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Devry NR447 full course latest 2015 october [ all Week Discussion and all assignments ]

 Devry NR447 full course latest 2015 october [ all Week Discussion and all assignments ]

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Devry NR447 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October

Discussion 1
Review the Huston (2010) article listed under reading assignments. Which skills described for the Nurse Leader in the year 2020 are important now? Explain your rationale and provide an example from your practice setting (or from your prelicensure program) to support it.
Huston, C. (2010). What skills will the nurse leaders of 2020 need? (2010). Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 16(6), 14–15.

Discussion 2

Note: There are three parts to this discussion.
Healthcare Reform is a term that is ever present in our practice settings and will not disappear any time soon.
1) Share with the class implementation of the Affordable Care Act in your organization. (If you are not working as a nurse, think about what was happening when you were a pre-licensure student).
2) How did your fellow healthcare workers react to implementation of the ACA?
3) How were citizens in your community impacted?

Devry NR447 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October

Discussion 1

The implementation of the Affordable Care Act means that many more citizens now have access to healthcare. However, some still “fall through the cracks.” Describe the role of the Nurse Leader (any one of us) when uninsured or under-insured patients present for care.
What is the policy where you work?

Discussion 2

The process of delegation has been referred to as “legal dynamite.” Please share an example of delegation that was not appropriate. Where did it go wrong and why?

Devry NR447 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October

Discussion 1
Keep in mind that completing this TD is the key to assisting you with the Week 4 Assignment, My Leadership Development SMART Goal. Use the format below to develop a leadership SMART goal for YOURSELF, not your organization or department. The goal needs to be related to ONE of the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) quality initiative, which includes five core healthcare profession competencies. However, your assignment focuses on only two of the initiatives. These are Patient-Centered Care or Working in Interdisciplinary and/or Interprofessional Teams. One of these competencies will serve as a framework for identification of your leadership goal.

NOTE: Your two choices are Patient-Centered Care or Working in Interdisciplinary and/or Interprofessional Teams.
SMART Goal Format: 

S—Specific (Who, besides YOU is involved in your goal, what is YOUR goal, and where will it take place?)
M—Measurable (How are YOU going to achieve the goal?)
A—Attainable (What resources and/or experts are available to assist YOU with attaining your goal?)
R—Realistic (Is YOUR goal something that is realistically obtainable by YOU in YOUR professional practice? Explain.)
T—Time bound (What specific dates or weeks will YOU accomplish each task related to YOUR leadership goal?)
Again, this goal is about YOUR leadership development…not a SMART goal for your department or the organization for which you work. 

Your instructor will give you specific feedback about your Goal as preparation for the My Leadership SMART Goal assignment, which is due Week 4.

Discussion 2
Decision making, change and strategic planning are all important in today’s healthcare settings. Explain which is more relevant and support the explanation with an example. Also consider the following:
  • Should change lead to strategic planning?
  • Should strategic planning lead to change?

Devry NR447 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October

Discussion 1

Review the Article:
Kramer, M., Schmalenberg, C., Maguire, P., Brewer, B., Burke, R., Chmielewski, L., … Meeks-Sjostrom, D. (2009). Walk the talk: Promoting control of nursing practice and a patient-centered culture. Critical Care Nurse, 29(3), 77–93. Click to retrieve.
Achieving ANCC Magnet status is important to many facilities throughout the country. Explain why shared governance has played a key role in implementing the concepts of patient-centered care.

Discussion 2
It is vitally important that nurses are aware of other cultures as they collaborate with a diverse work force as well as patients and their families. Assume you are Masaya’s preceptor. What leadership skills should you model to assist Masaya and your fellow coworkers with his acceptance into the work-group/team based on what you discover by watching the video (link is below).

Discussion 1

There are two components to this topic. Please address each component in your response.
  1. Collaboration is a term that has been used throughout the lesson. Cite an example from your practice experiences or your prelicensure clinical experiences of how teamwork could have been improved with collaboration.
  2. Should the registered nurse be the leader in coordinating a patient’s plan of care? What are the advantages to such a model?

Discussion 2
The Four C’s for Leaders (graded)
At times the needs of our families conflict with our work responsibilities. Could this possible be the underlying issue here? Explain the communication skills displayed in the scenario. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate those of the leader? How might the communication skills have been improved? Please review the video to learn more about the issue.

