Friday 29 December 2017

RELI448 final exam latest

RELI448 final exam latest  

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Question 1. 1.(TCO 1) Belief in many gods is called: (Points : 4)

Question 2. 2.(TCO 1) Theology literally means: (Points : 4)
 the love of wisdom.
 the study of man.
 the study of God.
 the study of the soul.

Question 3. 3.(TCO 2) Who was the German theologian who argued in The Idea of the Holy that religions emerge when people experience that aspect of reality which is essentially mysterious? (Points : 4)
 William James
 Carl Gustav Jung
 Rudolf Otto
 E.B. Tylor

Question 4. 4.(TCO 4) Who was the Scottish anthropologist and author of The Golden Bough who saw the origins of religion in early attempts by human beings to influence nature and who identified religion as an intermediate stage between magic and science? (Points : 4)
 James Frazer
 Rudolf Otto
 William James
 Wilhelm Schmidt

Question 5. 5.(TCO 4) What is the name of the Austrian ethnographer and philologist who argued that all humankind once believed in a single High God and that to this simple monotheism later beliefs in lesser gods and spirits were added? (Points : 4)
 James Frazer
 William James
 Wilhelm Schmidt
 Carl Gustav Jung

Question 6. 6.(TCO 8) One feature that probably contributed to the rich developments in Hinduism was which of the following? (Points : 4)
 the constant invasions of India by foreigners
 the frequent floods and fires across India
 India's isolation from other areas
 India's extensive natural resources

Question 7. 7.(TCO 8) The term meaning non-harm or nonviolence is: (Points : 4)

Question 8. 8.(TCO 9) In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna counsels Arjuna to: (Points : 4)
 meditate to experience moksha.
 work unselfishly for others.
 adhere to one's duty (dharma) in this life.
 engage in nonviolent resistance.

Question 9. 9.(TCO 10) The most accurate descriptor of Jainism is: (Points : 4)

Question 10. 10.(TCO 8) According to the Buddha, his teachings must be: (Points : 4)
 accepted on faith.
 experienced by oneself.
 memorized and chanted.
 spread by missionaries.

Question 11. 11.(TCO 8) The Buddhist term for sorrow or suffering is: (Points : 4)

Question 12. 12.(TCO 8) The Chinese word for "propriety," savoir faire, "ritual" is: (Points : 4)
 Ren (jen).

Question 13. 13.(TCO 8) Confucius thought the most important relationship was: (Points : 4)

Question 14. 14.(TCO 9) According to the Daoists, if one leaves behind desires for individual things, one will: (Points : 4)
 be reborn to a better life.
 see things differently.
 become nameless.

Question 15. 15.(TCO 9) In Zhuangzi's (Chuang Tzu's) famous dream, he was not certain that he was not: (Points : 4)
 an ox.
 a butterfly.
 a Daoist.

Question 16. 16.(TCO 5) All of the following minor religions are offshoots of a major world religion except: (Points : 4)

Question 17. 17.(TCO 11) Shinto is characterized by: (Points : 4)
 respect for nature and a centralized religious bureaucracy.
 love of beauty but little influence on Japanese art.
 love of beauty but few religious rituals.
 respect for nature and many religious rituals.

Question 18. 18.(TCO 6) Someone inspired by God to speak for him was called a: (Points : 4)

Question 19. 19.(TCO 6) The sacred core of the Hebrew Bible is called the: (Points : 4)

Question 20. 20.(TCO 6) The Jewish Day of Atonement is: (Points : 4)
 Yom Kippur.

Question 21. 21.(TCO 7) The view that God's imminent divine judgment and the end of the world is near is: (Points : 4)

Question 22. 22.(TCO 7) Letters written in the New Testament to instruct, encourage, and solve problems are called: (Points : 4)

Question 23. 23.(TCO 6) Muhammad's job before he became a prophet was as a: (Points : 4)
 date grower.
 caravan driver.
 camel breeder.

Question 24. 24.(TCO 6) The month of fasting, the ninth month of the Muslim calendar, is known as: (Points : 4)
 Id al-Adha.

Question 25. 25.(TCO 12) The Baha'is found a messianic figure in: (Points : 4)
 a young Persian aristocrat, Baha'u'llah.
 an Ethiopian king.
 a writer of science fiction.
 a Jamaican farmer.

Question 1. 1.(TCO 4) Compare and contrast Carl Gustav Jung's theory about the origin of religions with William James's theory. How do each of these psychologists view religion (positively or negatively)? Next, analyze how the insights of Jung or James might illuminate your religious tradition or the tradition with which you are the most familiar. How would Jung or James understand that tradition? Use specific examples to support your answer (e.g., a specific belief or ritual).
(Points : 50)
2.(TCO 9) Identify and analyze the Three Marks of Reality; in particular, concept of the no-soul doctrine. How do these differ from the Hindu concept of reality? Include enough details to support your answer.
(Points : 50)

3.(TCO 3) Explain and evaluate Thomas Aquinas' Cosmological Argument for the existence of God: The first and plainest is the method that proceeds from the point of view of motion. It is certain and in accord with experience, that things on earth undergo change. Now, everything that is moved is moved by something; nothing, indeed, is changed, except it is changed to something which it is in potentiality. Moreover, anything moves in accordance with something actually existing; change itself, is nothing else than to bring forth something from potentiality into actuality. Now, nothing can be brought from potentiality to actual existence except through something actually existing: thus heat in action, as fire, makes fire-wood, which is hot in potentiality, to be hot actually, and through this process, changes itself. The same thing cannot at the same time be actually and potentially the same thing, but only in regard to different things. What is actually hot cannot be at the same time potentially hot, but it is possible for it at the same time to be potentially cold.
It is impossible, then, that anything should be both mover and the thing moved, in regard to the same thing and in the same way, or that it should move itself. Everything, therefore, is moved by something else. If, then, that by which it is moved, is also moved, this must be moved by something still different, and this, again, by something else. But this process cannot go on to infinity because there would not be any first mover, nor, because of this fact, anything else in motion, as the succeeding things would not move except because of what is moved by the first mover, just as a stick is not moved except through what is moved from the hand. Therefore it is necessary to go back to some first mover, which is itself moved by nothing--and this all men know as God.
Briefly explain and then evaluate this proof for the existence of God.

4.(TCO 11) Identify and analyze three basic patterns in indigeneous religions. Use examples from African religions to support your answer.

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