.
Instructor Explanation: p. 254
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 8. Question : In a bus network,
Student Answer: signals are broadcast to the next station.
signals are broadcast in both directions to the entire network.
multiple hubs are organized in a hierarchy.
messages pass from computer to computer in a loop.
Instructor Explanation: p. 254
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 9. Question : A network that covers a large geographic area is most commonly referred to as a(n)
Student Answer: local area network .
peer-to-peer network.
wide area network.
Instructor Explanation: p. 254
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 10. Question : Which communications medium uses single copper wire surrounded by thick insulation?
Student Answer: Twisted pair cable
A satellite
Optical fiber
Coaxial cable
Instructor Explanation: p. 255
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 11. Question : Which type of signal follows a straight line and does not bend with the curve of the Earth?
Student Answer: Radio
Fiber optic
Instructor Explanation: p. 256
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 12. Question : Data is sent through the fiber optic cable by a
Student Answer: router.
laser device.
optical device.
Instructor Explanation: p. 255
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 13. Question : A domain name server
Student Answer: provides interconnectivity on the Internet.
serves a single domain.
converts domain names to IP addresses.
prevents hackers from bringing down the Internet.
Instructor Explanation: p. 255
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 14. Question : Net neutrality means
Student Answer: that everyone pays the same for Internet access.
that everyone has equal access to information on the Internet.
that cable providers can charge different prices based on bandwidth.
that there will be no federal regulation of the Internet.
Instructor Explanation: p. 262
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 15. Question : Which technology uses the Internet Protocol to deliver voice information in digital form using packet switching?
Student Answer: TCP/IP
None; voice information is digitally delivered using ATM.
Instructor Explanation: Week 4 Lecture, p. 265
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 16. Question : In the cloud computing model,
Student Answer: servers to support intranet and extranet are virtualized to a cloud.
enterprise networks disappear.
users lose access to certain applications.
corporate resources increase.
Instructor Explanation: Week 4 Lecture
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 17. Question : A cloud computing model
Student Answer: reduces the staff required to operate a typical IT organization.
increases the staff required to operate a typical IT organization.
does not change the staff required to operate a typical IT organization.
moves all IT infrastructure to the cloud.
Instructor Explanation: Week 4 Lecture
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 18. Question : Cost reductions in using cloud based services stem from
Student Answer: reductions in staff.
reductions in energy usage.
reductions in servers.
All of the above
Instructor Explanation: Week 4 Lecture
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 19. Question : In an RFID system, a(n) _____ is electronically programmed with information that can uniquely identify an item, such as an electronic code.
Student Answer: reader
Instructor Explanation: p. 279
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 20. Question : The cloud computing model described in the lecture is an example of which cloud computing model?
Student Answer: SaaS (Software as a Service)
Cloud based operating systems
Virtualization of servers
Cloud based applications
Instructor Explanation: Week 4 Lecture
Points Received: 1 of 1

week 5
devry Mis535 Week 5 HomeWork Latest 2015 October
1. Question : Which type of infrastructure services provides voice and video connectivity to employees, customers, and suppliers?
Student Answer: Networking
Instructor Explanation: p. 165
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 2. Question : Specifications that establish the compatibility of products and the ability to communicate in a network are called
Student Answer: network standards.
telecommunications standards.
technology standards.
Internet standards.
Instructor Explanation: p. 174
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 3. Question : _____ unleash powerful economies of scale and result in declines in manufactured computer products.
Student Answer: Internet and web technologies
Technology standards
Linux and open-source software
Client/server technologies
Instructor Explanation: p. 174
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 4. Question : Which model can be used to analyze the direct and indirect costs to help firms determine the actual cost of specific technology implementations?
Student Answer: Total cost of ownership
Return on investment
Breakeven point
Cost benefit analysis
Instructor Explanation: p. 196
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 5. Question : The practice of contracting custom software development to an outside firm is commonly referred to as
Student Answer: outsourcing.
service-oriented architecture.
application integration.
Instructor Explanation: p. 191
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 6. Question : What is the act of providing hardware and software capabilities as services over the Internet?
Student Answer: Autonomic computing
Cloud computing
Grid computing
Instructor Explanation: p. 183
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 7. Question : In order to achieve maximum benefit from an enterprise software package, a business
Student Answer: customizes the software to match all of its business processes.
uses only the processes in the software that match its own processes.
changes the way it works to match the software business processes.
selects only the software that best matches its existing business processes.
Instructor Explanation: p. 339
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 8. Question : Which best describes a suite of integrated software modules for finance and accounting, human resources, manufacturing and production, and sales and marketing that allows data to be used by multiple functions and business processes?