Devry NR447 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October
Discussion 1
The concept of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) may not be one with which “seasoned nurses” are familiar. Assume you are the newly appointed Nursing Leader in a busy Orthopedic Clinic. Explain how you would educate the entire nursing staff on EBP without “offending” the “seasoned” nurses. What interpersonal and communication skills would be important to utilize?

Discussion 2
Review Appendix A, Sections I–V in Finkelman (2012, pp. 510–515). Select one of the sections and share how your chief nurse executive demonstrates expertise in these competencies.

Devry NR447 Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October

Discussion 1
This discussion topic requires you to reflect on the Performance Improvement (Quality Improvement) processes at your facility. Make sure you address all components of the topic for a robust discussion. It is anticipated that all clinical areas will be mentioned.
Recall an improvement method initiated at your facility. What data was gathered? How was this done? What outcomes were measured and how was change implemented to improve the quality of care and patient outcomes?

Discussion 2

A “culture of safety” is a term about which we hear a great deal. Describe the culture of safety at your organization. Who is leading the charge to promote safety? What is your role as a BSN-prepared nurse in ongoing strategies to promote safety?

Devry NR447 Week 8 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October
Discussion 1
At Chamberlain we define our mission as follows:

“We are committed to graduating compassionate, ethical, and knowledgeable nurse leaders who are empowered to transform healthcare.”

As a registered nurse who will soon graduate from Chamberlain, stateTHREEways you will fulfill this mission as you evolve in your role as a nurse leader regardless of your job title.

week 2

Professional Nursing Organization and Certification:


The purpose of this assignment is to investigate a professional nursing organization that offers certification in an area of clinical or nonclinical expertise. You are to select a professional nursing organization and determine if it offers a certification that will be of benefit to you in your current position or a future position to which you aspire. The organization and certification may be in either a clinical or nonclinical area; however, leadership development opportunities are important.
For example, you may aspire to be a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). Or, you may be currently interested in becoming a Certified Wound Care Specialist, Emergency Department Nurse or Medical-Surgical Nurse. Other organizations may be considered on a case-by-case basis AFTER approval from your instructor. An example would be if you want to become a CDE (Certified Diabetes Educator). This certification is sponsored by the American Association of Diabetes Educators which is not exclusively a nursing organization. Or, becoming certified as an IBCLC may be of interest to RNs working in Mother-Baby Departments and is sponsored by the International Lactation Consultant Association.
The organization MUST offer certification for registered nurses. If you have any questions about whether the organization is a “fit” for this assignment, contact your instructor.
You will complete the form provided in Doc Sharing carefully providing all the information requested.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables you to meet the following course outcome(s).
CO 1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO #2)
CO 6: Develop a personal awareness of complex organizational systems and integrate values and beliefs with organizational mission. (PO #7)
CO 8: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions as the beginning process of changing current practice. (PO #8)
This assignment is worth a total of 225 points.
Due Date
The Professional Nursing Organization and Certification assignment is due at the end of Week 2. Submit the completed assignment (form) to Professional Nursing Organization and Certification in the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT. Consult the course policies, under the Course Home tab, for details regarding late assignments. Post questions about this assignment in the weekly Q & A Forum or e-mail your instructor directly.
1.Review the following (or similar) website and selects a professional nursing organization offering a certification of interest to you in your current position or one to which you
2. Thoughtfully and completely answer the questions on the form.
3. Submit the form with your answers to the Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. (MT) on Sunday of Week 2.
4. Review the section on Academic Honesty found in Chamberlain Course Policies. All work must be original (in your own words).
5. BTLS, ACLS, ATLS, NALS, PALS and other similar certifications do NOT qualify for this assignment. Again, if you have any questions about the organization or the certification, contact your instructor for clarification.
6. All work must be original (in your own words). Simply copying and pasting information from the website is not sufficient to address the criteria, and may be viewed as a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy.
Grading Criteria

week 4

My Leadership SMART Goal:
The purpose of this assignment is to develop a SMART-formatted goal related to your professional leadershipapplicable to your current practice setting or future leadership aspirations. This goal is about YOUR leadership development, not those of the organization or the department where you work. Many organizations have developed the SMART-goal framework as they strive for performance improvement. Your goal may tie to one of the departmental or organizational SMART goals but the components of the goal are about YOUR leadership development The Institute of Medicine’s quality initiative has identified five core healthcare profession competencies. This assignment focuses on only two of those initiatives.Either Patient-Centered Care or Working in Interdisciplinary and/or Interprofessional Teams willserve as a framework for identification of YOUR leadership SMART goal.
Course Outcomes
Completion of this assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO #2)
CO4: Apply concepts of leadership and team coordination to promote the achievement of safe and quality outcomes of care for diverse populations. (PO #4)
CO5: Apply improvement methods, based on data from the outcomes of care processes, to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare. (PO #8)
CO8: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions as the beginning process of changing current practice. (PO #8)
Due Dates
This assignment consists of the completion of the My Leadership SMART Goal paper. Submit assignment to the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, by the end of Week 4.
This assignment is worth 200 points.
Review the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) core healthcare competencies. Select ONE of the competencies that you will work on for developing a Leadership SMART Goal. You are to select one of the following competencies for YOUR SMART goal.
Managing Patient-Centered Careor
Working in interdisciplinary and/or interprofessional teams;
1. CreateONE leadership goalthat is in the SMART goal format. You practiced this in the Week 3 Discussion, and received valuable feedback from your instructor and peers. Please refer to this as you work on the assignment.
S – Specific(Who besides YOU is involved in the goal, what is YOUR goal, where will it take place?)
M – Measurable(How are YOU going to achieve the goal?) Be specific with measureable outcomes.
A – Attainable(What resources and/or experts are available to assist YOU with attaining YOUR goal?)
R – Realistic(Is YOUR goal something that is realistically obtainable in YOUR professional practice?) Be specific.
T – Time bound(What specific dates or weeks will YOUaccomplish each task related to your leadership goal?)
· Example NOT in SMART format:I will learn how to be a manager. This goal is lofty, not measurable, and unattainable in the time allotted, probably not realistic, and not time bound.
· Examplein SMART Format:I will learn the disciplinary process of an employee who has excessive absences, by locating the organization’s attendance policy and meeting with the unit manager, reviewing peer-reviewed articles and credible websites to obtain information on the disciplinary process by Week 4 (or specified date).
Note: This particular example relates to Core Competency: Managing Patient-Centered Care.
This example is a SMART goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
o Who- Your name, or “I” Indicate others who may be involved.
o What- Learn the disciplinary process of employees who have excessive absences
o Where- Your organization
o How:Through locating the organization’s attendance policy and passing a quiz on the content of the policy.
o Resources and/or Expert: Meeting with the unit manager, reviewing peer-reviewed articles, and credible websites
o Realistically obtainable:Access to the organization, policies, and unit manager. Various resources are available.
T-Time bound
o Specific dates:By Week 4 (or specific date)
2. Go to the Chamberlain library ( and search the databases (under Menu tab) to locate scholarly articles related to your SMART goal. Also, search for credible websites to gain insight into how to accomplish your goal.
3. Construct a plan of action to reachMy LeadershipSMART goal. Be specific by creating a timeline of when you plan on doing each action; explain how, when, and where you planto communicate with an expert; and identify specific resources you will use to help you achieve your goal.
a. Example Plan of Action for above mentioned example:
o Seek approval to review the organization’s policies and schedule a meeting/interview with the unit manager by _____ (fill in date).
o Review the policies on disciplinary action by_____(fill in date).
o Review the American Nurses Association website and peer-reviewed articles in the American Journal of Nursing and Journal of Advanced Nursing by_____(fill in date).
o Evaluate the findings from the above resources by_____(fill in date). Pass the quiz.
4. Write a scholarly paper that follows APA formatting guidelines. Organize your content logically and express your thoughts clearly. Use appropriate headers to separate sections of your paper. Check for any grammar or spelling errors before submission.
5.Submit yourcompleted NR 447 MyLeadership SMART Goal paper, which should be approximately six pages (excluding title page and references) to the Week 4 My Leadership SMART Goal PaperDropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 4.Note: This assignment is automatically submitted to Turn It In.
Grading Criteria: My Leadership SMART Goal

week 6

Interview with a Nursing Quality Expert:


The following is the purposes of this assignment:
· Discuss the roles and responsibilities of a Nursing Quality Expert in a selected healthcare organization.
· Review the organization’s mission, vision, values, and beliefs.
· Discuss the Nursing Quality Expert’s strategic plan as it relates to The Institute of Medicine’s Quality initiatives and ONE of the following core competencies.
1) Employ evidence-based practice
2) Apply quality improvement
3) Utilize informatics
· Conduct a core competency-focused interview with a Nursing Quality Expert.
· Articulate the role of the BSN-prepared nurse to support the strategic plan related to selected IOM core competency.
· Articulate what was learned from time spent with interviewee and how own nursing practice will change as a result of the encounter and completion of this assignment.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO 1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO #2)
CO 3: Participate in the development and implementation of imaginative and creative strategies to enable systems to change. (PO #7)
CO 5: Apply improvement methods, based on data from the outcomes of care processes, to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare. (PO #8)
CO 6: Develop a personal awareness of complex organizational systems and integrate values and beliefs with organizational mission. (PO #7)
CO 7: Apply leadership concepts in the development and initiation of effective plans for the microsystems and/or system-wide practice improvements that will improve the quality of healthcare delivery. (PO #2 and 3)
This assignment is worth a total of 200 points.
Due Date
This assignment, Interview with a Nursing Quality Expert, is due at the end of Week 6. Submit your completed interview, using the Interview Form, to the basket in the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT. Post questions to the weekly Q & A Forum. Contact your instructor if you need additional assistance.See the Course Policies regarding late assignments. Failure to submit your paper to the Dropbox on time will result in a deduction of points.
1. Download the NR447 Interview Form from Doc Sharing. It is found under the Week 6 Interview link.
2. Select your interviewee, schedule and conduct an interview. This individual must be a Registered Nurse employed in a leadership role as a Nursing Quality Expert. Job titles of RNs who may be considered include, but are not limited to: Quality Care Coordinator, Performance Improvement Officer/Coordinator, Director of Quality Assessment, Compliance Officer, Safety Director, Regulatory Officer/Director If you have any concerns about whether the RN is “suitable” for this assignment, contact your instructor BEFORE you schedule and conduct the interview.
3. Review all areas of inquiry on the Interview Form located in Doc Sharing PRIORto conducting the interview. You may print the form and take it with you to the interview. However, you may not give it to the individual and ask him or her to complete it and return it to you.
4. Note there are three areas of inquiry to discuss with the RN/Nursing Quality Expert.
5. Prior to conducting interview, review two scholarly resources related to the ONE aforementioned core competencies upon which you plan to focus. These resources should guide your interview process and understanding of the Nursing Quality Expert’s role and responsibilities as it relates to the selected core competency. If you have questions about what constitutes a scholarly resource, please ask your instructor.
6. Prior to interview, review the organization’s mission, vision, values and beliefs.
7.Note that practice impact must be addressed by YOU and is a very important criterion
8. Conduct the interview. The length of your interview will vary but should not exceed one hour.
9. Submit the form to the Dropbox prior to the deadline outlined above.
Grading Criteria
Scholarly Resources
Name two resources reviewed prior to conducting interview related to selected core competency.
Describe how each resource helped student prepare for and conduct interview.
APA formatting for two resources is correct.
Initials, credentials, job title, and length in present position of interviewee are provided. Date and time of interview are provided. Working phone number of interviewee is provided for instructor to follow-up if indicated.
Scope of Responsibility
Provide a paraphrased or summary of the interviewee’s answer indicating major responsibilities and number of direct reports (staff who report to him/her). If none, please say so. Indicate total operational budget for which interviewee is responsible. If unwilling to share, say so. You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said. Bulleted items may be used.
Mission, Vision, Values, and Beliefs of the Organization
Provide a paraphrased or summary of the interviewee’s answer.Do not quote from the website. Use the Nursing Quality Expert’s interpretation of these. You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said.
Bulleted items may be used
Strategic Plan as it Relates to ONE Core Competency
Name the core competency. Provide a paraphrased or summary of the interviewee’s answer about how the core competency is incorporated in a unit, department, and organization’s strategic plan. You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said.
Bulleted items may be used.
Role of BSN-Prepared Nurse to support strategic plan as it relates to the same core selected
Provide a paraphrased or summary of the interviewee’s answer about the role of BSN-prepared nurses to support strategic plan as it relates to selected core competency. You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said.
Bulleted items may be used.
Practice Impact
Summarize specifically what you learned from interaction with interviewee. Describe how your own nursing practice will change as a result of learning about roles and responsibilities of interviewee, the core competency, and completion of this assignment.
Scholarly Writing