Student Answer: Process management software
ERP systems
Application software
Instructor Explanation: p. 338
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 9. Question : Which type of software enables data to be used by multiple functions and business processes for organization coordination and control?
Student Answer: Groupware
Application software
Collaboration software
Enterprise software
Instructor Explanation: pp. 339–340
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 10. Question : Which type of software is built around thousands of predefined business processes?
Student Answer: Process management software
Collaboration software
Enterprise software
Instructor Explanation: pp. 338–339
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 11. Question : A company's suppliers, their supplier's suppliers, and the processes for managing relationships with them constitute
Student Answer: the supplier's internal supply chain.
the external supply chain.
the upstream portion of the supply chain.
the downstream portion of the supply chain.
Instructor Explanation: p. 341
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 12. Question : A company's organizations and processes for distributing and delivering products to the final customers constitute
Student Answer: the supplier's internal supply chain.
the external supply chain.
the upstream portion of the supply chain.
the downstream portion of the supply chain.
Instructor Explanation: p. 341
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 13. Question : Inefficiencies arise in a supply chain because of
Student Answer: inaccurate or untimely information.
poor integration between systems of suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors.
inefficient or inaccurate systems.
unforeseeable events.
Instructor Explanation: p. 344
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 14. Question : Companies with effective supply chain management systems can expect
Student Answer: improved customer service and responsiveness.
cost reduction.
reduced inventory levels.
All of the above
Instructor Explanation: p. 344
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 15. Question : When tailoring a particular aspect of a system to the way a company does business, enterprise software can provide the company with
Student Answer: configuration tables.
Web services.
data dictionaries.
Instructor Explanation: p. 338
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 16. Question : A scheduling system for minimizing inventory by having components arrive exactly at the moment they are needed and finished goods shipped as soon as they leave the assembly line best describes a _____ strategy.
Student Answer: just-in-time
Instructor Explanation: p. 342
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 17. Question : Enterprise application vendors have created _____ to make their own customer relationship management, supply chain management, and enterprise systems work closely together.
Student Answer: e-business suites
ERP systems
legacy systems
Instructor Explanation: pp. 356–357
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 18. Question : _____ integrate(s) multiple applications from multiple business functions, business units, or business partners to deliver a seamless experience for the customer, employee, manager, or business partner and provide(s) a greater degree of cross-functional integration than the traditional enterprise applications.
Student Answer: PRM software
SFA software
ERP suites
Service platforms
Instructor Explanation: p. 360
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 19. Question : Which metric is based on the relationship between the revenue produced by a specific customer, the expenses incurred in acquiring and servicing that customer, and the expected life of the relationship between the customer and the company?
Student Answer: Churn rate
Cost per lead
Cost per sale
Instructor Explanation: p. 355
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 20. Question : Operational CRM applications include tools for
Student Answer: identifying buying patterns.
calculating CLTV.
sales force automation.
pinpointing unprofitable customers.
Instructor Explanation: p. 354
Points Received: 1 of 1

week 6
devry Mis535 Week 6 HomeWork Latest 2015 October
1. Question : What will you need to understand and measure for an effective reengineering project?
Student Answer: Cost and risk
Performance of existing processes for a baseline
Strategic analysis and workflow
Inputs and outputs
Instructor Explanation: p. 492
Points Received: 0 of 1
Question 2. Question : Enabling organizations to make continual improvements to many business processes and to use processes as the fundamental building blocks of corporate information systems is the goal of
Student Answer: BPM.
workflow management.
Instructor Explanation: p. 492
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 3. Question : The _____ is directly responsible for the individual systems project.
Student Answer: project management group
project team
IS steering committee
corporate strategic planning committee
Instructor Explanation: p. 532
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 4. Question : Which process develops a detailed description of the functions that a new information system must perform?
Student Answer: Feasibility study
Requirements analysis
Systems design
Test plan development
Instructor Explanation: p. 497
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 5. Question : The entire system-building effort is driven by
Student Answer: organizational change.
feasibility studies.
the information value change.
user information requirements.
Instructor Explanation: p. 497
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 6. Question : Systems design
Student Answer: describes what a system should do to meet information requirements.
shows how the new system will fulfill the information requirements.
always tries to increase precision.
includes the testing phases.
Instructor Explanation: p. 498
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 7. Question : Transferring transaction data from a legacy system to the new system would be defined by which category of system design specifications?
Student Answer: Input
Manual procedures
Instructor Explanation: p. 500
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 8. Question : What is the primary driving factor in firms to select domestic outsourcing firms to build system solutions?