Name of student and date of interview appears on Interview Form. Punctuation and sentence structure are correct. Evidence of spell and grammar check. Resources are formatted according to APA.
200 points
A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Grading Rubric
Assignment Criteria
Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance
Very Good or High Level of Performance
Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance
Poor or Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance
Scholarly Resources
20 points
Specifically names two scholarly resources reviewed PRIOR to interview.
Thoroughly states how EACH resource helped prepare for the interview.
18–20 points
Names two resources reviewed PRIOR to interview, but are not necessarily scholarly in nature.
States how EACH resource helped prepare for the interview.
16–17 points
Names only one resource reviewed PRIOR to interview.
Briefly states how resource helped prepare for the interview.
14–15 points
Does not name scholarly resources and/or does not indicate how resources helped prepare for the interview.
0–13 points
10 points
Provides initials, credentials, job title, date of interview, and working phone number of interviewee.
9–10 points
Omits one element but maintains anonymity by providing only initials.
8 points
Omits two or three elements.
7 points
Provides name instead of initials. Omits most or all of the elements.
0–6 points
Scope of Responsibility
30 points
Provides a thorough summary of the interviewee’s answer indicating major responsibilities, number of staff reporting to him/her and total operational budget for whom interviewee is responsible.
28–30 points
Provides only highlights of the interviewee’s answer but leaves out either responsibilities, number of staff reporting, or operational budget.
25–27 points
Provides brief paraphrased summary but leaves out two criteria.
23–24 points
Does not pose this question, or does not provide answers to criteria. 0–22 points
Mission, Vision, Values, and Beliefs of the Organization
30 points
Provides a thorough paraphrased summary of the interviewee’s answer, including his/her interpretation of the mission, vision, values, and beliefs of the organization.
28–30 points
Provides only highlights of the interviewee’s answerbut does not include interviewee’s interpretation of mission or vision orvalues or beliefs.
25–27 points
Provides a brief paraphrasedsummary of the interviewee’s answer but does not include interpretation of two of the items.
23–24 points
Does not pose the question or does not provide answers to three or more of the criteria.
0–22 points
Strategic Plan as it Relates to ONE Core Competency
30 points
Names the core competency correctly, and provides a thorough paraphrased summary of the interviewee’s answer about how a unit or department incorporates the core competency into the strategic plan.
28–30 points
Describes the core competency but does not necessarily name it correctly. Provides only highlights of the interviewee’s answer regarding how a unit or department incorporates the core competency into the strategic plan.
25–27 points
Describes a competency but not a core competency. Provides a brief summary of the interviewee’s answer about how a unit or department incorporates the competency into the strategic plan.
23–24 points
Does not pose the question or name a competency. Does not provide a paraphrased summary of the interviewee’s answer.
0–22 points
Role of BSN-Prepared Nurse to support strategic plan as it relates to thesame core competency
30 points
Provides a thorough paraphrased summary of the interviewee’s answer about the role of BSN-prepared nurses to support the strategic plan as it relates to same core competency.
28–30 points
Provides only highlightsof the interviewee’s answer about the role of BSN-prepared nurses to support the strategic plan as it relates to same core competency.
25–27 points
Provides a brief paraphrasedsummary of the interviewee’s answer about the role of BSN-prepared nurses to support the strategic plan as it relates to same core competency.
23–24 points
Does not pose the question or fails to state the role of BSN-prepared nurses in core competency as it relates to the strategic plan.
0–22 points
Practice Impact
30 points
Composes a thorough summary of what was learned from interaction with the interviewee and describes how personal nursing practice willchange as a result of learning about roles and responsibilities of the interviewee.
28–30 points
Shares highlights of what was learned from interaction with the intervieweeAND describes how personal nursing practice will changeas a result of learning about roles and responsibilities of the interviewee.
25–27 points
Shares a brief summary of what was learned from interaction with the intervieweeORdescribes how personal nursing practice willchange. Does not include both.
23–24 points
Fails to summarize what was learned from interaction with the interviewee AND fails to describe how personal nursing practice willchange.
0–22 points
Scholarly Writing
20 points
Name of student and date of interview appears on the Interview Form. Punctuation and sentence structure are correct. Evidence of spell and grammar check.
Scholarly resources are in proper APA format.
18–20 points
Name of student and date of interview appears on the Interview Form.
Minimal punctuation, sentence structure errors noted.
Few grammar or spelling errors are noted.
Scholarly resources contain one or two APA formatting errors.
16–17 points
Name of student or date of interview is missing.
Several punctuation, spelling and sentence structure errors noted.
Scholarly resources contain three or more APA formatting errors.
14–15 points
Name of student or date of interview is missing.
Many punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure errors are noted.
Scholarly resources are not in APA format.
0–13 points
Total Points Possible= 200
Your score=
A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

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