Student Answer: To take advantage of technical skills the firm does not have
To save labor costs
To avoid change management issues
All of the above
Instructor Explanation: p. 511
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 9. Question : The four kinds of structural organizational change enabled by IT, in order from least to most risky, are
Student Answer: rationalization, automation, reengineering, and redesigning.
rationalization, automation, reengineering, and paradigm shift.
automation, rationalization, reengineering, and paradigm shifts.
automation, redesigning, restructuring, and paradigm shift.
Instructor Explanation: p. 489
Points Received: 0 of 1
Question 10. Question : Traditional software development methodologies often fail because
Student Answer: insufficient funds are allocated.
users are not an integral part of the development process.
not enough planning is done.
the IT staff does not have the necessary skills.
Instructor Explanation: p. 506
Points Received: 0 of 1
Question 11. Question : You have been hired by a pharmaceutical company to evaluate its inventory of systems and IT projects. Which types of projects would be best avoided?
Student Answer: Any high-risk projects
Any low-benefit projects
All high-risk, low benefit projects
None; any project might be beneficial
Instructor Explanation: p. 535
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 12. Question : To best evaluate, from a financial standpoint, an IT investment whose benefits cannot be firmly established in advance, you would use
Student Answer: capital budgeting.
the real option pricing model.
the scoring model.
net present value.
Instructor Explanation: p. 538
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 13. Question : What do many companies overlook when making information system investment decisions?
Student Answer: Benefits from the new system
Organizational disruption costs
Social and organizational dimensions
All of the above
Instructor Explanation: p. 539
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 14. Question : Information systems projects are valued similarly to stock options in which model of financial evaluation?
Student Answer: IRR
Real options pricing model
Capital budgeting
Accounting rate of return on ROI
Instructor Explanation: p. 538
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 15. Question : An example of an external integration tool would be:
Student Answer: to define task dependencies.
to include user representatives as active members of the project team.
to create a PERT chart.
to hold frequent project team meetings.
Instructor Explanation: p. 545
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 16. Question : Agile methodologies emphasize
Student Answer: thorough planning before the project starts.
sequential execution of the six steps of system development.
isolation of users from developers.
incremental development of small working pieces of the project.
Instructor Explanation: Week 6 Lecture
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 17. Question : The major variables in project management are
Student Answer: scope, time, cost, and performance.
scope, time, cost, quality, and risk.
time, cost, quality, performance, and risk.
time, cost, scope, and performance.
Instructor Explanation: p. 490
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 18. Question : Using a strategic analysis approach, an organization's information requirements are known through a small number of
Student Answer: milestones and dates.
critical success factors.
key management decisions.
organizational changes.
Instructor Explanation: p. 506
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 19. Question : In which approach to systems building are the development stages organized so that tasks in one stage are completed before the tasks in the next stage have begun?
Student Answer: Traditional
All of the above
Instructor Explanation: p. 514
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 20. Question : The process of building an experimental system quickly and inexpensively for demonstration and evaluation so that users can better determine information requirements.
Student Answer: agile.
agile or prototyping.
week 7
devry Mis535 Week 7 HomeWork Latest 2015 October
1. Question : Social media sites result in loss of personal information because
Student Answer: sites lack appropriate tools to prevent security fraud.
hackers spend more time working to penetrate the sites.
users are not careful and share inappropriate business or personal information.
Wikileaks is publishing social media site information.
Instructor Explanation: Week 7 Lecture
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 2. Question : Information systems
Student Answer: pose traditional ethical situations in new manners.
raise new ethical questions.
raise the same ethical questions created by the Industrial Revolution.
raise ethical questions primarily related to information rights and obligations.
Instructor Explanation: p. 124
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 3. Question : The feature of social institutions that means mechanisms are in place to determine responsibility for an action is called
Student Answer: due process.
courts of appeal.
the judicial system.
Instructor Explanation: p. 129
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 4. Question : The process in law-governed societies in which laws are known and understood and there is an ability to appeal to higher authorities to ensure that the laws are applied correctly is called
Student Answer: liability.
due process.
courts of appeal.
FOI appeals.
Instructor Explanation: p. 129
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 5. Question : Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative states that
Student Answer: if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, then it is not right to be taken at any time.
one should take the action that produces the least harm or incurs the least cost.
one can put value in rank order and understand the consequences of various courses of action.
if an action is not right for everyone to take, it is not right for anyone to take.
Instructor Explanation: p. 130
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 6. Question : The ethical "no free lunch" rule states that
Student Answer: if an action cannot be taken repeatedly, then it is not right to be taken at any time.
one should take the action that produces the least harm or incurs the least cost.
one can put values in rank order and understand the consequences of various courses of action.
everything is owned by someone else, and that the creator wants compensation for this work.
Instructor Explanation: p. 130
Points Received: 1 of 1
Question 7. Question : European privacy pr

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